Source Code via "Hyperlink" for Documentation [closed] - hyperlink

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Closed 4 years ago.
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I'm becoming more insistent on documenting all of my code and demonstrating to users and other Engineers on my team where I am locating given information, or where I found a specific section of code.
What I would like to be able to accomplish is to create links to lines or files of my code (Verilog/SystemVerilog, VHDL, C/C++ and RTL sources) but really finding or coming up with a solution to doing so in any language would be beneficial to me.
This would be done via Word Documents, PDF Files, and I don't mind the setup, using LaTeX, etc., but I would like to find a way of doing so. Essentially I would like to click on a reference, where I specified either the line or the file, and the file is brought up in an editor for the reader.
All documents would be placed where all users using the file can see the necessary files and my preference is to be able to do this in Linux.

You can use doxygen to generate html documentation. I use it to generate html documentation from within the source of my VHDL.
If you wanted to reference external documents, doxygen does support external links. I've never tried doing so, but the documentation suggests they are automatically extracted.
An example would be (taken and extended from:
--! #file
--! #brief 2:1 Mux using with-select
library ieee;
use ieee.std_logic_1164.all;
--! Mux entity brief description
--! Detailed description of this mux
--! Documentation can be found at http://the_documentation.html
entity mux_using_with is
port (
end entity;
Once doxygen is run, you'll get a set of hyperlinked documentation, including automated hierarchy diagrams, with references to you're external documentation.
I find the hierarchy diagrams useful enough to not bother with any externally drawn pictures, as it seems to be a duplication of work.
I should add that doxygen is language independent, so can be used in all of your suggested code types. You'll have to fiddle around with the configuration file a bit though to get the output that suits you best.


Wiki Documentation Site with Source Control & Release Management [closed]

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Closed 6 years ago.
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I've been searching for information on available wiki software, using pages such as, and am looking for a solution which will meet a number of requirements, but haven't been able to find anything suitable yet. I am looking to create a documentation site in a form similar to TechNet, MSDN, or, and although this could be done with either a SharePoint site or a traditional wiki such as MediaWiki, these are generally for open, community edited content which evolves rapidly, or internal company documentation where the presence of errors and incomplete content is not considered an issue. In this case the documentation is to be visible to customers online and would only be edited by our staff, so it would be preferable for its content to be in source control and using managed releases to different environments (i.e. a DEV site where our staff edit the content, a TEST site for proof reading and a LIVE site, online for the public) so that half-written content, or content which has not been proof read is not immediately visible as it is in a standard wiki, but the ability to allow staff to edit the documentation quickly in a wiki-style format is also important.
I am aware that projects such as Sandcastle, Document! X and Doxygen, which generate MSDN style documentation directly from the source code, but do not intend this to be a documentation site generated from source code comments, but one containing written articles. In essence, I am looking for software which provides:
The ease of use of a wiki - anyone can log into the DEV site and add/edit content.
Source control of all the content, presumably Markdown files and images, not in a database, where the source control (TFS) is automatically updated/files checked out/checked in, by the aforementioned 'easy edit' wiki capabilities.
As a result of the above, the ability to 'release' the documentation to test and production environments, as you might do with any other web site solution.
Additional examples would be sites such as or Can anyone provide information on whether such a solution is available, or an explanation of how sites such as MSDN, TechNet or the RedGate documentation site are managed and the applications used for them?
Here at Redgate we use Atlassian Confluence. It's been around for a while and despite a few quirks I would strongly suggest you try it for yourself. It is available hosted or on-premise, and has a wealth of extensions and other customization options.

Any method to document design in xib/Storyboard? [duplicate]

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Closed 5 years ago.
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Is there a tool for documenting the many Xcode bindings, outlet and IBAction bindings, key value bindings, etc? I have looked at the threads on Doxygen and HeaderDoc, but these document program files, to describe classes etc, but don't seem to cover the huge number of 'hidden' linkages that Xcode drag-and-drop enables?
A specific example, I can use the XIB editor to create an IBAction for every control on my window, to methods in one or more class/instances, defined in one or more files - I want ONE list of all of these, showing the control type and name, the source file, class and method - or a graphical representation would be even better. Then a similar list for the key value path links to arrayControllers etc.
I AM new, so if I have missed something obvious, please tell me.
No, there's no tool for documenting .xib files unless you consider the file itself as part of your documentation. (You did say "self documenting" after all.) .xibs are stored as XML, though, so if you really want to extract the data, it's there to be had.
The actions you create in IB appear in your source code. You could add comments there describing the object that sends the action, but that would largely miss the point of using a .xib (and actions) in the first place, which is to decouple the UI elements from the controller.
If the point of the documentation is to make your project easier for other developers to understand, you might want to get some more experience with Objective-C before you go to a lot of trouble creating a .xib documenting tool. Given a .xib and the relevant header files, any competent Obj-C programmer should be able to tell easily which controls are connected to which actions, or to debug problems in that area. People have been working with .xib and .nib files for 20+ years -- the lack of a separate documentation tool may be a good indication that such a thing may not be as useful as it seems at first.

Looking for a Rails plugin for modular wiki functionality [closed]

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Closed 8 years ago.
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There are a few plugins that implement a traditional wiki (collection of stand-alone wiki pages in a flat namespace), including irwi and wiki_column. That's not what I want.
What I want is something modular, so I can add a wiki panel on any random page of my website, or have fields in several different models be "wikified" (editable by all with version history). In other words, I want embeddable wiki objects rather than a full-page wiki, and I want the wiki content blocks to be anonymous rather than named in a unified flat namespace, or associable with specific objects.
Is there anything like that?
To wikify content is rather easy, so here some thoughts to it:
Have a look at the Railscast: Markdown with Redcarpet which explains how to wikify (that means style) content as HTML. That is one of the things you have to have to wikify pages. It is rather simple, and works like a charm.
Second, how will you link to "wiki content" without a name? For me, wiki is at least some content that is linked ...
To get a history, you should link your model object to versions of model. The Railscast #177 implements a wiki with versioning, perhaps that gives you enough hints to do it.
To add "a wiki panel" means then, that you have a (versioned) model WikiPanel, that may then used by other models. Hope my hints give you a starting point (even if it comes 20 months too late ...).
You could check out AdvaCMS, which features a wiki. AdvaCMS is built with Rails Engines (e.g. plugins). Check it out at

Modeling software for network serialization protocol design [closed]

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Closed 4 years ago.
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I am currently designing a low level network serialization protocol (in fact, a refinement of an existing protocol).
As the work progress, pen and paper documents start to show their limits: i have tons of papers, new and outdated merged together, etc... And i can't show anything to anyone since i describe the protocol using my own notation (a mix of flow chart & C structures).
I need a software that would help me to design a network protocol. I should be able to create structures, fields, their sizes, their layout, etc... and the software would generate some nice UMLish diagrams.
Sorry to say, everything I've seen so far (various serial protocols for embedded devices/networks) has used Word documents, with plain old tables showing allocations of fields to the bytes in the message. Alternatively, I've seen it done in Excel documents! It works, and people can read it.
Unfortunately, that's not helpful for automatic code generation, unless you have a very strict format in e.g. an Excel doc that you can then parse with a tool to generate some code. It would be good to have a notation that can be easily machine parsed, as well as human readable.
For showing message handshaking and sequences, a UML sequence diagram is good of course. There are lots of tools readily available to help you with that part of it.

MathML, Latex or similar for web-based WYSIWYG editor [closed]

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Closed 4 years ago.
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I am looking for a web-based WYSIWYG (or WYSIWYM) editor like TinyMCE or WMD Editor (used to write this question) that supports users to write mathematical formulas. I have looked at LaTeX a little bit but it has a learning curve and I am not sure if support for MathML is extensive. Ideally I would also like to avoid having to rewrite an editor and would rather just pick one off the shelf.
Would like to know if any of you have dealt with a similar situation and what solution you adopted/built.
I was looking for something similar and came across this question. Then I was excited to find Mathquill, via the Wikipedia page on formula editors.
I've used a bunch of different formula editors, from MS Equation Editor to Google Docs' to LyX, and this is probably the most usable/fluid of all of them for simply banging out formulas. And it's web-based and GPL. This thing is much nicer than Google Docs' formula editor, at least.
Still leaves plenty of things to be desired, e.g. so far I've found: bolding, entering things like bra-kets, \hat, undo/redo history, mouse drag selection, etc. But I'm impressed by what's already in there. Anyway, it's just a few Javascript files, and on github. has the software to do exactly what you want.
I used texvc in a project a while back (what wikipedea uses) and it was reasonable, but it isn't really WYSIWYG. On the other hand, I prefer that since in many cases it's easier to specify what you mean than draw it.
see here DragMath
which is already used by Moodle and other sites.
And its Open Source
WIRIS would be another Javascript based visual math editor (commercial license required for some applications).
