Framework is not found. Linker command failed with exit code -1 - ios

I want to add Appsflyer framework in my project. Added by two ways
Downloaded the framework and imported it to project. Added in Linked Frameworks and Libraries. When i Compile it shows the error of "ld: framework not found AppsFlyer. Linker Command failed with exit code -1".
Tried with Cocoa pods. Created podfile and installed Appsflyer framework.
Here also i get the same error."ld: framework not found AppsFlyer. Linker Command failed with exit code -1".
Tried with all options from stackoverflow. By using Header search paths, Library search paths and framework search paths.Enabling Bitcode, Build Active Architecture only etc. Even though i get the same result.
Iam using Xcode 6.3 and tried with xcode 7.3 also.
Suggest me how to resolve the problem? Thanks in advance.


iOS firebase Mach-O Linker Error without cocapods

I'm trying to import Firebase into my iOS app. I followed this tutorial for doing this manually with Objective-C (as opposed to using CocoaPods).
When I try to build my project, I get the following errors:
"Apple Mach-O Linker Error"
"Linker command failed with exit code 1 (use -v to see invocation)"
I'm familiar with the Linux CLI (less so with Macs), but I don't understand how to apply the -v flag to XCode's build process to get more info.
I've been Googling this for the last 3 hours, but every answer I find seems to be directed at users who weren't using an XCode workspace with CocoaPods.
I don't have CocoaPods installed, so I don't think this is my issue. Despite that I have converted my project and properly imported it into an XCode workspace, this still didn't solve my problem.
My app is a Swift project, and I have imported the modulemap, firebase.h, and googleServices.plist files.
I've also made my Header and Library search paths recursive for the entire project folder in an attempt to fix this.
Here's my project navigation. Although at this point I suspect it's some kind of build setting that isn't correct.
Some selected answers I've tried to apply without success:
Apple Mach -O Linker command failed
In Xcode how do I create a new workspace and add 1 project to it so that I can see the project and its files?
Framework not found GoogleToolboxForMac
Adding system header search path to Xcode
Apple Mach-O Linker & Ditto Error - Xcode 8
Upgrading to xcode 9.2 fixes this. It appears to be an issue with earlier versions not properly handling linking.
Which is misleading b/c the firebase documentation indicates it's compatible with xcode 8. But I think that's assuming you use cocoapods. If you don't, and instead try to link the obj-c frameworks you need xcode 9+
Once I knew how to examine the more verbose linking error, googling for x86_64 led me to some helpful answers.
This and other answers helped me investigate upgrading.
ld: framework not found Stripe for architecture x86_64

"Linker command failed with exit code 1" message when building project after adding RMQClient framework to XCODe 7.3 Project

I am trying to add RMQClient framework to my XCODE 7.3 project.
I am following the steps as specified in as well as in the RabbitMQ official site.
After adding the framework and running Tools->Build I am receiving
ld: framework not found RMQClient
clang: error: linker command failed with exit code 1 (use -v to see invocation)
Error messages and can't import any of the header files from the framework.
Any suggestions for this issue?
Copying the framework package to the Project tree on Xcode solved the problem.
remember to make sure the framework is also linked and files are copied in the Build Phases section

Chartboost with Unity 5 on xcode missing linking file

Has anybody used chatboost with unity 5 on IOS? I get a linking error and a warning
warning: directory not found for option '-L/Users/alexm/Downloads/iosFree/LibrariesPlugins/iOS'
ld: library not found for -lChartboost
clang: error: linker command failed with exit code 1 (use -v to see invocation)
On the Android everything is fine. Do I have to do anything extra other what i mentioned on chartboost integration page?
Make sure that if the Chartboost plugin is using some PostprocessBuildPlayer stuff, that is isn't getting clobbered by a different script.
If, in XCode, you check the build phases tab for linked frameworks and you don't see Chartboost.framework, it's likely the build script not running correctly.

linker command failed with exit code 1 (user -v to see invocation)

I got an error:
Framework not found FacebookSDK
clang: error: linker command failed with exit code 1 (user -v to see invocation)
When I copy my project to another macbook to run,I found this error.I used the facebooksdk framework.If I deleted the facebook framework in my project and then add the facebook framework again to my project can solved this error.But I don't want to solve this problem like that.Any other better idea.
Thanks in advanced.
You should check Framework Search Path in target Build Settings, best way is write framework directory path with macro like $(SOURCE_ROOT) is allow linker find framework on different macs.
For example:
if my project live in this folder
$(SOURCE_ROOT) will be /Users/sage/Documents/devs/project1
in Framework Searh Path I should write $(SOURCE_ROOT)/libs

PJSIP Siphon(ld: library not found for -lpj-arm-apple-darwin9)

Hi i am using the Siphon application to build my application. I have successfuly upload the binary to itunes store 3 months before. Now have to change the graphic of that app and trying to build the binary but it is giving me the following linker error. Any one can please guide me why it is so.
ld: library not found for -lpj-arm-apple-darwin9
clang: error: linker command failed with exit code 1 (use -v to see invocation)
one thing more i have libpj-arm-apple-darwin9.a library inside my project.
This error occurs when we copy the project from one place to other. so the path of libraries become changed and
we can solve it by just removing the required libraries by reference and copy the libraries again inside our project.
