Is there a CentOS equivalent of the official ruby:2.2.0 docker image? - ruby-on-rails

I have just built a containerized ruby on rails application. The application was originally running on CentOS servers, but my containerized version runs inside the ruby:2.2.0 docker image which is Debian based.
For the sake of simplicity it would be slightly better if I could have it run in a Redhat or CentOS based version of this docker image instead. So is there an exact Redhat or CentOS based equivalent of the official ruby:2.2.0 docker image?
Note: I don't have any real need at the moment to run this inside of Redhat instead of Debian, so if the image I'm looking for doesn't exist then, to me, its not worth the time and effort of building one from scratch.

Thanks #ryekayo, after some editing of I got a working version.


Docker File Alternatives to Latest?

I was told it's better not to use latest in Docker File, but how can I find alternatives?
According to: the latest version of ubuntu is Ubuntu 22.04.1 LTS but when I go to: I see strange tags like: bionic what is that?
and 22.10 this is a future version? how is that possible?
and while I could fine 22.04 I could not find 22.04.1
There are many problems involving the usage of latest tag on a docker image. The application is constantly changing and with it its architecture as well. While pulling an image with the latest tag, you use these changes as well. This may be good in a personal project sometimes but in a large scale application, you dont want your application to change drastically. Example:
While working on a dockerized application, we incorporated db connector to session storage redis db, the connector connected to redis at the start of the application and if it was unsuccessful, the application would not start. Every update/change on the host machine with running application meant deploying redis as well as we were using the latest tag.
22.04 Ubuntu is the latest LTS build, but there also is experimental 22.10 (ref. Ubuntu 22.10

How can I get a tomcat docker image based on rhel7?

The one listed on is based on debian. Where can I get a rhel based image? Or is there a way I can create it by myself.
I am currently working on rhel 7.6 and have docker installed on my machine?
You have to build it yourself because RHEL is proprietary and therefore underrepresented in docker hub. You could go for a centos version though, which is almost identical.
Note: RHEL would be considered an extremely unusual choice for a container OS. Are you sure you're doing the right thing? If this is a rule given to you by your employer then it's wrong and you should go fix that instead -- it'll be easier than trying to build rhel containers.
You could take a look at this as a starting point for ideas on how to build it yourself:

Docker for linux is giving error

I am new learner for Docker.I have a very simple question.
I want my application to work on Linux system but I am writing application in Windows.So do I need to install Docker for Windows or Linux?
If I run using Docker for Linux,i am not getting option to run in windows and it is getting failed(I understand it might be some other unrelated error) but I need to confirm if my approach is correct or not.
Am I right in installing Docker for Linux?
Also,in case I plan to move to AWS, what docker I need in that case.
Consider docker as any software. if your OS is windows you install windows version of a software. if your is a linux distro then you install linux version of a software.
So you need to install docker for windows afterwards you can install any docker image/container you want under your operating system. Could be windows, linux or anything else.

Cloudera and Docker

I want to run Cloudera using a Docker image (specifically, the cloudera/quickstart image).
However, on Docker Hub I can only find beta versions:
What's the correct way of getting a more up-to-date image?
Should I just download a beta image and then install parcels? Would I do that using Docker Compose? If so, can I find instructions for that online?
Or is there a completely different way to solve this?
To run Cloudera Quickstart within Docker, follow the instructions on that page:
Forget about your concerns regarding the "beta" tag. These tags are there, because the Docker image of Cloudera Quickstart is in beta mode. However, the CDH version in there is not.
You will find this out on your own, once you run the container and check the CDH version inside.

Options to use latest docker on centos 6?

I would like to try new features in latest version of docker (1.10 for now), like "docker networks" and "docker volume".
I have CentOs 6 and I CAN NOT upgrade OS due to some restrictions (understand I can use latest docker in centos 7). I do have root permission.
I am wondering what's the options I have to try latest docker?
You can try to use a static binary to run docker, but this is all at your own risk; CentOS 6 runs on kernel 2.6, which is 13 years old now. That kernel misses various things needed to run Docker (e.g. Overlay networking is not supported), and is known for having some issues.
Note that running docker-in-docker may get you around "installing" docker 1.10, but will still run on the same kernel, so you'll end up with the same issues
You could install docker-machine and run docker-machine upgrade default
As described here
EDIT - This does not apply to you
But this question is possibly a duplicate of yours
