Citrix Simulation API SDK with Citrix Receiver - sdk

I am trying to use the "Simulation API SDK" for a Citrix Session, to get information about the running processes in an AutoIt script.
The SDK documentation is available here:
To use the API, the file WfIcaLib.dll is needed, which is placed at Programs/Citrix/ICA Client/WfIcaLib.dll
The modern "Citrix Receiver" has no such file and I couldn't find any way to install this SDK. The SDK itself still seems to be modern, even if the documentation is some years old.
Is there any way to use this SDK with the modern Citrix Receiver (version 4.4) or am I just wasting my time?
If this is not possible, is there any good alternative for this API, to get information about Citrix processes?
Thanks in advance.

The problem occured on a windows 10 machine with the newest Citrix receiver.
I installed the same Citrix receiver on a windows 7 machine and the dll file is available now.
Seems like it gets installed different/without the dll file on windows 10.


Create Windows 95, 98, 2000, XP NT, 7, 10

I come across the following link -
Running windows 95 as Electron APP
Is it possible to create any existing application as portable or cross-platform using electron like above?
Can we use Windows 7 or 10 like above without Oracle Virtual Box or VM in an existing Windows 8 machine ?
Need more details on how it is possible to bring an application via electron
If I'm hearing you right, you're wondering if you can put a whole OS into a JS VM running in Electron - and then run your app on top of that.
Please don't do that. Electron is a fantastic cross-platform solution, but my project windows95 was mostly an educational experiment showcasing how powerful modern JavaScript and Electron can be.
This project uses another project called v86, which is capable of virtualising a x86 platform and display its output on a HTML element. Electron is browser-based so that is why this works.
But there are some limitations: It virtualises the x86 platform, which is pretty old by now, and when you have a look at the specification, it says it is at a Pentium-1 state. The demo links on the project's GitHub ReadMe also do not contain any "modern" OS because v86 does not support SSE(2). And since Microsoft requires its users to have a SSE2-compatible CPU* it is not possible to run anything like Windows 7 or newer (Linux may work, anyway).
OSses which support this kind of (deprecated) hardware, may work. As you can see from the "Compatibility" section of the project's ReadMe, some Linux versions and Windows XP "work" but older software, like OS/2, and even newer stuff, like Android, don't (really). So you can't say that everything will work as expected because the execution environment is really limited.
Now to answer your first point, no, I don't think that you can wrap every existing app into an Electron application and run it on new hardware. It may work with old software (which do not require SSE, if you use v86, and that would require a lot of hackery on the v86 side because it is designed to run OSses), but don't quote me on that.
* The section in question reads (at the time of writing) like this:
A Stop error occurs on computers that don't support Streaming Single Instructions Multiple Data (SIMD) Extensions 2 (SSE2).
Upgrade your machines with a processor that supports SSE2 or virtualize those machines.
(emphasis mine, source:

Sending phone call without TAPI installed?

I am developing an auto-dialer application to send out mass phone calls to a list of clients from a database. I am using Dialogic's Diva SDK 5.5 WIN API to develop this application. I believe my code is running correctly and I can have the application begin the process of sending a call out, however the issue is that it stops working and just returns "Dialing" as the progress status. The call fails to do anything other than this and I have now been troubleshooting it for quite a while and found return code from one of the error tests that reports there is no TAPI installed on my computer.
Is TAPI required to be able to send phone calls successfully from any computer or is it likely the issue is just an error in my code? I am using the Dialogic Diva UM-Analog-4 media board and I believe I have all of the cables hooked up correctly to it. I cannot find anything that helps answer this question in the Dialogic manuals, any help or insight into this issue is greatly appreciated.
Which of the many APIs are you using? What version of Windows? You mentioned the 5.5 SDK, but is it the Diva API, Diva Component API, Diva API for .NET, etc.? What is your development environment? Do you call "DivaInitialize" as your first command or something else like LineInitializeEX? As of Dec 2015, Dialogic stopped supporting TAPI on their Diva boards (though it still works), so calls to one of their direct APIs should not require TAPI. However using these older 5.5 drivers, especially if you are using the COM controls, it may sit on top of TAPI. You may want to check the follwing:
run services.msc from a command prompt and make sure the "Telephony" service is running. It should be set to "automatic" if you are going to use TAPI
Check that the TSP is installed for your Dialogic card. You should have seen something related to TAPI during the install. The file "divasp.tsp" should be in your system32 folder
Make sure you ran and saved the settings in the Dialogic Configuration Manager for lines, boards, and especially "services" so it connects the correct API for you to use.

WebDAV client Library for iOS and Mac OS

I would like to be able to access a WebDAV server from my iOS 7+ and Mac OS app. Does anyone know to a good and reliable library to support this?
I have been searching for a library quit a while now but so far I hadn't any success. Of course there are several threads about this topic (here on SO and elsewhere) but most of theme are quite out dated.
DZWebDAVClient looks quite promising. But it is based on an older version of AFNetworking has not been update for quite a while. I have not been able to find any working example and was not able to get a connection to my own WebDAV server.
The same is true for wtclient and ConnectionKit
Has someone used a WebDAV client library in production? Any recommendations what lib can be used or which one is not good?
Please look at GCDWebServer
it includes webdav library for MAC OSX and IOS

Can't use QBFC5 in Windows 7 64 bit

We are trying to move an old client application from one PC to a new windows 7 64 bit PC. At the time the software was developed we used QBFC version 5 to interact with quickbooks, however it appears now that we can no longer do so. I attempted to register the interop.qbfc5lib.dll after installing the QBFC5 installation package and we still receive an error message. I've also attempted installing the most recent version of the SDK to the system and upgraded the QBRPXML2 to the most recent version. The client is now running QB2013 on the server and has updated his data to this version.
The error we are receiving is: "Retrieving the COM class factory for component with cLSID {4877276c-486d-b201-f096035ca4df} failed due to the following error: 80040154.
Suggestions other than recompile the code?
I had this problem with a client who I had used QBFC 8 and he had switched to a new computer. I didn't do a lot of research, but it appears that the installers that Intuit has on their websites use different CLSID than I originally had built against. I just downloaded and installed QBFC 5, which I didn't have anything installed for, and it shows the following CLSID in the registry (I'm on Windows 7 64-bit):
QbFC5.QBOESessionManager {86AC2FAD-C987-4757-B591-02F9867A8BE5}
QbFC5.QBSessionManager {4877276C-A727-486D-B201-F096035CA4DF}
The only thing I can think of is that the COM files that were originally installed on your development machine have been changed in a later installation. For my client on QBFC8, I simply switched to using QBFC12 and recompiled the code.

Any way to test Blackberry 10 without paying for a license?

I downloaded the blackberry 10 simulator on the Blackberry developer site and ran the installer.
The system requirements tell me to download VMware Fusion 3.1 or later; this requires me to buy a license.
I did manage to get the 30 day free trial, but is anyone aware of a way to test Blackberry 10 for more than 30 days without paying for a license?
Try use VMware player, I think it is free for non commercial use.
BB10 emulators on Windows used to need VirtualBox. Recently (between 10 Gold and 10.2 beta) they switched to VMware player.
Makes a lot of sense for Blackberry, (simplify support), sucks if you don't want to pay for a license.
So to answer your question:
Is there a way to test Blackberry 10 for more than 30 days without paying for a license?
No, if you want a supported environment and want to be able to debug/troubleshoot your apps the way the BB team envisioned it.
Yes, or at least Maybe, it used to work on VirtualBox, I'll bet it still does.
Your trial version of VMWare should be able to export VMs to the OVA/OVF format.
VirtualBox is able to import an OVA/OVF VM.
VirtualBox is also able to mount an VMWare hard-drive.
You will have to fiddle with settings of every component, (but if you still have VMware * fusion, you can try to replicate the emulated machine architecture) and I do think you'll lose "" connectivity (the small app that allows to simulate sensors).
The VM auto-detection may not work, but the link uses SSH... So if you can ping it, you will be able to debug it.
If it works, consider exporting the VirtualBox VM and sharing it. (or maybe instructions)
