Accessing webContents from within preload script in BrowserWindow - electron

I want to create a "Worker" BrowserWindow from within a render process. The worker process will do some long running calculations and periodically report back.
Instead of creating the worker BrowserWindow from within the main process directly, it looks like I can use the remote module to do so from within the renderer process:
import remote from 'electron'
const workerWindow = new remote.BrowserWindow({
show: false,
webPreferences: {
preload: path.join(__dirname, 'preloadWorker.js')
workerWindow.loadURL('file://' + __dirname + '/worker.html');
I figured I can use the webContents object of the workerWindow to listen for updates like this:
workerWindow.webContents.on('worker-result', (event, msg) => console.log(msg));
But what I can't figure out how to do is emit events from the 'preloadWorker.js' file. I want to do something this in the preloadWorker.js,
setInterval(() =>{
this.webContents.send('worker-result', 'hello from worker');
}, 1000);
Now I know I could do all of this by sending messages using ipcMain and ipcRemote, but I'm trying to save myself some seems like I should be able to access the webContents from within the preload.js script somehow.

This is a really old question, and you might not need it anymore. However, you can use ipcRenderer.sendToHost to communicate with the webview that your preload script is bound to.
const { ipcRenderer } = require('electron');
setInterval(() => {
ipcRenderer.sendToHost('worker-result', 'hello from worker');
}, 1000);


Sending messages from main process to renderer in Electron in 2022

In my App I have two windows: mainWindow and actionWindow. On my mainWindow I use the ipcRenderer.on listener to receive as message from the main process when the actionWindow is closed. The message however doesn't come through.
The mainWindow is used to control actions that take place on the actionWindow (e.g. navigate to an URL, remotely close the window, ...). I want to give the user the power to move and close the actionWindow manually as well, which is why its title bar is visible and usable.
I expose ipcRenderer.invoke for two-way communication and ipcRenderer.on to the mainWindow's renderer via contextBridge in a preload file.
This is what the code looks like (based on vite-electron-builder template)
main process
const mainWindow = new BrowserWindow({
show: false, // Use 'ready-to-show' event to show window
webPreferences: {
nativeWindowOpen: true,
webviewTag: false,
preload: join(__dirname, "../../preload/dist/index.cjs"),
const actionWindow = new BrowserWindow({
// some props
actionWindow.on("close", () => {
console.log("window closed")
mainWindow.webContents.send("closed", { message: "window closed" });
contextBridge.exposeInMainWorld("ipcRenderer", {
invoke: ipcRenderer.invoke,
on: ipcRenderer.on,
renderer (mainWindow)
window.ipcRenderer.on("closed", () => {
console.log("message received")
// do something
I know for a fact that
mainWindow has access to the exposed listeners, since invoke works and the actions it fires on the main process are executed on the actionWindow as supposed + the response also comes back to the renderer.
the close listener on the actionWindow works since I can see the log window closed in my console
message received doesn't appear in my dev tools console
To me this means that either
mainWindow.webContents.send doesn't work -> the message is never sent
window.ipcRenderer.on doesn't work -> the message never reaches its destination
So either my code is buggy or Electron has recently put some restrictions on one of these methods which I'm not aware of.
Any ideas?
If there is a smarter way to do this than IPC I'm also open to that.
Ok after hours of searching, trying and suffering I (almost accidentaly) found a solution to my problem. It really seems to be the case that electron simply doesn't do anything anymore when you call the on method from your renderer.
Studying the docs about contextBridge again I saw that the way I exposed invoke and on to the renderer, was considered bad code. The safer way to do this is expose a function for EVERY ipc channel you want to use. In my case using TypeScript it looks like this:
contextBridge.exposeInMainWorld("ipcRenderer", {
invokeOpen: async (optionsString: string) => {
await ipcRenderer.invoke("open", optionsString);
onClose: (callback: () => void) => {
ipcRenderer.on("closed", callback);
removeOnClose: (callback: () => void) => {
ipcRenderer.removeListener("closed", callback);
window.ipcRenderer.onClose(() => {
// do sth
window.ipcRenderer.invokeOpen(JSON.stringify(someData)).then(() => {
// do sth when response came back
NOTE: To prevent memory leaks by creating listeners on every render of the mainWindow you also have to use a cleanup function which is provided with removeOnClose (see preload). How to use this function differs depending on the frontend framework. Using React it looks like this:
const doSth= () => {
console.log("doing something")
useEffect(() => {
return () => {
}, []);
Not only is this a safer solution, it actually suddenly works :O
Using the cleanup function we also take care of leaks.

How access path in electron preloader script?

In my electron app, I'm storing some settings data locally using the 'electron-json-storage' module.
However, in order to access this data, I must first find out the local path.
I'm using app.getPath('userData')); for this. You can see how my preloader script looks like below:
const { contextBridge, ipcRenderer, app } = require('electron');
let os = require("os");
contextBridge.exposeInMainWorld('electron', {
ipcRenderer: {
myPing() {
ipcRenderer.send('ipc-example', 'ping');
on(channel, func) {
const validChannels = ['ipc-example',];
if (validChannels.includes(channel)) {
ipcRenderer.on(channel, (event, ...args) => func(...args));
once(channel, func) {
const validChannels = ['ipc-example'];
if (validChannels.includes(channel)) {
ipcRenderer.once(channel, (event, ...args) => func(...args));
cpuCount: os.cpus().length,
localPath: app.getPath('userData'),
Unfortunately, it seems app isn't accessible in the preloader script because dev-tools shows the following error:
Uncaught Error: Cannot read property 'getPath' of undefined
Do I need to send the app path from a main script using a preloaded ipc-event, or is there any way to access it in the preloader itself?
The problem is that the app module is limited to the main process. As the preload scripts already run in the renderer, you cannot access app and would have to ask your main process via IPC for the path.
As a side note, it's probably preferable to just use IPC once (when your preload script is initialised, so before you define your main world functions) and cache the result the main process is returning.

Workbox precache putting items inside -temp cache, and not using it later [duplicate]

To enable my app running offline. During installation the service worker should:
fetch a list of URLs from an async API
reformat the response
add all URLs in the response to the precache
For this task I use Googles Workbox in combination with Webpack.
The problem: While the service worker successfully caches all the Webpack assets (which tells me that the workbox basically does what it should), it does not wait for the async API call to cache the additional remote assets. They are simply ignored and neither cached nor ever fetched in the network.
Here is my service worker code:
self.addEventListener('install', (event) => {
const precacheController = new
const preInstallUrl = 'https://www.myapiurl/Assets';
.then(response => response.json()
.then((Assets) => {
Object.keys( => {
self.__precacheManifest = [].concat(self.__precacheManifest || []);
workbox.precaching.precacheAndRoute(self.__precacheManifest, {});
workbox.routing.registerRoute(/^.*\.(jpg|JPG|gif|GIF|png|PNG|eot|woff(2)?|ttf|svg)$/, workbox.strategies.cacheFirst({ cacheName: 'image-cache', plugins: [new workbox.cacheableResponse.Plugin({ statuses: [0, 200] }), new workbox.expiration.Plugin({ maxEntries: 600 })] }), 'GET');
And this is my webpack configuration for the workbox:
new InjectManifest({
swDest: 'sw.js',
swSrc: './src/sw.js',
globPatterns: ['dist/*.{js,png,html,css,gif,GIF,PNG,JPG,jpeg,woff,woff2,ttf,svg,eot}'],
maximumFileSizeToCacheInBytes: 5 * 1024 * 1024,
It looks like you're creating your own PrecacheController instance and also using the precacheAndRoute(), which aren't actually intended to be used together (not super well explained in the docs, it's only mentioned in this one place).
The problem is the helper methods on workbox.precaching.* actually create their own PrecacheController instance under the hood. Since you're creating your own PrecacheController instance and also calling workbox.precaching.precacheAndRoute([...]), you'll end up with two PrecacheController instances that aren't working together.
From your code sample, it looks like you're creating a PrecacheController instance because you want to load your list of files to precache at runtime. That's fine, but if you're going to do that, there are a few things to be aware of:
Your SW might not update
Service worker updates are usually triggered when you call navigator.serviceWorker.register() and the browser detects that the service worker file has changed. That means if you change what /Assets returns but the contents of your service worker files haven't change, your service worker won't update. This is why most people hard-code their precache list in their service worker (since any changes to those files will trigger a new service worker installation).
You'll have to manually add your own routes
I mentioned before that workbox.precaching.precacheAndRoute([...]) creates its own PrecacheController instance under the hood. It also adds its own fetch listener manually to respond to requests. That means if you're not using precacheAndRoute(), you'll have to create your own router and define your own routes. Here are the docs on how to create routes:
I realised my mistake. I hope this helps others as well. The problem was that I did not call precacheController.install() manually. While this function will be executed automatically it will not wait for additional precache files that are inserted asynchronously. This is why the function needs to be called after all the precaching happened. Here is the working code:
const precacheController = new workbox.precaching.PrecacheController();
// Hook into install event
self.addEventListener('install', (event) => {
// Get API URL passed as query parameter to service worker
const preInstallUrl = new URL(location).searchParams.get('preInstallUrl');
// Fetch precaching URLs and attach them to the cache list
const assetsLoaded = fetch(preInstallUrl)
.then(response => response.json())
.then((values) => {
Object.keys( => {
.then(() => {
// After all assets are added install them
self.__precacheManifest = [].concat(self.__precacheManifest || []);
workbox.precaching.precacheAndRoute(self.__precacheManifest, {});
workbox.routing.registerRoute(/^.*\.(jpg|JPG|gif|GIF|png|PNG|eot|woff(2)?|ttf|svg)$/, workbox.strategies.cacheFirst({ cacheName: 'image-cache', plugins: [new workbox.cacheableResponse.Plugin({ statuses: [0, 200] }), new workbox.expiration.Plugin({ maxEntries: 600 })] }), 'GET');

Trigger ipcRenderer event from devtools in Electron BrowserWindow

I need to trigger this event from devtools. It gets triggered when called from the main process (js) using mainWindow.webContents.send('get-holdings', 'get holdings!');
I have webPrefences set with nodeIntegration: false as there were jquery and angular errors if nodeIntegration was set to true.
For debugging, I want to do it from devtools console. I looking for the code that needs to be put into the devtools console to trigger the get-holdings event.
ipcRenderer.on('get-holdings', (event, arg) => {
var holdings;
$.getJSON('', function(res){
holdings =;
ipcRenderer.send('save-holdings', holdings);
Please help!
Borrowing ideas from the code in devtron, I solved it using this in the pre-load script
window.__electron = require('electron');
Then, I could simply do the following:
win = window.__electron.remote.getCurrentWindow()
win.webContents.send('get-holdings', 'get holdings!');

Passing Data to Windows in Electron

I'm learning Electron and working with multiple windows and IPC. In my main script I have the following:
var storeWindow = new BrowserWindow({
width: 400,
height: 400,
show: false
ipc.on('show-store-edit', function(event, store) {
storeWindow.loadURL('file://' + __dirname + '/app/store.html');;
And in my primary window's script, I have the following inside of a click event handler, pulling in a list of stores:
$.getJSON("http://localhost:8080/stores/" + {
ipc.send('show-store-edit', store);
On the console, I am printing the store data from my server. What I'm unclear on is how to get that data into the view for my storeWindow:store.html. I'm not even sure I'm handling the sequence of events correctly but they would be:
click Edit Store
get store data from server
open new window to display store data
click Edit Store
open new window to display store data
get store data from server
In the latter, I'm not sure how I would get the ID required to fetch the store from the storeWindow's script.
To send events to particular window you can use webContents.send(EVENT_NAME, ARGS) (see docs). webContents is a property of a window instance:
// main process
storeWindow.webContents.send('store-data', store);
To listen for this event being sent, you need a listener in a window process (renderer):
// renderer process
var ipcRenderer = require('electron').ipcRenderer;
ipcRenderer.on('store-data', function (event,store) {
You need the ipcMain module to achieve this... As stated in the API "When used in the main process, it handles asynchronous and synchronous messages sent from a renderer process (web page). Messages sent from a renderer will be emitted to this module."
API Docs for the ipcMain module:
To use the ipcMain you need to have nodeIntegration enabled on webPreferences
win = new BrowserWindow({
webPreferences: {
nodeIntegration: true,
Be careful this may cause security issues.
For example: Let's say we want to pass a configuration (json) file to the web page
(Triple dots (...) represent your code that is already placed inside the file, but is not relevant to this example)
const { readFileSync } = require('fs') // used to read files
const { ipcMain } = require('electron') // used to communicate asynchronously from the main process to renderer processes.
// function to read from a json file
function readConfig () {
const data = readFileSync('./package.json', 'utf8')
return data
// this is the event listener that will respond when we will request it in the web page
ipcMain.on('synchronous-message', (event, arg) => {
event.returnValue = readConfig()
<!-- import the module -->
const { ipcRenderer } = require('electron')
<!-- here we request our message and the event listener we added before, will respond and because it's JSON file we need to parse it -->
var config = JSON.parse(ipcRenderer.sendSync('synchronous-message', ''))
<!-- process our data however we want, in this example we print it on the browser console -->
<!-- since we read our package.json file we can echo our electron app name -->
To see the console of the browser you need to open the dev tools, either from the default Electron menu or from your code.
e.g. inside the createWindow() function
