PayPal Adaptive Payment iOS Approval URL (Maybe MPL and new iOS SDK) - ios

first in my iOS project i have to include a payment which i can only i achieve with the Adaptive Payment Flow. I have to ensure that the users has a valid paypal account, for what i use the "new" iOS SDK. Later after some action, i create on the Server Site a payment with the The Backend is creating me a pre approval url which works fine in the browser. Now my question how should i handle this url on mobile, i tried it in a web view, which looks terrible and don't works for some reasons which i don't know, anyway it is bad for me that i don't have then any callbacks to check if the buy was successfully. I tried also do integrate the old mpl paypal library, but i cant add it to my project because there a duplicated files in the old and the new paypal lib. Did anybody have a hint, how to accomplish my use case?


How to make live ios app with paypal MPL

I am using paypal MPL library in my application that is working fine in sandbox mode and I am using Application-id APP-80W284485P519543T for testing mode .
From the application the customer can make payment to one reciepient that is static and payment will go to my client account .
Now i want to make my app live and i need live AppId for Paypal MPL .
Acccording to developer docs i need to create App in paypal developer site which i already did but i only get client id and secret id there which i don't need because i have used MPL library.
So , I just want to know that from where i can get Appid for paypal MPL.
should i need to create App again from client account.
I didn't upload any app using paypal.
any help or suggestion will be helpfull.
MPL uses Classic App ID, you need to create Classic App instead of Rest App.
Log in to the PayPal Developer website using the credentials of the PayPal account registered to the application owner.
Note that the PayPal account associated with the application must be a verified Premier or verified Business account.
Click Applications on the nav bar to access the My Applications page.
Click Create and Manage Classic API Apps link at the bottom of the page to access the My Applications page.
(Alternately, you can go directly to the My Applications page by navigating to the My Apps page on the Developer Portal.)
Click New App on the left nav bar to access the App Information form.
Complete the form and click the Submit App button.To ensure the fastest possible application review, supply as much information as possible when completing the submittal form.

braintree payment_method_nonce for embedded device

I am trying to use braintree to allow customer pay through a device other than mobile phone or browser. So I can't use braintree client javascript or mobile app sdk. I want to ask customer to input
their credit card in the device and save it to braintree vault. I can get credit_token and customer_id.
However to make a payment, latest braintree api need to use payment_method_nonce, which is suppose
to be generated by the web or mobile client SDK. In my case, I can't use the clien SDK. Does anyone
how to generate the payment_method_nonce required without using javascript or mobile sdk.
Asked braintree support and they said they don't support devices other than browser and mobile phone as
I used old braintree api, which can use credit_token as payment_method_nonce to make payment. The downside is the credit_card_token is not one time use. Someone may reuse it if they get it.

iOS Chained Payment without buyer needing Paypal account - MPL and PayPal iOS SDK

Using either MPL or PayPal iOS SDK - I need to implement chained payments in my iOS app without having a user needing to login with their Paypal account.
The github demo sample forces a user to login to make a chained payment.
Has anyone worked around this?
I assume this is not yet feasible with the new SDK
Unfortunately the MPL doesn't offer up guest checkout functionality so your customers would need to login to a PayPal account to make the Chained Payment. Also, you are correct that the new mSDK does not yet support Chained Payments.

paypal api for blackberry

I am recently developing a business application naming MyTicket.
I want that paypal gateway should be open within the app So
for that is there any paypal api in blackberry that helps me in fulfilling this
I have already tried with creating a Paypal API wrapper for example using PHP, which is used by a proxy page. Then in the BlackBerry, use standard HTTP requests to send GET/POST requests to the proxy page. The proxy page will in turn use the wrapper you created to set up payment for you and your customer.But by following this way we are able to make credit card payments with the application and entire transaction will happen at the server end and in response we may obtain a result at client end that transaction is happened successfully.
But i want that the paypal transaction will happen with the paypal account.So is there any
sdk in blackberry which helps me in fulfilling this request.
Thanks And Regards
Pinkesh Gupta
There was an API, but they dropped support. I think now the only platforms supported are iOS and Android: PayPal -Mobile Payment Libraries
(If you want to check out how the BB version was like, or if you manage to find the jar, this was the development guide:MPL Guide for BlackBerry)
Now RIM has a Payment Service that might help you: Payment Service
If you use the standard Express Checkout API within your app it'll automatically utilize the mobile checkout experience.
I use this in my jQuery Mobile Apps and it works great. If you're building a native Java app, though, you might have to use some sort of an embedded web page to make it work.

PayPal Mobile Payments, Logins, MPL and MEP files for iOS and PhoneGap

I'm trying to set up a mobile PayPal payment for gift cards in an iPhone app using the PhoneGap PayPal plugin but I'm hitting a brick wall:
I can launch a payment and get to the PayPal screen on the simulator but no combination of logins will work for me. I have verified these logins minutes earlier on the PayPal sandbox test site. I am using the sandbox App-ID and ENV_SANDBOX. I am also logged into my sandbox account on my Mac while doing this.
The log in XCode shows the payment message with all the correct price, items details, etc.
I have whitelisted th PayPal sites and I don't get whitelist messages in the log.
On my iPhone 4 with iOS 5.0 I cannot get to the PayPal screen. The log shows the "FILE SYSTEM CHECK ERROR" message. I have read elsewhere that this is to do with jailbroken phones but my phone is definitely not jailbroken.
I have tried just about every combination of ideas I can find but to no avail. So I have to ask:
Does the sandbox work OK for PayPal mobile payments? Has anyone got a successful login sequence?
The PhoneGap plugin uses a PayPal library file ending in "MEP" but the latest PayPal library uses an "MPL" suffix (or MEC for express checkout). Some of the function calls appear different between MEP and MPL as well. Is this a difference in versions and the PhoneGap plugin is just running an old version library? If so, is this likely to be a cause of issues?
I've only tried the MECL library at the moment, because our customer already had a working server backend.
Dunno if this can be of any use to you, but you may have a shot at
Unfortunately it doesn't use the MPL library and you need some backend code to complete the express checkout flow. It works, though.
Have you created your fake accounts inside your sandbox?
The login when trying to test paying on the sandbox is NOT your login, and is NOT your login.
Additionally, you must FIRST log into before your fake sandbox accounts will be recognized by the sandbox... This might be hard to do on a mobile device.
