Test Users for Facebook Account Kit? - account-kit

In the past with the FB API, you could use the developer portal to create test accounts, and then use their tokens for testing the API. We would use these Test User tokens in our tests, CI, etc.
How come there aren't Test Users for Account Kit? When I use my Test User access tokens with the Account Kit API, they don't work.

There is no concept of test user for Account Kit. You would have to test with your own phone number or email.


Test Manager Account Google Ads API

I am trying to Create a Client test account under Test manager account of google ads API but my test manager account is marked as closed. See below
As mentioned in the picture a, we need to use new google account to create test manager account that is not been used in production manager account, I did the same. I created new google account and created test manager account but when I try to generate Refresh token for test account by using OAuth playground, It generates an error. see picture b.
Picture a.
Picture b.
Am I doing something wrong to configure the test manager account? Is there anything I need to follow to enable test account? The request to generate refresh token is getting denied. Is it because my account is closed?
The manager account for test account will always be closed because it is not managing any accounts in production environment.
To create test accounts, sign in as test manager account then follow the screenshots
when you click add button, you will be prompted to ask to create new account.
One you have clicked to create account, you will be asked to fill the details of the account. Follow the instructions to create test account.
When you create an account, you should pay attention to the filter feature. Otherwise, you will not be able to view the account.
This image
You've probably already solved this, but someone else may have the same problem [I did just a few days ago].
So here's my contribution:
Even if you are the developer, you'll need to add your email as a test user to the project on the consent screen in API & Services
Here are 2 screenshots

Is there a way to create a test adwords client account?

I'd like to to create a test adwords client account so I can use it for adwords API calls with a pending developer token.
I have followed the steps in the doc in this link and successfully created a test manager account (with the red label) using the Google Ads UI.
As required, I did that with a different google id than the one I used for the production manager account.
Then it says in the doc "While logged in to Google Ads as your test manager account, any client accounts you create will automatically be test accounts."
But for me those clients accounts were created as production. No red label, and requesting for budget.
Any idea what am I doing wrong, or an alternative way to create a client test account?
Appreciate your help,
After getting some help from Google Ads API team (see thread here) the answer is:
Create a google adwords manager test account, see here how to
Create a google adwords client test account from within that manager account, see here how to
And then, even if you get the billing error message, and you don't see any client accounts created, it's actually there, but hidden. To show it, enable the 'Canceled accounts' checkbox, as seen here:

Apple Sign In Testing Flow with Mock Users

Apple have announced if your app includes Facebook/Google Login you must include theirs.
Facebook Login includes "Test Roles" in their developer portal this allows you to create mock users for testing the flow of your app.
Is there anything similar for testing Sign In with Apple flow? Somewhere to create mock users.
It's just I've used my own Apple ID and I'm now out of test apple accounts. Having to create real Apple accounts for one test is unsustainable. How to developers get around this?

can't find where to create adwords developer token

I'm truing to figure out how to create an adwords developer token in new google interface. It was in settings tab formerly (right here at the screenshot http://take.ms/9lBlZ) but now it's gone. I looked through almost all links and didn't find an answer. So I really appreciate your help guys! Thanks!
If you create a campaign in your MCC (manager account), the MCC became normal Account, and you cant find "AdWords API Center" option.
I had to re-create another MCC
This thread is kind of old, but I just went through this so I can highlight the things that were confusing to me.
You need to create a legitimate MCC account, AND a test account. In the real one you need to apply for a developer token. You want to put this token in the properties file here api.adwords.developerToken
From your test MCC you need to create a test client. Use the clientId from the TEST client you just created in api.adwords.clientCustomerId in the properties file.
You need to get an API token for your app (and an OAuth token) through Google's developer console https://console.developers.google.com
Make sure the active google account session for your browser is for the email you registered your TEST Account to. Run the script they give to get the refresh token and put it here api.adwords.refreshToken in the properties file.
Now you're using your test developer token from your real account and given permissions to use the test account.
Google made this way more confusing than it had to be in my opinion...hopefully this helps someone figure it out though!
There are two types of Adwords Manager accounts, normal and testing.
How to get a testing account
With the normal one, I got the developer token but I cannot run nothing throught the API because the account was not approved.
So I created a testing account, which allows to work with the API without the need of being approved.
With the testing account I didn't saw the Adwords API Center link under Account Settings.
Reading documentation I saw the developer token of a normal account can be used with a different Adwords account.
So I'm using the info (client_id, client_secret, oauth_token) of a testing Adwords account and the developer token a normal Adwords account.
To get the Oauth_token you can use the OAuth Playground (remember to set the Playground link for redirection on your Oauth credentials).
Instructions to get a OAuth Playground with Adwords
Please complete the billing details after creating MCC account.
Once that is completed you can see API Center option under Tool Icon.
By filling billing details doesn't charge you but its just for verification purpose.
I just had the same issue.
Go here: https://ads.google.com/home/tools/manager-accounts/
Click "Create a manager account", follow the prompts and voila.

app with paypal ios sdk. sandbox and live credentials?

am doing my sandbox testing with developer credentials. when i want to go live, should I (developer) get business account and thereby live credentials? if i develop an app for someone, why can't i have other person who has a business create paypal account (on developer.paypal.com??) and get live credentials? then use those credentials in app. as a developer i can submit the app to paypal and manage it. but i don't want to create premier business account.
above doc says:
"All calls to PayPal operations are made through the application account, which is a PayPal account that is controlled by the application owner. ...To obtain live PayPal credentials, you must have a verified Premier or verified Business PayPal account."
Log in to the PayPal Developer website using the credentials of the PayPal account registered to the application owner.
Note that the PayPal account associated with the application must be a verified Premier or verified Business account."
could someone clarify?
You can develop/test a couple different ways....
You can have your merchant that you are developing for login to dev portal, create the app, and then provide you with their test credentials. This way when you go Live, they just need to enable their Live credentials, provide them to you, and then you can swap the test credentials out for the Live ones.
You can develop/test with your app you created in your developer portal and your test credentials. When you want to go Live then you would need the merchant to go into their dev portal, create an app, enable their Live credentials, and then have them provide those credentials to you.
The first way is going to be less of a headache for you (in my opinion) because then you will be testing with the same App from development to Live. Also, this way you know that the App has been created and the merchant can enable their Live credentials while you are developing/testing versus waiting for them to do all of that when you are ready to go Live.
