react-native-video play Vimeo and YouTube - youtube

I wonder if it is at all possible to play Vimeo and YouTube via the React Native component react-native-video. My research so far points to this being virtually impossible, because react-native-video needs a direct reference to a file (or a stream?) and these references are hard/difficult to obtain for YouTube and Vimeo?
Is there any way to get react-native-video working with Vimeo & YouTube?

react-native-video will work with Vimeo, if you subscribe to Vimeo Pro.
Vimeo Pro offers the ability to use your video own third party player, which lets you get the url for your video in 360p, 540p, 720p, or 1080p specifically or as an HTTP Live Streaming url which can choose the correct resolution/bitrate for the user's connection. react-native-video work with any of these formats!

I know a github project which is a Youtube component for react-native. Check it out, maybe it can help you ;)
Here you have an other project for Vimeo videos


Official way to get RTSP URL of a youtube video

I understand that youtube provide player API's for android/IOS and web. However I would like to play youtube videos with in my application which is written in C++ using gstreamer. In order to stream a video I need to have a RTSP url for the video. However I could not find any official documentation on that in you tube developer documentation. Is this something that is officially supported by youtube?

Play vimeo video in VIMVideoPlayer

I need to develop an app which will play vimeo videos. Now, Vimeo officially provide a class named VIMVideoPlayer to play videos. (
I also wondering if there is any other way to get success but videos with vimeo url like '' not working with it. I need to achieve this. Please provide your help to get over on this.
VIMVideoPlayer only works with direct links to video files. If you are a Vimeo PRO user, and own the video, you can get direct link access, but those links are not accessible to other users videos.

using livestream video in iOS application

I want to use video from some live streaming channel i.e. twitch, youtube in my iOS application without using their plugins. How can i do so?
I'm trying to get url of the video so that i can play it via moviePlayer or something else in my application. At the moment, i'm using OBS for uploading the live-stream on
I've found the following link, but again i'm unable to find the url of the video so can't use the solution mentioned How can I use Livestream player in iOS/Android app?
I have solved the issue using webView. For Youtube we've stream id and we put it in url as "".
For ustream i made url as "".
If you don't want to use webView then you can use helper libraries for these platforms i.e. YTPlayer, twitch etc.

How to play just the audio of YouTube Video?

In my app I have played a youtube video by embedding it, but how can i only play the audio of the video? I tried using AVAudioPlayer and use the videos url as the file path but it didnt work, any help?
No it is not possible, only one workaround is just to use a hidden UIWebView and play in that.
Youtube forbids playing audio only! here is the message from youtube
Your API Client will not, and You will not encourage or create functionality for Your users or other third parties to: "separate, isolate, or modify the audio or video components of any YouTube audiovisual content made available through the YouTube API"
-Kuan Yong, YouTube API Team

youtube player in blackberry

I have the url video on youtube and I want to play the video in the youtube default application on the blackberry without invoking the browser to play
enter code here
I've never found a way to do this. The BlackBerry Invoke class does not have a constant defined for the Youtube app, which is what you can use to open other built-in apps.
I know this isn't what you'd prefer to do, but a couple other alternatives are:
open Youtube videos in the Browser, like this:
take a look at the BlackBerry Youtube Client sample, which would allow you to build an embedded Youtube player. A companion blog post can also be found here. Note: the sample probably won't display video in a simulator, as I think you need to have a valid cellular carrier setup (APN settings, etc.) for the network to allow youtube streaming.
