Xcode 8 Cordova.h file not found - ios

Using Xcode 8 and the beta for Server (5.4). Trying to get automated builds to work but keep getting Error 'Cordova/CDVPlugin.h' file not found. This only happens when archiving from a bot. If i archive from the build machine just through Xcode, it archives fine. There was a similar issue when Xcode 7 came out that required a change to the header search paths. Anyone have a solution to this yet?
Xcode 7 Cordova Issue

Try cordova platform update ios but be careful, for some reason it messes up cordova plugin accessibility somehow.

This worked for me in Xcode 8.3.3:
go to Build Settings
find Search Paths > Framework Search Paths
add the path to where your exact Cordova library is stored on the current machine; make sure it's Cordova/Frameworks if your actual path (in Finder) has the Cordova.framework package nested in a /Frameworks sub folder
Build / Run again


UnityFramework.framework contains disallowed file 'Frameworks'. Getting this error while getting Unity IOS build

On my Unity project, I took several builds before without a problem. However, in this build, I integrated Facebook SDK and then this error (image1) started appearing when I try to upload it after archiving it on the Xcode workspace.
I also tried to upload it with Transporter, but Transporter also threw errors (image2).
When I build the project for IOS unity creates some files and there I found a UnityFramework folder, I think this folder is the mentioned folder in the error. However, there are only 2 files in this folder and none is named "Frameworks"(image3).
Here are the build options of the project at Xcode workspace (image4):
With the Android build of the app, everything is okay. This issue appears only with the IOS build.
Try to set the Always Embed Swift Standard Libraries. to No
Yes, but Set the Always Embed Swift Standard Libraries in UnityFrameWork Build Settings, not in main app's Build Settings. That worked for me.

Xcode 9.2 / iOS 11 / Can't find folder

Apple recently demanded I upgrade my iPhone to the latest iOS version (11.2), and, as usual, Xcode then refused to connect to it unless I upgraded Xcode, which, of course, I could only do, if I upgraded my version of Mac OS.
So, after wasting half a day downloading and installing updates, I'm now on Xcode 9.2, and my code, which built beautifully before, fails to build with an error of:
ld: warning: directory not found for option '-F/Applications/Xcode.app/Contents/
(Note: I've added spaces in that folder path myself, to make it readable here.)
The error message is true though.
If I attempt to go into that folder, I can get as far as the iPhoneOS11.2.sdk folder, then there's no Developer sub-folder in it.
I have Googled this problem, and lots of people recommend checking your "Library Search Paths" and "Framework Search Path" settings... but in my case, both of these were blank. I didn't have any folders specified in my build settings.
Interestingly, in that screenshot above, I noticed that the System folder does have a Library\Frameworks subfolder so (out of desperation) I copied the System folder into a folder called Developer.
Ridiculously, this seems to have fixed the problem, but surely I'm missing something here...
Has anyone else had this problem, specifically since upgrading Xcode ?
After making this change to the folder structure, I did still have 1 other error. Xcode was now complaining that:
embedded dylibs/frameworks are only supported on iOS 8.0 and later
Again, this error hadn't appeared before I upgraded Xcode, but the fix was to change the iOS Deployment Target in my "Project" build settings and in each of the Target build settings.
What really bugs me about Xcode is that I don't want/need any of the new iOS 11 functionality. This is a legacy in-house app, which we've been using since iOS 7. This stuff should just build, after an Xcode update, but with each release, we get new problems, as obscure as the ones highlighted here.
This Xcode stuff is truly terrible... please can I go back to my warm-and-cosy Microsoft environment now...?
You can use your old Xcode to support 11.2
To support you need to run below command:
sudo ln -s /Applications/Xcode.app/Contents/Developer/Platforms/iPhoneOS.platform/DeviceSupport/11.0 /Applications/Xcode821.app/Contents/Developer/Platforms/iPhoneOS.platform/DeviceSupport

apple LLVM 6.1 error Could not read profile: No such file or directory (after upgrade to XCode 6.4/7.0 beta2)

I'm trying to compile a Cordova project.
The project was working fine with XCode 6.3 and iOS 8.3 phone.
We upgraded the phone to 8.4 then everything stopped working.
I tried XCode 6.4 - got this error.
I tried XCode 7.0 beta 2 - got this error.
Search on google shows that many have this problem with no solution.
I tried to clean the code, project->build for->generate optimization profile, restart the computer, etc. Noting help.
It was a Cordova's problem: To fix it:
Remove both platform and plugins folders.
cordova platform add ios
Add all your plugins again.
Don't forget to select your profile on the project's first tab.
Same steps as when you trying to remove a plugin (never working for iOS).

Cordova iOS Build in Netbeans

I am building a cordova app using Netbeans 8.0. My problem is that although it builds on Xcode, I am getting the following error in Netbeans.
cordova prepare ios
xcodebuild: error: SDK "iphoneos6.0" cannot be located.
/Users/abc123/nbproject/build.xml:178: exec returned: 64
BUILD FAILED (total time: 2 minutes 0 seconds)
Xcode is at version 5.1. I assume I need to add the SDK path to a file somewhere, but I don't know where that is nor where to put it.
I can still use Xcode if I have to but it is quite cumbersome when the Android version still uses Netbeans. The provisioning profile is set correctly.
In netbeans goto configure cordova. You can find a link by clicking on the build device icon. from the popup select mobile platform setup. put the correct path there.
I was in the same situation. Using Netbeans 8.0.2, Xcode 6.1.1 e IOS Simulator 8.1 (550.3)
The tip, in the commentaries, from tl8, is great. Go to the Project Files Tab (Cmd+2 or on the menu bar, Windows -> Files).
On the files:
Inside those files you can make the changes. The first concerns to the simulator version. The second is about the ios version on the device.

iOS project using sqlcipher doesn't build anymore after installing Xcode 5

I'm developing an application using sqlcipher though i walked through sqlcipher tutorial to install it and everything worked well on simulators and devices using OSX 10.8.5 and Xcode 4.6. After installing Xcode 5 the project failed to build with error
no such file or directory:
I tried to build the project using Xcode 4.6 (which was working well before) but it failed with the same issue.
How can i fix this problem?
Finally, I solved it accidently when trying to solve another problem.
The mistake was that the path of "Header Search Paths" had an invalid value which is a space where Xcode automatically inserts escape character (backslash) before. After renaming this path component from the finder to a valid name the project is built successfully.
