I have a function that should get two actual params for testing.
Both values shall be created by Arbitrary instances as they need to be of some well formdness that cant be totally arbitrary.
So I create the following code
let updating (x:SomeType) (y:SomeOtherType) =
let result = update x y
result.someProp = x.someProp
&& result.otherProp = y.otherProp
let arbSomeType =
|> Gen.filter fun x -> x.checkSomeStuff
|> Arb.fromGen
let arbSomeType =
|> Gen.filter fun x -> x.checkPropertiesOfThis
|> Arb.fromGen
But how do I now combine those 2 Arbitrary instances so that they match up with the signature of test method?
//let prop = Prop.forAll arbSomeType + arbSomeType updating
Check.QuickThrowOnFailure prop
Given two types, SomeTypeA and SomeTypeB:
type SomeTypeA =
{ A : obj }
type SomeTypeB =
{ B : obj }
You can create a Property, where the input is those two types, like so:
let prop =
gen { let! a = Arb.generate<SomeTypeA>
let! b = Arb.generate<SomeTypeB>
return a, b }
|> Arb.fromGen
|> Prop.forAll
<| fun (a, b) ->
// 'a' is SomeTypeA
// 'b' is SomeTypeB
true // Dummy - replace with whatever you want to do with 'a' and 'b'.
You also need to take care, that the signature of the testing method now reflects the created Arbitrary - becoming a (uncurried) function on pairs.
// instead of
let updating (x:SomeType) (y:SomeOtherType) = ...
// do this
let updating (x:SomeType, y:SomeOtherType) = ...
How the example works:
The gen computation expression creates a generator of type Gen<SomeTypeA * SomeTypeB>
An Arbitrary<SomeTypeA * SomeTypeB> instance is created from that generator
Finally, a (QuickCheck/FsCheck) property is created from the arbitrary via Prop.forAll
It's always the same path:
Generator[/optional Shrinker] -> Arbitrary -> Property -> <your_code>
Hope that helps.
I have issues with generation of data within my tests.
testProperty "calculate Operation against different operations should increase major" <| fun operationIdApi operationIdClient summaryApi summaryClient descriptionApi descriptionClient ->
( notAllEqual [
fun () -> assessEquality <| StringEquals(operationIdApi, operationIdClient)
fun () -> assessEquality <| StringEquals(summaryApi , summaryClient)
fun () -> assessEquality <| StringEquals(descriptionApi, descriptionClient)
]) ==> lazy (
let operationClient = createOpenApiOperation operationIdClient summaryClient descriptionClient
let operationAPI = createOpenApiOperation operationIdApi summaryApi descriptionApi
let actual = calculate operationAPI operationClient
Expect.equal actual (Fact.Semver.IncreaseMajor) "return IncreaseMajor"
The code that is actually tested is :
semver {
if operationAPI.OperationId<> operationClient.OperationId then yield! IncreaseMajor
if operationAPI.Summary <> operationClient.Summary then yield! IncreaseMajor
The test should fail when the data produced is same OperationId, same summary and different description.
But it does not and it led me to create my own generator or at least try to do so:
I wanted my test to be written like this :
testProperty "calculate Operation against different operations should increase major" <| fun (operationId:ElementSet<string>) (summary:ElementSet<string>) ->
Therefore I create a type accordingly:
type ElementSet<'a> =
| Same of 'a
| Different
and a generator for this type :
let setGen<'a> =
Gen.oneof [
gen {
let! v = Arb.generate<'a>
return Same(v)
gen { return Different}
type ElementSetGenerator =
static member ElementSet() =
Arb.fromGen setGen<'a>
do Arb.register<ElementSetGenerator>() |> ignore
I was then trying to extract the data to construct my object :
let createOpenApiOperation operationId summary=
let pi = OpenApiOperation(OperationId=operationId.Get, Summary=summary.Get)
The Get method did not exist yet so I was about to implement it by adding a member to my ElementSet<'a>:
type ElementSet<'a> =
| Same of 'a
| Different
with member this.Get =
match this with
| Same s -> s
| Different -> Arb.generate<'a>// some random generation here
And this is where I am stuck. I would love to get some randomness here when I extract data. I wonder if this is the correct way to do so, or if I should have answered the problem earlier?
Thanks for your inputs.
I think I found it, the answer was to handle it at the beginning :
let setGen<'a when 'a:equality> =
Gen.oneof [
gen {
let! v = Arb.generate<'a>
return Same(v)
gen {
let! x,y =
|> Gen.two
|> Gen.filter (fun (a,b)-> a <> b)
return Different(x,y)
and then to use two getter to access the values :
type ElementSet<'a> when 'a:equality=
| Same of 'a
| Different of 'a*'a
with member this.Fst = match this with | Same s -> s | Different (a, b)-> a
member this.Snd = match this with | Same s -> s | Different (a, b)-> b
this way I can access values within my test:
testProperty "calculate Operation against different operations should increase major" <| fun (operationId:ElementSet<NonWhiteSpaceString>) (summary:ElementSet<NonWhiteSpaceString>) (description:ElementSet<NonWhiteSpaceString>) ->
let operationClient = createOpenApiOperation operationId.Fst summary.Fst description.Fst
let operationAPI = createOpenApiOperation operationId.Snd summary.Snd description.Snd
let actual = calculate operationAPI operationClient
Expect.equal actual (Fact.Semver.IncreaseMajor) "return IncreaseMajor"
for the record I then have the creation of my stub as follows :
let createOpenApiOperation (operationId:NonWhiteSpaceString) (summary:NonWhiteSpaceString) (description:NonWhiteSpaceString)=
let pi = OpenApiOperation(OperationId=operationId.Get, Summary=summary.Get, Description=description.Get)
I want to sort items of a class and collect them in Collection-Classes that beside a List-Member also contain further information that are necessary for the sorting process.
The following example is a a very simplified example for my problem. Although it doesn't make sense, I hope it still can help to understand my Question.
type ItemType = Odd|Even //realworld: more than two types possible
type Item(number) =
member this.number = number
member this.Type = if (this.number % 2) = 0 then Even else Odd
type NumberTypeCollection(numberType:ItemType , ?items:List<Item>) =
member this.ItemType = numberType
member val items:List<Item> = defaultArg items List.empty<Item> with get,set
member this.append(item:Item) = this.items <- item::this.items
let addToCollection (collections:List<NumberTypeCollection>) (item:Item) =
let possibleItem =
|> Seq.where (fun c -> c.ItemType = item.Type) //in my realworld code, several groups may be returned
|> Seq.tryFind(fun _ -> true)
match possibleItem with
|Some(f) -> f.append item
|None -> NumberTypeCollection(item.Type, [item]) :: collections
let rec findTypes (collections:List<NumberTypeCollection>) (items:List<Item>) =
match items with
| [] -> collections
| h::t -> let newCollections = ( h|> addToCollection collections)
findTypes newCollections t
let items = [Item(1);Item(2);Item(3);Item(4)]
let finalCollections = findTypes List.empty<NumberTypeCollection> items
I'm unsatisfied with the addToCollection method, since it requires the items in NumberTypeCollection to be mutual. Maybe there are further issues.
What can be a proper functional solution to solve this issue?
Edit: I'm sorry. May code was too simplified. Here is a little more complex example that should hopefully illustrate why I chose the mutual class-member (although this could still be the wrong decision):
open System
type Origin = Afrika|Asia|Australia|Europa|NorthAmerika|SouthAmerica
type Person(income, taxrate, origin:Origin) =
member this.income = income
member this.taxrate = taxrate
member this.origin = origin
type PersonGroup(origin:Origin , ?persons:List<Person>) =
member this.origin = origin
member val persons:List<Person> = defaultArg persons List.empty<Person> with get,set
member this.append(person:Person) = this.persons <- person::this.persons
//just some calculations to group people into some subgroups
let isInGroup (person:Person) (personGroup:PersonGroup) =
let avgIncome =
|> Seq.map (fun p -> float(p.income * p.taxrate) / 100.0)
|> Seq.average
Math.Abs ( (avgIncome / float person.income) - 1.0 ) < 0.5
let addToGroup (personGroups:List<PersonGroup>) (person:Person) =
let possibleItem =
|> Seq.where (fun p -> p.origin = person.origin)
|> Seq.where (isInGroup person)
|> Seq.tryFind(fun _ -> true)
match possibleItem with
|Some(f) -> f.append person
|None -> PersonGroup(person.origin, [person]) :: personGroups
let rec findPersonGroups (persons:List<Person>) (personGroups:List<PersonGroup>) =
match persons with
| [] -> personGroups
| h::t -> let newGroup = ( h|> addToGroup personGroups)
findPersonGroups t newGroup
let persons = [Person(1000,20, Afrika);Person(1300,22,Afrika);Person(500,21,Afrika);Person(400,20,Afrika)]
let c = findPersonGroups persons List.empty<PersonGroup>
What I may need to emphasize: There can be several different groups with the same origin.
Tomas' solution using groupby is the optimal approach if you want to generate your collections only once, it's a simple and concise.
If you want to be able to add/remove items in a functional, referentially transparent style for this type of problem, I suggest you move away from seq and start using Map.
You have a setup which is fundamentally dictionary-like. You have a unique key and a value. The functional F# equivalent to a dictionary is a Map, it is an immutable data structure based on an AVL tree. You can insert, remove and search in O(log n) time. When you append/remove from the Map, the old Map is maintained and you receive a new Map.
Here is your code expressed in this style
type ItemType =
type Item (number) =
member this.Number = number
member this.Type = if (this.Number % 2) = 0 then Even else Odd
type NumTypeCollection = {Items : Map<ItemType, Item list>}
/// Functions on NumTypeCollection
module NumberTypeCollection =
/// Create empty collection
let empty = {Items = Map.empty}
/// Append one item to the collection
let append (item : Item) numTypeCollection =
let key = item.Type
match Map.containsKey key numTypeCollection.Items with
|true ->
let value = numTypeCollection.Items |> Map.find key
let newItems =
|> Map.remove key
|> Map.add key (item :: value) // append item
{Items = newItems }
|false -> {Items = numTypeCollection.Items |> Map.add key [item]}
/// Append a list of items to the collections
let appendList (item : Item list) numTypeCollection =
item |> List.fold (fun acc it -> append it acc) numTypeCollection
Then call it using:
let items = [Item(1);Item(2);Item(3);Item(4)]
let finalCollections = NumberTypeCollection.appendList items (NumberTypeCollection.empty)
If I understand your problem correctly, you're trying to group the items by their type. The easiest way to do that is to use the standard library function Seq.groupBy. The following should implement the same logic as your code:
|> Seq.groupBy (fun item -> item.Type)
|> Seq.map (fun (key, values) ->
NumberTypeCollection(key, List.ofSeq values))
Maybe there are further issues.
Probably. It's difficult to tell, since it's hard to detect the purpose of the OP code... still:
Why do you even need an Item class? Instead, you could simply have a itemType function:
let itemType i = if i % 2 = 0 then Even else Odd
This function is referentially transparent, which means that you can replace it with its value if you wish. That makes it as good as a property getter method, but now you've already saved yourself from introducing a new type.
Why define a NumberTypeCollection class? Why not a simple record?
type NumberTypeList = { ItemType : ItemType; Numbers : int list }
You can implement addToCollection like something like this:
let addToCollection collections i =
let candidate =
|> Seq.filter (fun c -> c.ItemType = (itemType i))
|> Seq.tryHead
match candidate with
| Some x ->
let x' = { x with Numbers = i :: x.Numbers }
collections |> Seq.filter ((<>) x) |> Seq.append [x']
| None ->
collections |> Seq.append [{ ItemType = (itemType i); Numbers = [i] }]
Being immutable, it doesn't mutate the input collections, but instead returns a new sequence of NumberTypeList.
Also notice the use of Seq.tryHead instead of Seq.tryFind(fun _ -> true).
Still, if you're attempting to group items, then Tomas' suggestion of using Seq.groupBy is more appropriate.
I have a Dictionary over which I initially iterated thusly:
myDictionary |> Seq.iter (fun kvp -> doSomething kvp.Key kvp.Value)
Later, I discovered that I could make use of the KeyValue active pattern, and do this:
myDictionary |> Seq.iter (fun (KeyValue (k, v)) -> doSomething k v)
Knowing that active patterns aren't some form of preprocessor directive, how am I able to substitute the kvp argument in the lambda for a function that decomposes it?
Functions arguments call always be destructured using pattern matching. For instance:
let getSingleton = fun [x] -> x
let getFirst = fun (a,b) -> a
let failIfNotOne = fun 1 -> ()
let failIfNeitherOne = fun (x,1 | 1,x) -> ()
Semantically, fun<pat>-><body> is roughly equivalent to
fun x -> match x with |<pat>-><body>
| _ -> raise MatchFailureException(...)
I think the answer from #kvb covers in enough details why you can use patterns in the arguments of fun. This is not an ad-hoc feature - in F#, you can use patterns anywhere where you can bind a variable. To show some of the examples by #kvb in another contexts:
// When declaring normal functions
let foo [it] = it // Return the value from a singleton list
let fst (a, b) = a // Return first element of a pair
// When assigning value to a pattern using let
let [it] = list
let (a, b) = pair
Similarly, you can use patterns when writing fun. The match construct is a bit more powerful, because you can specify multiple clauses.
Now, active patterns are not really that magical. They are just normal functions with special names. The compiler searches for active patterns in scope when it finds a named pattern. For example, the pattern you're using is just a function:
val (|KeyValue|) : KeyValuePair<'a,'b> -> 'a * 'b
The pattern turns a KevValuePair object into a normal F# tuple that is then matched by a nested pattern (k, v) (which assigns the first element to k and the second to v). The compiler essentially translates your code to:
myDictionary |> Seq.iter (fun _arg0 ->
let _arg1 = (|KeyValue|) _arg0
let (k, v) = _arg1
doSomething k v )
I got the following error:
Error 2 Value restriction. The value 'gbmLikelihood' has been inferred to have generic type val gbmLikelihood : (float -> '_a -> float [] -> float) when '_a :> seq<float> Either make the arguments to 'gbmLikelihood' explicit or, if you do not intend for it to be generic, add a type annotation.
and this type is exactly what I want. What do I have to do to make it work, and why doesn't it just work without intervention?
The error comes from this file (its short, so I paste the whole lot):
module Likelihood
open System
let likelihood getDrift getVol dt data parameters =
let m = getDrift data parameters
let s = getVol data parameters
let N = float (Seq.length data)
let sqrt_dt = Math.Sqrt dt
let constant = -0.5*Math.Log(2.0*Math.PI*dt)*N
let normalizedResidue observation = (observation - (m - 0.5*s*s)*dt)/(s*sqrt_dt)
let residueSquared observation =
let r = normalizedResidue observation in r*r
let logStdDev = Math.Log s
constant - logStdDev*N - 0.5* (data |> Seq.sumBy residueSquared)
let gbmLikelihood = likelihood (fun data p -> Array.get p 0) (fun datac p -> Array.get p 1)
This error can happen when you declare a value that has a generic type. See for example this past SO question. In your case, the type suggests that you are trying to define a function, but the compiler does not see it as a syntactic function. This can happen if you perform some effects and then return function using the lambda syntax:
let wrong =
printfn "test"
(fun x -> x)
To avoid the problem, you need to write the function using the function syntax:
printfn "test"
let wrong x = x
EDIT: In your concrete example, the function gbmLikelihood is created as a result of a partial function application. To make it compile, you need to turn it into an explicit function:
let gbmLikelihood parameters =
likelihood (fun data p -> Array.get p 0) (fun datac p -> Array.get p 1) parameters
For more information why this is the case & how it works, see also this great article on value restriction in F#.
Instead of making the parameters of gbmLikelihood explicit you might also just add a generic type annotation to the function:
let gbmLikelihood<'a> =
likelihood (fun data p -> Array.get p 0) (fun datac p -> Array.get p 1)
Given an F# record:
type R = { X : string ; Y : string }
and two objects:
let a = { X = null ; Y = "##" }
let b = { X = "##" ; Y = null }
and a predicate on strings:
let (!?) : string -> bool = String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace
and a function:
let (-?>) : string -> string -> string = fun x y -> if !? x then y else x
is there a way to use F# quotations to define:
let (><) : R -> R -> R
with behaviour:
let c = a >< b // = { X = a.X -?> b.X ; Y = a.Y -?> b.Y }
in a way that somehow lets (><) work for any arbitrary F# record type, not just for R.
Short: Can quotations be used to generate F# code for a definition of (><) on the fly given an arbitrary record type and a complement function (-?>) applicable to its fields?
If quotations cannot be used, what can?
You could use F# quotations to construct a function for every specific record and then compile it using the quotation compiler available in F# PowerPack. However, as mentioned in the comments, it is definitely easier to use F# reflection:
open Microsoft.FSharp.Reflection
let applyOnFields (recd1:'T) (recd2:'T) f =
let flds1 = FSharpValue.GetRecordFields(recd1)
let flds2 = FSharpValue.GetRecordFields(recd2)
let flds = Array.zip flds1 flds2 |> Array.map f
FSharpValue.MakeRecord(typeof<'T>, flds)
This function takes records, gets their fields dynamically and then applies f to the fields. You can use it to imiplement your operator like this (I'm using a function with a readable name instead):
type R = { X : string ; Y : string }
let a = { X = null ; Y = "##" }
let b = { X = "##" ; Y = null }
let selectNotNull (x:obj, y) =
if String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace (unbox x) then y else x
let c = applyOnFields a b selectNotNull
The solution using Reflection is quite easy to write, but it might be less efficient. It requires running .NET Reflection each time the function applyOnFields is called. You could use quotations to build an AST that represents the function that you could write by hand if you knew the record type. Something like:
let applyOnFields (a:R) (b:R) f = { X = f (a.X, b.X); Y = f (a.Y, b.Y) }
Generating the function using quotations is more difficult, so I won't post a complete sample, but the following example shows at least a part of it:
open Microsoft.FSharp.Quotations
// Get information about fields
let flds = FSharpType.GetRecordFields(typeof<R>) |> List.ofSeq
// Generate two variables to represent the arguments
let aVar = Var.Global("a", typeof<R>)
let bVar = Var.Global("b", typeof<R>)
// For all fields, we want to generate 'f (a.Field, b.Field)` expression
let args = flds |> List.map (fun fld ->
// Create tuple to be used as an argument of 'f'
let arg = Expr.NewTuple [ Expr.PropertyGet(Expr.Var(aVar), fld)
Expr.PropertyGet(Expr.Var(bVar), fld) ]
// Call the function 'f' (which needs to be passed as an input somehow)
Expr.App(???, args)
// Create an expression that builds new record
let body = Expr.NewRecord(typeof<R>, args)
Once you build the right quotation, you can compile it using F# PowerPack. See for example this snippet.