iOS: Remove gap between left uibarbuttonitems - ios

I had setup two UIBarButtonItem on the left. Below is the screen shot of the wireframes of the screen, captured from debugging view hierarchy. Red box is the default back button and green box is the menu button.
From the screenshot, there is a gap between the back button image and menu button. The back button's view is occupying the extra space. I'm trying to figure out a way to get these two button close to each other.
I removed the "Back" text for the back button:
let backItem = UIBarButtonItem()
backItem.title = ""
self.backBarButtonItem = backItem
And added menu button:
let btn = UIBarButtonItem()
btn.customView = menu // it's a UIButton
self.leftItemsSupplementBackButton = true
self.leftBarButtonItem = menu

If it truly is the back buttons view, then just reduce the size of its views frame and you are good to go.
If it is an attribute of the main back bar button item they give you, then make a custom one that looks the same and give it the appropriate size.
If you are using a flexible space bar button item, then use a fixed space bar button item and set it appropriately.
You can also modify the value of a bar button view's location through the insetInPlace() that you use on the frame, but that will take some experimenting on the correct values to be used.

There are few options:
One is to insert an invisible bar button item and give it negative width like shown here
Alternatively you can adjust image insets


How to show a custom view on top of navigation bar in Swift?

So the way I understand navigation bar (navigation item) is that it has three locations you can modify, which is left (leftBarButtomItem), middle (titleView), and right (rightBarButtonItem).
Now what I'm going to achieve is that I want to just add a simple progress bar line at the very bottom of navigation bar, but still inside navigation bar. I want to make this like an extension of navigation bar that I can reuse on other screens. But I want that left, middle, and right "views" are still working like usual. e.g. I don't want that if I change the title view content manually in other view controller, then the line disappears / stops working for that other view controller. So this will feel like an independent overlay added on top of navigation bar as subview, separated from leftBarButtonItem, titleView, and rightBarButtonView, sort to speak.
Is it possible to do that in navigation item?
This is a example of how to add a Image instead of a Title String
fileprivate func setupTitle(){
let logo = UIImage(named: "my_incredible_logo")
let imageView = UIImageView(image:logo)
imageView.contentMode = .scaleAspectFit
self.navigationItem.titleView = imageView
self.navigationController?.navigationBar.prefersLargeTitles = false

Search bar in title view not centered anymore when becoming first responder

In my navigation bar, I have a right bar button item representing a search button. When I press on it, the following function gets called
func didTapSearchButton(sender: Any) {
navigationItem.titleView = searchController.searchBar
The problem with the following code is that the search bar added in the title view is not centered, i.e it's not aligned with the back button.
Something interesting that I've noticed is that if I comment out the call self.searchController.searchBar.becomeFirstResponder(), my title view stays centered.
Can anyone help?

Display a UIView / UIControl overlapping UIToolbar

I'm trying to display a large button at the bottom of the screen, so that it appears above the toolbar.
Button Overlapping Toolbar
My first attempt at this works on the iPad, and on the iPhone in Landscape mode, but the button appears behind the toolbar in Portrait mode. So, this is probably related to the difference in rendering with the Split View Controller:
addButton.frame = CGRect(x:0, y:0, width:48, height:48)
addButton.setBackgroundImage(UIImage(named:"Button - Add"), for: .normal)
let topView = self.navigationController?.view
I don't want it to appear above all other view controllers, e.g. popovers and modal segues, so I can't place the button on the application's topmost window, i.e. the following doesn't give me the right result either:
let topView =
The only solution that works for me is to add the button to the toolbar, but this isn't great because the touch zone for the button is clipped by the toolbar:
let topView: UIView? = addButton.superview
So, does anyone know of a way to place a UIView or UIControl in a layer or view above the toolbar, but still on the active viewController?

Blank space coming between keyboard and UIVew in iOS

I have a tab bar controller-based application and I am using IQKeyboardManager to handle form-like stuff.
Step 1: Tab bar controller with bottom a UITextView inside a UIView. Check Image 1.
Step2: When I click on UITextView, the keyboard appears but a blank space is appearing due to the tab bar. I have tried to remove IQKeyboardManager but it still occurs, so it is confirmed that it is not the issue of IQKeyboardManager. It is an issue due to the tab bar controller.
How to remove that spacing?
You are correct. The blank space is caused by the tab bar. Override the y position in the view by adding the additional space when you receive keyboard should appear and not in your viewDidLoad or any place else because it will then be hidden behind the tab bar. Then you need to set it back to normal by removing that added value when the user is finished using the keyboard. eg.
// Declaration
var tabBarHeight : CGFloat = 0.0
// viewDidLoad
tabBarHeight = tabBarController?.tabBar.frame.size.height
// When the user begins using the keyboard move the view containing the textfield
yourView.frame.origin.y = (tabBarController?.tabBar.frame.origin.y + tabBarHeight )
// When the user finishes using the keyboard
yourView.frame.origin.y = (tabBarController?.tabBar.frame.origin.y - tabBarHeight )
If you have constraints, you will need to adjust them. Good answer here:
This answer will assist you in listening to when the keyboard has been activated and deactivated:
Good luck!

UISearchBar in a NavigationBar width

I would like to have an UISearchbar in my NavigationBar - as I've done here:
When the SearchBar gets the Focus, I'll remove the left Button with:
self.navigationItem.leftBarButtonItems = []
And try to make the UISearchBar getting the whole width of the Screen (with a Cancel Button)
searchBar.showsCancelButton = true
But my UISearchBar is too wide, it looks like in this screen:
But why is that? I want to get the following result:
User clicks into the SeachBar, I'll FadeIn a UITableView for the Results - when the User presses the Cancel Button, the UITableView fades out and I'll add the "Kategorie" left Button again.
Is this a way how to solve that - or can I not use the sizeToFit() method here?
Seems like you placed your searched bar as a rightBarButtonItem and that spot has a right margin. Your searchBar is trying to expand to be the full width of the screen, hence it gets to be too wide.
I used a search controller and implemented didPresentSearchController and resized it there.
How about setting the width of the search bar equal to the screen minus the size of the 'Cancel' button, or try to add constraints between the search bar and leading space to the navigation controller.
