ActiveAdmin: form input without corresponding table attribute - ruby-on-rails

How can I set a textfield in an ActiveAdmin form, who do not correspond to a table attribute ?
I need it to build an autocomplete behavior, to populate a list of checkboxes.

In case you want the value submitted back to your model, you can create a virtual attribute by adding attr_accessible, or explicitly define them in the model, as suggested in this answer:
def my_virtual_attr= (attributes)
#this will be evaluated when you save the form
def my_virtual_attr
# the return of this method will be the default value of the field
and you will need to add it to permit_params in the ActiveModel resource file.
In case you don't need the value submitted to the backend (needed for front-end processing for example), you can actually add any custom HTML to ActiveAdmin form, and this is an example code it:
ActiveAdmin.register MyModel do
form do |f|
f.semantic_errors # shows errors on :base
f.inputs "My Custom HTML" do "<label class='label'>Label Name</label><a class='js-anchor' href='#{link}'>Link Text</a><span></span>".html_safe "<label class='label'>Label 2 Name</label><input id='auto_complete_input'/>".html_safe
f.inputs "Default Form Attributes" do
f.inputs # builds an input field for every attribute
f.actions # adds the 'Submit' and 'Cancel' buttons

You can try to remove model prefix from the params name
ActiveAdmin.register MyModel do
form do |f|
f.input :custom, input_html: { name: 'custom' } # instead of 'my_model[custom]'


ActiveAdmin invalid form still submit

In ActiveAdmin I have a form with typed inputs and required fields, and even If I let required fields blank or put numbers in email typed input, I am still able to perform submit even if the form is not valid.
my code :
ActiveAdmin.register User do
actions :all, except: [:destroy, :edit]
permit_params :email
form do |f|
f.inputs 'Invite a new user' do
f.input :email, required: true, input_html: {required: true, type: "email" }, as: :email
f.input :first_name
f.input :last_name
This issue is due to the fact that formtastic puts "novalidate" by default on all forms :
The fix is to create an initializer and update default formtastic config where it make sense for you such as :
# config/initializers/formtastic.rb
# Formtastic is the form builder used by ActiveAdmin
# You can find the original config file here:
# You can opt-in to Formtastic's use of the HTML5 `required` attribute on `<input>`, `<select>`
# and `<textarea>` tags by setting this to true (defaults to false).
Formtastic::FormBuilder.use_required_attribute = false
# You can opt-in to new HTML5 browser validations (for things like email and url inputs) by setting
# this to true. Doing so will omit the `novalidate` attribute from the `<form>` tag.
# See for more info.
Formtastic::FormBuilder.perform_browser_validations = true

ActiveAdmin passing variable in controller

I have a permit and vehicle model. I am trying to update the AA create controller to work how I have it in my rails app. That is taking the vehicle license_number entered and inputting it into the permit table, then also taking the inputted permit_id and inputting it into the permits attribute of the vehicle it is related to in the vehicle table.
permit_params :permit_id, :vehicle, :date_issued, :issued_by, :date_entered, :entered_by
form do |f|
f.inputs do
f.input :permit_id
f.input :vehicle, :collection =>{ |vehicle| [vehicle.license_number]}
f.input :date_issued, as: :date_picker
f.input :issued_by
controller do
def new
#permit =
#vehicle = #permit.build_vehicle
#vehicle = Vehicle.all
def create
vehicle = Vehicle.find_by(license_number: permit_params[:vehicle_attributes][:license_number])
#permit =,
My errors that I am getting, is that it is inputting the license_number in for the permit_id and then it is also saying the permit_params is not a defined variable. Any help would be great, thanks!
You have an interesting case here: it is confusing because you have a model called Permit, and usually in Rails you name the params method something like permit_params. Turns out, permit_params is the general method signature for ActiveRecord to implement strong params:
With that, instead of calling permit_params in your create action, you need to call permitted_params[:vehicle_attributes][:license_number]. That’s why it’s considering permit_params as an undefined variable. Again, those two method signatures will be the same for all your ActiveAdmin forms.
Additionally, I’m not sure if this is a typo but you define #vehicle twice in your new method. I’m not sure you need to build a vehicle for the permit form unless you’re doing nested forms. Either way, I think the last line should read #vehicles = Vehicle.all Then you can use that in your form, which also could use an update in the collection part of your form field:
form do |f|
f.inputs do
f.input :permit_id
f.input :vehicle, collection: { |vehicle| [vehicle.license_number,] }
f.input :date_issued, as: :date_picker
f.input :issued_by
The collection_select form tag will take the first item in the array as the value that appears in the form, and the second value will be the value passed through in the params (
Then in your create action, you can find the Vehicle with the id:
I would avoid Permit as a model name, try using VehiclePermit.

Is there any way to use formtastic in activeadmin batch action form?

According to activeamdin document, we can do:
batch_action :flag, form: {
type: %w[Offensive Spam Other],
reason: :text,
notes: :textarea,
hide: :checkbox,
date: :datepicker
} do |ids, inputs|
# inputs is a hash of all the form fields you requested
redirect_to collection_path, notice: [ids, inputs].to_s
However, the above form is not formtastic and doesn't support advanced table configuration(set the size for the form window). Is there any way that I can change it to formtastic format like:
form do |f|
f.semantic_errors # shows errors on :base
f.inputs # builds an input field for every attribute
f.actions # adds the 'Submit' and 'Cancel' buttons
Probably not. The form is built in batch_action_form.rb but rendered dynamically by the front end in, which is currently using jQuery. It is possible to get creative rewriting batch action forms but I can't recommend it. If your batch actions are complex try seeing if Custom Pages can meet your needs.

Pass a parameter to the new action in Active Admin

I have two related models, Bunny has_many BunnyData (which belongs_to Bunny). From the show page of a particular Bunny (in Active Admin), I want to create a link to make a related BunnyData. I've tried a few different ways, with no success, and am currently trying this:
sidebar :data, :only => :show do
link_to 'New Data', new_admin_bunny_datum(:bunny_id =>
The link being generated ends up as something like:
But when you go to that page, the dropdown for Bunny is set to the blank default as opposed to showing the name of Bunny with ID 5.
Thanks in advance.
Rails namespaces form fields to the data model, in this case BunnyData. For the form to be pre-filled, any fields provided must also include the namespace. As an example:
ActiveAdmin.register Post do
form do |f|
f.inputs "Post Details" do
f.input :user
f.input :title
f.input :content
The fields can be pre-filled by passing a hash to the path helper.
link_to 'New Post', new_admin_post_path(:post => { :user_id => })
Which would generate the following path and set the form field.
In the case of BunnyData, it might be slightly different due to the singular and plural forms of datum. But that can be verified by inspecting the generated HTML to find the name attribute of the inputs.

Rails 4 + ActiveAdmin: Attribute limited to a few values -- customizing ActiveAdmin form based on this?

So I have a CareerEntry model that has a fullintern attribute, which is a string that is supposed to specify whether the entry represents an internship or a full-time position. I limit the values that can appear in this attribute as follows:
validates_inclusion_of :fullintern, :in => ["Internship", "Full-time"]
However, in ActiveAdmin, the part in the edit form that deals with the fullintern attribute still has a text field. How do I make it a dropdown box where the admin can select either "Internship" or "Full-time"?
You can use Formtastic's input helpers to use a select input:
form do |f|
f.inputs "Details" do
f.input :fullintern, as: :select, collection: ["Internship", "Full-time"]
See Formtastic's usage section for the full set of native capabilities.
