How to add new target environment in eclipse che? - codenvy

I'm trying to add a target environment using Eclipse Che on Codenvy. After choosing "Edit Targets...", it shows me a dialog box containing the instruction Press the '+' button to create a new target, but I see no '+' buttons to press. Is this a bug or have I missed something to get it to populate the list of target environments?
Codenvy Version :4.6.2
Revision :2ed2377676d10a45
Build Time :2016-08-09 14:39:35

Codenvy's hosted offering at is based on Eclipse Che so you'll see some references to Che documentation below.
Adding a target is used to add a physical device (like an IoT board) to Eclipse Che. The fact that there's no "+" is a bug and I've added it here ( - thanks for calling this out. BTW, you can interact with engineers on our GitHub repos:
Eclipse Che:
Codenvy Enterprise:
However, if you're trying to build/run your project in the runtime then you'll need to create a command (
Or, if you're trying to create a custom runtime then take a look at (


Xcode incorrectly set to use legacy build system

I'm using Xcode 11.3 alongside MacOS 10.15.2. Even though the project settings are correctly set to New Build System, the orange hammer is still present in the activity view as pictured below.
According to this doc that means
Projects configured to use the legacy build system will display an orange hammer icon in the Activity View.
This stops me from being able to use Swift Package Manager. I get an error stating Packages are not supported when using the legacy build system, but the current workspace has it enabled.
I've attempted to reinstall Xcode multiple times already with no luck. This happens for new projects and workspaces also. There doesn't appear to be a lot about how to manage this elsewhere.
Any ideas ?
The codebase I was using had some setup steps which included
defaults write UseModernBuildSystem -bool NO
This affected any new projects that I created. Setting this to YES solved my problem.

Cannot compile royale app using Crux: Could not find file for class: mx.rpc.AsyncToken

I'm creating a hello world type of application using Royale 0.9.6 and Crux. It's my first time trying out Crux and I've been using the examples provided within the Royale sdk to move forward. Unfortunately after setting up everything the compilation fails with the following error:
java.lang.RuntimeException: Unable to find JavaScript filePath for class: mx.rpc.AsyncToken org.apache.royale.compiler.internal.graph.GoogDepsWriter.addDeps(
Then there are multiple error lines saying that multiple "mx.rpc" classes on which Crux depend cannot be found.
I'm wondering if I'm missing an import or something but I can't figure it out.
Thank you,
EDIT: Here are some simple steps to reproduce:
Open Moonshine
File > New > Royale Browser Project
Type any project name and create the project
Compile (CTRL + J): compilation successful
Open the main mxml file src/[appname].mxml
Add xmlns:crux="library://" to the <js:Application> opening tag.
Add the following: <j:beads>
Compile (CTRL + J): compilation fails as described above.
I just looked into Moonshine IDE project files in examples available in Royale repository. They were broken - I have fixed them so you can wait for Nightly build and download new SDK along with examples or just use checkout source code.
When you open any of those examples, right click in Moonshine choosing Settings and you should check Build Options - There will be many additional compiler parameters, but in your case probably it is enough if you put in "Additional Compiler Options" +configname=flex
Looking at the screenshot it looks like you're using <j:beads> but haven't declared the <j:> namespace. Try using <js:beads> instead.

How to generate "platform.h" in a Xilinx SDK Project?

I'm currently working on a Zynq-7000 Software project using Xilinx SDK toolchain.
I've noticed that nearly all of Xilinx's Demo projects automatically generate a "platform.h" file. However, when I start from an empty project in the SDK IDE it never generates "platform.h". This normally this would not be a problem, however, I want to cut and paste code from the "demo" project into my empty application project, and I can't do this because the "demo" projects rely on the "platform.h" header file. (I could create the demo project and delete every file from it, except platform.h, except this solution doesn't work because I need to modify the hardware away from the defaults with a custom FPGA image.)
What's the secret to get Xilinx SDK to auto-generate the "platform.h" file for an empty SDK Application?
For instance, is there an obscure checkbox that I need to click somewhere in the Board Support Package Project that says generate "platform.h"? or something like that? no idea...
It turns out that "platform.h" and "platform.c" are just normal c-code that are part of the Xilinx demo project. This code is not generated automatically generated as part of the Board Support Package. Thus, you can simply cut and paste these files into your new project without causing any problems. This is why an empty Application project doesn't contain these files.
The reason why they called it "platform.h" was just to hide the API differences between different Xilinx CPU types. Thus, the same demo code compiles on multiple platforms.
If you are like me an only using the Zynq-7000 platform, you can simply delete everything else in the platform files that's not related to Zynq-7000.

Command line ios program

I have build a C++ library for iOS, and now I want to write an illustration program to show how to use this library. A very simple one might be a command line program. However, I cannot find any command line application option with XCode 4.6. Any ideas?
There isn't a project template for "command-line application for iOS", only for Mac OS X (see the new project dialog: select OS X -> Application -> Command Line Tool).
You can however create a very minimal iOS app - the Single View iOS project template might be a good starting point. You could demonstrate use of your library in this simple app by hooking up a few buttons and/or text entry fields to the library.
You will use a UITextView, and create your own virtual CLI. So in your program, Shen you get to this step animate in that view and open the keyboard.

Application not getting deployed on Blackberry simulator

I am tried deploying .cod,.alx.jar files on blackberry simulator 8100;the application is not getting deployed on phone.I am using Blackberry plugin for Eclipse.
How can I solve this issue?
Please help
Thanks for your reply.
I am trying to run the application the way you suggested.
Do I need to setup new run configuration every time I run any project?
What should be default value for build configuration ? [Debug,Private,or Release]
Copying the .cod files into the simulator's directory (where all the other .cod files are) and restarting the simulator will work.
Probably though you want to automatically deploy from Eclipse. If this isn't working for you, there are a couple of things to check:
Check that the project has been activated for BlackBerry - from the right-click menu for the project, make sure that Activate For BlackBerry is checked.
If that's already checked (as it is by default when you create a new BB project), then sometimes explicitly building the project will do the trick: From the Project menu, choose Build Active BlackBerry Simulation
EDIT: In response to some comments below I thought of something else. The configuration you choose may have something to do with your problems (BlackBerry -> Build Configurations). The configuration in the JDE Plug-in doesn't affect the code generated, but it does affect which projects are activated for BlackBerry. If you switch configurations, your project may become un-activated.
Since it doesn't affect the code, I usually just pick one configuration and stick with it throughout debugging and release.
You might be missing 'jar' in your PATH. If so, the eclipse BB plugin silently fails and your application won't be pushed to your simulator plugin directory. To see this failure within eclipse, choose 'Project > Build Active BlackBerry Simulation'.
If you don't have jar in your path, then you will see:
I/O Error: Cannot run program "jar": CreateProcess error=2, The system cannot find the file specified rapc executed for the project
So, if your JDK is here:
Then append it to your system environment's PATH variable, then re-run 'Build Active BlackBerry Simulation' and you should see:
rapc executed for the project [YOUR PROJECT]
Here are a couple of ideas:
1) If you have any build errors then the application won't deploy to the Simulator. The Eclipse compiler (that underlines compile errors in red) is different to the "rapc" one that creates the binary for the Simulator. I have heard of situations where the Eclipse build seems to work, but the rapc compile fails - check the Console for the detailed rapc output (this might not look like a normal Eclipse build error).
2) In the Eclipse menu, open BlackBerry -> Configure BlackBerry Workspace.
Under BlackBerry JDE choose Code Signing and make sure the three RIM checkboxes are selected. I had compile errors when these weren't selected.
Under BlackBerry JDE choose Installed Components. Choose to use the Component Package 4.7.0 as I have heard of problems with the 4.5.0 Simulator.
You should delete all these extra answers you posted, or you might get downvotes - they should be comments instead of answers.
Check if your simulator is set up to clean the file system / configuration before launching the simulator. Simulators can be set up like this. If you deactivate it, the application should not disappear.
For future readers, there is another possibility for this issue. Check your workbench project directory (folder) for a ProjectName.err file. This may provide a clue as to why your build is silently failing and thus not deploying. In my case, it was an "Error!907", a new icon I added to my project was too big. There was absolutely no other indications in Eclipse 3.4.1 that there was a problem in my build.
Just ran through the same kind of problem : project compiled fine but didn't deploy on any device or on any simulator, even though the debugger said it was attached !
The problem came from a .zip file that was located in the ./src directory of the project, deleting or moving it somewhere else resolved this case.
I wish I hadn't spend 2+ hours on such a stupid problem :/
I know this is old, but you have to do the "generate ALX" option from right clicking the project menu as well or it won't deploy, at least it doesn't for me.
I ran into the same problem again and none of answers posted here worked for me.
I played around and finally made it work. The problem was that the output file name contained a hyphen ('-'). Changing this name in the Build section of BlackBerry app descriptor did the trick.
I mean, how stupid a developer must be to slip that kind of bug. No error reported and why reject the names with hyphens in the first place? Give me back my two hours RIM "developers"!
I had the same problem. The reason was using 'ΓΌ' character in the title.
I have been facing this problem today, but with a MIDlet project. It turned out to be that I forgot to specify the "Name of main MIDlet class" in the BlackBerry Application Descriptor (BlackBerry_App_Descriptor.xml). Once I specified it the application appeared on the simulator correctly.
