Options to use latest docker on centos 6? - docker

I would like to try new features in latest version of docker (1.10 for now), like "docker networks" and "docker volume".
I have CentOs 6 and I CAN NOT upgrade OS due to some restrictions (understand I can use latest docker in centos 7). I do have root permission.
I am wondering what's the options I have to try latest docker?

You can try to use a static binary to run docker, but this is all at your own risk; CentOS 6 runs on kernel 2.6, which is 13 years old now. That kernel misses various things needed to run Docker (e.g. Overlay networking is not supported), and is known for having some issues.
Note that running docker-in-docker may get you around "installing" docker 1.10, but will still run on the same kernel, so you'll end up with the same issues

You could install docker-machine and run docker-machine upgrade default
As described here
EDIT - This does not apply to you
But this question is possibly a duplicate of yours


Docker completely remove container and image

Reinstalling gitlab docker issue
So today I messed up accidentally typed docker-compose down instead of stop and since my dockerfile has "latest" tag it tried to update it and it failed now I can't access it.
From my understanding ce version is being discontinued and ee is recommended so I don't mind reinstalling and even loosing my data since there were only two repos anyway but whenever I try to install gitlab-ee:latest I get this error
"It seems you are upgrading from major version 12 to major version 15...."
I did ran docker volume prune and docker system prune -a, but I still get same error. How can I completely delete old ce gitlab and install latest ee version?
Also I'm using laradock so I just replace FROM gitlab-ce:latest to FROM gitlab-ee:latest
From my understanding ce version is being discontinued and ee is recommended
Not that I know of. gitlab-ce Docker image is very much maintained.
And you could reinstall the 12.10.14-ce.0, which would still be compatible with your old version.
By using a FROM gitlab/gitlab-ce:12.10.14-ce.0 instead of gitlab/gitlab-ce:latest means that a docker-compose would not accidentally upgrade your GitLab.
Ok so it might be laradock specific but if anyone encounters something similair I did this:
Keep in mind that this will delete all non running images and volumes so make sure that containers you want to leave is running
docker volume prune
docker system prune
And then (in my case) /home/[your_user]/.laradock/data delete everything gitlab related.
It did actually complained when I tried to pull gitlab-ce but did all steps again and gitlab-ee installed without issues.

Docker for windows missing quick start terminal

I installed the latest version of Docker for windows in my windows 10 machine. It seems the new Docker Desktop toolbox doesn't contain the Quick start terminal. Every documentation says to check the quick start terminal option at the time of installation. I dont see any option to check that option with the latest Docker toolbox.
Is there any way we could install Quick start terminal for windows.
Or are there any other alternate to the QS terminal. My objective is to build, tag and push / pull docker images to a gitlab registry. Powershell, command promt doesn't work because its a windows machine.
with the new Docker-for-desktop versions there's no need for the added toolbox as marked here
Legacy desktop solution. Docker Toolbox is for older Mac and Windows
systems that do not meet the requirements of Docker for Mac and
Docker for Windows. We recommend updating to the newer applications,
if possible.
You can just open any typical terminal in your OS of choice and use the docker cli if you can't remember the exact usage try docker --help 😉

Docker create command hangs on "Waiting for host to start"

Docker hangs when I try to create a docker node
I am trying to set up a docker node as per step 4 of the instructions on docker.com. Unfortunately, Whenever I run the "create" command in the command prompt, the process hangs on
(testNode1) Waiting for host to start...
The instruction set is roughly as follows:
Enable HyperV (done)
Set up external network switch (done)
Reboot (done)
Create nodes (hangs)
The document explicitly states that step 3 is included to prevent exactly this error from happening. However, I have completed that step, and I still encounter this error.
Solutions I have tried
Other sources have suggested that I'm either targeting the wrong network switch, or that the one I've created is not set to "external". I have verified that the switch is set to "external" and that the correct network switch is being targeted, so that does not seem to be the problem.
I have also made sure to restart my machine a few times already, so I doubt another reboot on its own will help.
I also left it running for a day to see if it would eventually resolve itself, but it did not.
Additional details
The command I'm using is:
docker-machine create -d hyperv --hyperv-virtual-switch "VirtualSwitchName" testNode1
I am using Docker version 18.09
I am using Windows 10 Enterprise.
The node is hosted on Hyper-V
Make sure the Docker version is compatible with the Windows version
There are multiple versions of Docker Enterprise. Each successive version has improved functionality, but each version also requires a more up-to-date version of Windows 10.
For example, if you are trying to run Docker 18.09, then you need Windows 10 version 1809 or higher. Docker 18.09 is simply not compatible with earlier versions of Windows 10.
How to check for a compatible Docker version
There is a useful chart here detailing which versions of Docker are compatible with which operating systems. This will tell you what the highest version of Docker is that you can run based on your current OS.
To check your OS version, open your command prompt and type "winver". This will bring up a popup telling you what version of windows you are running (for example, Windows 10, Version 1709). Use this and the above chart to determine if your current version of Docker is compatible with your current OS.

Is there a CentOS equivalent of the official ruby:2.2.0 docker image?

I have just built a containerized ruby on rails application. The application was originally running on CentOS servers, but my containerized version runs inside the ruby:2.2.0 docker image which is Debian based.
For the sake of simplicity it would be slightly better if I could have it run in a Redhat or CentOS based version of this docker image instead. So is there an exact Redhat or CentOS based equivalent of the official ruby:2.2.0 docker image?
Note: I don't have any real need at the moment to run this inside of Redhat instead of Debian, so if the image I'm looking for doesn't exist then, to me, its not worth the time and effort of building one from scratch.
Thanks #ryekayo, after some editing of https://github.com/volanja/docker-ruby2.2.0/blob/master/Dockerfile I got a working version.

Current LXC support for Red Hat - How do I create a RHEL 6.x LXC container?

I have been working with LXC containers, the basic tutorials and some networking and it seems to me that its a very straightforward and simple way to create a pure distribution on top of my host.
Current list of templates available does not however list the RHEL x.x distribution. There is CentOS.
I see that Red Hat has supported some efforts in LXC with the libvirt driver, however that shows as deprecated on the site and everything is pointing to their Atomic host which I am experimenting anyways, however, that seems more of a docker way. There might be some variations of docker which ultimately may give me a bare minimum container running a full distro.
I am OK getting more into docker but what I expect at this moment is to run as a simple LXC container with RHEL 6.x distro. Is there no way to run a RHEL LXC container ?
it is indeed unfortunate that redhat plans to discontinue libvirt support for lxc. even within rhel7, so that means rhel6 may be the last version where it will be supported for the lifetime of that release.
as an alternative, there are packages for lxc in epel: https://dl.fedoraproject.org/pub/epel/6/x86_64/repoview/lxc.html
they are even easier to use than libvirt-lxc
as for the template, in either case you should be able to use the centos template with little modification. all the packages are the same and really only the repo sources should point to redhat instead of centos.
