using livestream video in iOS application - ios

I want to use video from some live streaming channel i.e. twitch, youtube in my iOS application without using their plugins. How can i do so?
I'm trying to get url of the video so that i can play it via moviePlayer or something else in my application. At the moment, i'm using OBS for uploading the live-stream on
I've found the following link, but again i'm unable to find the url of the video so can't use the solution mentioned How can I use Livestream player in iOS/Android app?

I have solved the issue using webView. For Youtube we've stream id and we put it in url as "".
For ustream i made url as "".
If you don't want to use webView then you can use helper libraries for these platforms i.e. YTPlayer, twitch etc.


How do music service pages retrieve YouTube video URL?

Music sites like Playmoss and Submissionhub manage to retrieve the YouTube video file URL from the standard player watch URL. When a user pasts a YouTube URL like this into their service, the get the video file URL like this and save them in their system. This is necessary to later reproduce the media files with an external audio player like SoundManager2.
I learned that it's possible to retrieve the info from command line but that's impossible to do so from embedded YouTube videos.
Any idea how the mentioned sites manage to do that?
It is impossible (and illegal) to retrieve YouTube video URL. Music sites like the mentioned in the question seem to play YouTube files controlling the embedded videos. This can be done using Javascript as described here.

react-native-video play Vimeo and YouTube

I wonder if it is at all possible to play Vimeo and YouTube via the React Native component react-native-video. My research so far points to this being virtually impossible, because react-native-video needs a direct reference to a file (or a stream?) and these references are hard/difficult to obtain for YouTube and Vimeo?
Is there any way to get react-native-video working with Vimeo & YouTube?
react-native-video will work with Vimeo, if you subscribe to Vimeo Pro.
Vimeo Pro offers the ability to use your video own third party player, which lets you get the url for your video in 360p, 540p, 720p, or 1080p specifically or as an HTTP Live Streaming url which can choose the correct resolution/bitrate for the user's connection. react-native-video work with any of these formats!
I know a github project which is a Youtube component for react-native. Check it out, maybe it can help you ;)
Here you have an other project for Vimeo videos

How to play YouTube videos in a Windows8 html/javascript app?

How can I play YouTube videos in a Windows 8 html/javascript app? I have the clip's id and I just want to play it. Perhaps via html5's video tag?
I've tried the iframe api, but failed to get it to work. I've also made a try on the javascript api, but it failed to load javascript from anther location.
Any help on the subject would be very appreciated!
I developed a YouTube class for Windows Phone which gets the MP4 link of a YouTube movie. Maybe you can use this code and start the video app with the MP4 link or set the source of a media element (if existent in Win8)?
If there's a way to start the video app with a predefined MP4-URL I can rewrite the code for Windows 8.
UPDATE: I've updated the code. Now simply load the URL with this async method:
var url = await YouTube.GetVideoUriAsync("youtube_id");
myMediaElement.Source = url.Uri;
myMediaElement is a XAML MediaElement control.
Check out the whole library from the project's Subversion repository:
Update: Sorry it's C# only, you have to port it to Javascript...

Phonegap Video player plugin for iOS [duplicate]

I am using a Phonegap plugin for playing a video in my iOS app. I'm able to play a video with the URL format like
How do I play Youtube videos using the phonegap-videoplayer-plugin?
YouTube Terms of Service: "You agree not to access Content
through any technology or means other than the video playback pages of
the Service itself, the Embeddable Player, or other explicitly
authorized means YouTube may designate."
There are some methods that will give you direct link to youtube videos. Use "gdata" option to find all possible video formats.
Then parse the result to get desired link. Hope this might be useful
But everywhere I found the code to be edited in .m and .h files. None have explained how to use it.
That's because you can only directly use MPMoviePlayerController from native apps (written in Objective-C). For any other technology you'll have to have an intermediary layer in between.
From googling, I found this plugin for PhoneGap that claims to integrate with MPMoviePlayerController. I've no idea if it's any good, but it might do as a starting point.
try to give the youtube url in this format.
You will get the desired result. But Autoplay is not enabled, as Apple stopped supporting autoplay to save user's bandwidth

How to play youtube videos through vlc plugin?

I'm using vlc plugin into C# Windows form application. It works fine with all media type but it can't play youtube videos through the plugin also it can be played in the main player itself. I'm using the following code :
How the could should be to be able to play youtube videos ?
You are specifying the URL of the youtube web page, not of the video itself. You need to get the URL of the video itself and specify that. There are many web pages that allow you to extract the URL of the video, given a youtube page URL, like:
Get link to actual video
