Access Internet From My Blackberry App - blackberry

This is my first attemp to code a blackberry app so please bear with me.
I am developing an app to make it easy to access certain information from certain websites using screenscrapping.
Now I am done with the ui part of the application onto the internet access part.
My question is how do i access internet from my app ? I see that blackberry offers http, wifi and some other forms to access the internet ... does my app need to be worried about what mode is being used ? or as far as my app is concerned theres a general api to access the net with the logic of connecting to the internet being handled by the device itself ..?
any pointers with some sample code would be much appreciated.
thank you,

Blackberry applications internet access is a nightmare.
Good starting point here:
Helped me.


Exchange data between same app on different devices

I have developed a iOS app, now I want to exchange data between two devices( it can be android or iOS) for same app.
Is it possible to do, with or without Internet connection?
Sharing ideas will help me a lot...
Please help and thanks in advance....
THe simplies way to do that is by using backend substitution frameworkds, such as Parse. With it you access your data as from database on each device. Parse is shuttong down now, but you can setup your own server.

How to find - The people you contact the most

Hello all I am developing a extension app which will fetch-
The people you contact the most.
Most frequently used apps.
Any body have idea, How can I get these things.
Thanks in advance.
This is not possible. Your app runs in a sandbox, which means that it is very limited in how it can interact with the rest of the operating system. This is to prevent security vulnerabilities from apps snooping on a user's behavior. For more information on this, and to see what you can and can't do in the sandbox, see

iOS: filesharing without iTunes?

I develop an enterprise application for iOS and the user should be able to add files from the desktop to the application.
I implemented this using filesharing, which works great.
Now this company wants to get rid of iTunes from their machines (which is quite understandable, iTunes is a very invasive process).
The question is, is it still possible to somehow use filesharing without iTunes? maybe with another application?
Or what other way is there to send files to the app (preferrably without the need of an internet connection)
//edit: must work on windows 7 and must not require to install iTunes (there are some other tools that allow access to the iPad filesystem, but they go through drivers installed by iTunes)
You could exchange data via the local wireless network (a connection to the internet is not required, just the iOS device and the Windows computer need to be on the same network).
One option:
You can then create a simple TCP/IP connection over sockets between an iOS app and a Windows application and exchange the data you want.
However you probably need to implement a suitable simple Windows application to do this.
An other, maybe simpler, solution:
You could start a webserver in your iOS-App and show it's IP on the screen. By entering this IP in a browser on the desktop computer you can access websites on the iOS device, which can make documents available for download or receive uploads.
For how to do this, have a look at this question.
There are a number of ways to achieve this, ranging from trivial to sophisticated.
Your question says that you would prefer to avoid an internet connection. Simple solutions may require it - if you want to abstract the difficult parts, you're going to have to let somebody do the dirty work, and that's probably going to be someone(thing) on the internet. Midrange solutions may require a network but not internet connection. A sophisticated solution could probably be whatever you want - but one thing I would say, is that trying to tap into the USB connector is either going to result in a hacktastic or very complicated solution to implement.
One method would be to integrate a third party framework that basically does what your looking for. Look at the Dropbox development kit, for example - allowing Windows (or any platform) users to drop files on their desktops into a shared dropbox, and this can then be read by an iOS application which includes the iOS drobox API.
Another method would be to setup a simple WebDAV server in your office. Host it on a windows box, or a cheap linux box. Give users desktop's access to the share via whatever protocol you want (eg, Windows File Sharing). Then you'd implement a WebDAV client in your app (eg, WTClient) to pull files.
Finally, you could build your own transmission system. A sophisticated example might involve Bonjour and TCP/IP, a simpler-but-custom solution may involve a simple JSON web service running off a local (or remote) server.
I have suggestion but that will require the Internet. I would suggest you to use the DropBox API in the windows and iPhone both. It's awesome to use and very simple for file sharing.
Now a days everybody have dropbox account and have files in it to share. So that shouldn't cost anything other than a bit of implementation (this learning can also be used in other file sharing applications).
Here are some guidance:
You can add apps and documents to USB-connected devices with the Apple Configurator
You may use a simple Ftp server installed on PC, so you can connect to server from Ios and upload/download files from iOS to PC....
All work is done by Pc and your app will use IP (Intranet or Internet) of PC to share all files.
From Ios you can read all files in FTP server and work with them.
I use the FileBrowser app to get access to network shares over WiFi and will allow you to load supported files to the device. The company responsible is creating an API to allow you to do this within your own app:!/Stratospherix/status/193114857271336960

How can my iPad app subscribe to a RESTful web service so it would update automatically?

I am looking for ways where my RESTful web service can let my iPad app know to update its cached data when the server's data has been updated. The server is running on Tomcat & Apache Jersey.
Is this doable? And not using Apple Push Notification (APN)?
There are essentially two options: heartbeat check from the app to the server (on a timer) or something that keeps the line of communication open, such as web sockets. Here is an open source web socket for iOS, but I have not personally experimented with it:
I'm not sure why you want to avoid APN, but this really sounds like what it's made for.
If you want to update only when your app is running, there are other options (straight forward polling comes to mind), but if you want the user to be notified even when the application isn't running, there isn't really any other Apple approved way to do it.
Can reverse the design around and make your device a client and pull data from a REST service at a regular interval?? With all the support one gets from REST, it might be helpful to know you will have complete control of when data is being pulled by the device from server and exactly the data that might goto device.
I'm curious to know your thoughts, Thanks.
I'll be building a web-syncing iOS application soon, and we're going to use RestKit. Take a look, it might be a big help.

how can i control wifi enabled light bulbs with blackberry?

I got one idea that I make one project that how to operate Bulbs using blackberry smartphones
I want to know some manuals and guidance.
Please provide me any useful links.
If it is not possible then please avoid this question.
Please guide me how to Control wifi enabled light bulbs with blackberry phones.
The lights will likely have a URL for controlling the state (on/off). Then your app can call the URL using a web-form. Start by finding the IP address of your light on your WiFi network. Then use the web interface to discover the URL to do the switching. Make a prototype web form on your PC and test that the switch works. Then write a phone app to replicate the form... or find one that someone else has made ;)
