Exchange data between same app on different devices - ios

I have developed a iOS app, now I want to exchange data between two devices( it can be android or iOS) for same app.
Is it possible to do, with or without Internet connection?
Sharing ideas will help me a lot...
Please help and thanks in advance....

THe simplies way to do that is by using backend substitution frameworkds, such as Parse. With it you access your data as from database on each device. Parse is shuttong down now, but you can setup your own server.


how to send data from airwatch to ios app

I'm a junior ios developper trying to communicate with the MDM server : air watch.
I found lot of topics talking about getting the data from the MDM server in my app (like Using MDM To Configure An Enterprise App Via NSUserDefaults and but I cannot find any tutorials on how air watch send data to ios app.
Does anybody face the same problem or have links to help me get through ?
Thanks in advance !
This will work: AppConfig
Implementation in iOS is much simpler than Android
I am not sure what data you want to send down to the app, but syncing application data is usually not the domain of an MDM/EMM solution. I would use either use Apple APNS to publish to the app (directly or through a 3rd party provider) or use periodic polling initiated from your app to fetch you data. A common pattern is to publish a small payload to the app (e.g key-oriented data) and then let it fetch the real application payload using the Apple networking stack
If you use APNS and your enterprise is averse to opening your network to the internet (very common), consider a 3rd party provider like UrbanAirship, Azure,... They handle the initial token handshake as well as provide nice group messaging and other features. Good luck.

Realtime communication app backend

I am developing a desktop application which will communicate with an iOS app and transfer/receive data in realtime. What is the best way to do this? Should I use something like OpenFire as the backend server?
What about using Bonjour? This project on GitHub will help you a lot.
I am going with OpenFire. OpenFire has a lot of options starting from private messaging to conferencing to email notifications using plugins. Overall, it is more flexible than any of the other solutions out there.

iOS remote controll

I'm developing an application for iPad, which works in this way:I have 3 devices and if i tap a button on one of them the others can handle this event in real time! I try bonjour, but cant not solve that the sender device send datas both of receivers Any suggestion? Many thank
My thought is you could put up a simple web service to do this, and have each device hook into the web service. I'd recommend looking into a realtime framework like Pusher. You could write your own (using polling), but something like Pusher should save you time. They offer an iOS library (docs) and it isn't too difficult to integrate.

Is it possible to sync ios document using mobileme?

Just wondering if it is possible to use mobileme to sync application documents in ios?
If so, is there any sample code out there? Thanks.
I believe you can sync to MobileMe as a WebDAV server. Currently there is no built in support to sync app data to MobileMe, that is rumored to be part of iOS 5.
In regards to MobileMe as a WebDav server, the first search results on was this:

Access Internet From My Blackberry App

This is my first attemp to code a blackberry app so please bear with me.
I am developing an app to make it easy to access certain information from certain websites using screenscrapping.
Now I am done with the ui part of the application onto the internet access part.
My question is how do i access internet from my app ? I see that blackberry offers http, wifi and some other forms to access the internet ... does my app need to be worried about what mode is being used ? or as far as my app is concerned theres a general api to access the net with the logic of connecting to the internet being handled by the device itself ..?
any pointers with some sample code would be much appreciated.
thank you,
Blackberry applications internet access is a nightmare.
Good starting point here:
Helped me.
