How to open another iOS app from my PhoneGap app? - ios

I have a PhoneGap application, which needs to communicate with an external iOS app on the same device. The external app will do some special processing, and return a unique value back to my PhoneGap app. PhoneGap app then uses this unique value to do some processing internally.
Given this use case, I have two questions
How do I open another iOS app from a PhoneGap app?
How do I return to the PhoneGap app with some data from the external app
I have searched so far, but haven't found very relevant documentation. I have also tried to open another app using appname:/// strategy, hasn't worked for me.
Any help will be appreciated. thank you!

Cordova has wide range of plugins for performing different operations.
For opening external application you can use:
If you want to open an application without using any plugin:
var iOS_specificUrl = 'custom_url_scheme://url-to-reach?parameter1=val1';
window.location = iOS_specificUrl;
or you can use inappbrowser
var iOS_specificUrl = 'custom_url_scheme://url-to-reach?parameter1=val1';, '_system');
Let's say you have app1 and want to open app2 then you need to assign custom url to app2 and for that you need to make changes in app2 configuration xml file; and to do this you can use following plugin:
Or if you want to open third party application then you need to get in touch with application provider for getting custom url.


Auto update iPad app without app store

I have an iPad app and I don't want to publish on app store.
I want to reconfigure the app from server i.e. if the flow of the app was:
Page 1 -> Page 2 -> Page 3
And I change data in the database to:
Page 1 -> Page 3 -> Page 2
My app should be reconfigured. I would also like new pages to be added in my app.
How to download the Swift files in user's app, compile it on the fly and update the app without user's intervention or through app store?
This is a private app and won't be published on app store.
How to download the Swift files in user's app, compile it on the fly and update the app without user's intervention or through app store?
You can't.
You can, however, design your app to have UI not hardcoded in the app, but defined in some configuration file (i.e. in JSON format) which you would download at app launch. You would need to implement functions to create UI elements from their JSON definitions, etc.
No, This is not how it works on iOS. You can't achieve this requirement through Native iOS development. You have to create a web app. You can build the app using React-Native or PhoneGap cross platform environments. Again there, without publishing app store you can't share iOS .ipa file like the .apk file in android. In that case, you have to buy Enterprise developer account and share.
Another option like building a UI using JSON is very tricky and takes lots of efforts. In case if you really want to do like this go for it.

Can you launch **any** phone app from a web link?

Im making a phone automation system with a web interface. As part of this I am looking to replace all remote controls (tv media center etc) with my phone.
I have a Roku media player that has a remote control iOS app, what I am trying to do is to launch the Roku native phone app from my web interface.
I know it is possible to launch apps via href such as this:
Launches native FB app
But I have tried both these which fail
Fails to launch native 'Roku' app
Fails to launch native 'ROKU' app
So I have two main questions:
Is it possible to launch any app from a web link, or does the app developer need to enable that function in some way?
Answer - Yes the app developer will need to set a url schemer
Is there a way to determine the URL you would need to launch an app IE the Facebook app can be launched by fb:// but can you determine that anywhere?
Answer - There is a link to multiple URL schemers for popular apps below but my understanding is that the app developer would need to release them
JS Fiddle just in case -
Update - as a point of reference I am not developing an app this is a
web service trying to connect to apps I didn't author.
Update2 - I have been in touch with Roku support and their remote app
currently doesn't support deep linking.
To open the app from the web url the app developer need to set the id (deep linking) setting and URL Schemas in the app
For the famous app you can find the deep linking url from the net,from that you can make your list to open the app
else you can find on it's site if they have written that
List of sites which can provides some list of url schemas which you can use to open app from the web :

Is it possible to start application from other application

There are many ways to start application from another application in Android.
Is it possible to start application from another application in iOS? If possible, how do I do it?
Yes, it is possible in iOS if provided the app has its URL Scheme set. If you want to open your app from any other your app you can set the custom URL Scheme in info tab of project settings.
To test, run your app, minimize and then open safari and type the URL you just set, hit GO and your app will open.

Access a Qlikview dashboard on an iOS app

I have a Qlikview dashboard that I need to present and I've created a site that loads the Qlikview server onto the browser and runs it from there.
I now need to create an iOS app that does this. But the requirement is that the dashboard shouldn't open on the browser. The server should be loaded and run from the app itself. Is there any way to do this?
PS, I'm completely new to iOS App development and any help will be appreciated.
Yes. While saving it as a shortcut and opening it in the browser would be simple, using Apache Cordova is the best way to develop a smartphone app with HTML5/CSS/JavaScript. From the website:
When using the Cordova APIs, an app can be built without any native
code (Java, Objective-C, etc) from the app developer. Instead, web
technologies are used, and they are hosted in the app itself locally
(generally not on a remote http server).
And to make things better, it's open source.

Is it possible to have an iOS webapp call another regular app to open? Works with Mobile Safari.

I am working with my web developers that are stuck on a problem with a Web-app we are creating.
The webapp works great, you add the website to your home screen on the ipad, open it and use the website within the webapp interface outside of safari.
The issue is that we have one function that doesnt work, where when clicking a URL link within mobile safari, it calls an external app (Optiscan- a qr code reader), and then when scanning the code, then returns you to Mobile safari.
The question is - is there a way to call a URL that will open an external app, from within a webapp? Similar to how it would work from mobile safari?
If so - i am then wondering if an app can be written that calls the webapp to open. For example if i needed the QR code reader to then re-open the web app and pass it the QR code.
In iOS, native Apps can define Custom URL Schemes. If you know the scheme of an App, you can simply open it by clicking on a link like Launch Facebook App. This should launch the Facebook App for iOS if installed.
There was a crowd-sourced list of known URL schemes on but they seem to have some problems and the list is not available as of writing this. If the URL scheme of the App you need to open is not public, try contacting the developer and ask for it. I'm sure if you ask kindly, he will help you ;-)
Edit: Almost forgot to say, opening Apps like this won't return to your Web-App magically. That's something the developer of said App would have to implement.
Edit 2: I found another website that has many custom URL schemes in it's database: It does not have a URL scheme for Optiscan but for other QR Readers, maybe this will help you.
