I am new to native messaging. I am trying to start my calculator app from google extension. I downloaded an example from google's document. The example works fine. It starts some python based host app. When I change the path in the host's json file, I am getting an error :
"Failed to connect: Specified native messaging host not found."
This is my native's hosts manifest json
"name": "com.google.chrome.example.echo",
"description": "Chrome Native Messaging API Example Host",
"path": "/Users/anand-4379/Applications/Calculator.app“,
"type": "stdio",
"allowed_origins": [
Initially, I was having trouble running the example I downloaded from the documentation. It worked after I did this.
I am deploying azure application gateway (internal) with V2, it succeeded couple of times in other subscriptions (Environments), however, it is failing with strange error and without much details about the error.
deployment fails after 30 mins of applying/creating
there is a UDR but which is for different purpose and not blocking or restricting the default internet route
The deployment is using terraform and everything worked well in other instances deployment
I tried to reproduce the same in my environment and got the same error like below.
"details": [
"code": "Conflict",
"message": "{\r\n \"status\": \"Failed\",\r\n \"error\": {\r\n \"code\": \"ResourceDeploymentFailure\",\r\n \"message\": \"'.\"\r\n }\r\n}"
This issue generally occurs, when an unsupported route typically a route to a firewall being advertised via BGP is affecting the Application Gateway Subnet.
Try to deploy with a default vnet and manage subnet configuration like below:
When I tried to deploy, Azure Application gateway deployment succeeded successfully like below:
If your deployment fails after 30 mins you can make use of diagnose logs to check error messages in any logs pertaining to the unsuccessful procedure.
Once you determine the cause of the issue diagnosis will guide you to take the necessary steps and fix the issue. Resolving network issues, depending on the cause of the failure.
Found the issue and resolution
Raised a Microsoft case to see the logs of the APPGW at the platform level
Microsoft verified the logs and identified that AppGW is not able to communicate with the Keyvault to read the ssl certificate as we are using Keyvault to store ssl cert for TLS encryption
Found out that subnet to subnet communication is blocked and hence AppGW is unable to communicate with KV in another subnet
Allowed subnet to subnet communication where appgw and kv are present
Microsoft would have enabled better logging information (error details) in the AppGW resource deployment and or resource activity logs
I'm using LocalStack (running using Docker) and aws-cdk-local for local deployment.
While the deployment process went smooth, When trying to access the API endpoint
'http://localhost:4566/restapis/{rest-id}/{stage-id}/user_request/', it returns {"Type": "User", "message": "Unable to find integration for path /restapis/{rest-id}/{stage-name}/_user_request_/", "__type": "NotFoundException"}
Did anyone encountered a similar issue?
Any help will be much appreciated.
I've used yongjhih/parse-server as my container image for a while, but this image wasn't updated over 4 years so I moved to the official parseplatform/parse-server image, and connected it to the parse-dashboard official image.
Both working fine, and I've successfully saved objects to the DB using the dashboard console.
My parse-server ignoring config.json file on mounted folder, so for now I use only environment variables.
When trying to access cloud code via REST console I get 404 (Not Found) on inspector with response Cannot GET /parse/endpointName. but I don't get any error or warnings on logs.
I've also disabled GraphQL and playground for now because it's making the whole container crash with an error GraphQLError [Object]: Syntax Error: Unexpected Name "const", which probably means I'm missing some imports, but it also means the server can actually access my mounted folders.
Dashboard can't access parse-server via local host, I solved it by using ip address for serverURL on the dashboard config.json
I'm using the docker (GUI) app on my Synology NAS with DSM 7.
My volumes:
Environment variables:
My dashboard config.json:
"apps": [{
"serverURL": "",
"appId": "appId",
"masterKey": "masterKey",
"appName": "appName"
So moving from such an old server to the new image meant a lot of changes
Cloud code is accessible, just needed to fix syntax a bit
GraphQL is now Relay so I'll have to fix my schema.js too.
Still can't find a way to use config file instead of environment variables
I am using Laravel Homestead as a backend VM and expo to build a mobile app with react native.
I am able to make requests in the iOS Xcode simulator to http://mysite.test and I am able to make requests on an actual iOS device to http(s)://mysite.org production server.
However, I am unable to make requests from my physical iOS device to the test environment.
What I need to do:
Allow requests to HTTP.
Expo does not expose the info.plist, but I added this to the app.json file (not sure if it is correct)
"ios": {
"supportsTablet": true,
"infoPlist": {
"NSAppTransportSecurity": {
"NSAllowsArbitraryLoads": true
I am not sure where to send the requests. Posting to http://mysite.test times out, and I have tried many port configurations such as homesteads, :8000, :8080 etc.
I have also tried pointing to my local machine. The ipv4 is available from networking panel, and my local internet IP address, but no luck. I am lost.
Can someone help me, and others- please??
This is the code.
$http({ method: 'GET', url: imageUrl });
I'm using the Ionic framework. It works fine in web, andorid mobile and android emulator.
But when I use the same in the IOS 9.3 emulator(4.1.1), I get the error XMLHttpRequest cannot load 'imageUrl'. Origin 'XXX' is not allowed by Access-Control-Allow-Origin.
I suppose I can eliminate any possible errors in the backend, as it is working with the other UI frameworks. Also in the backend(Django framework) I've set CORS_ORIGIN_ALLOW_ALL and CORS_ALLOW_CREDENTIALS to True, added the IP address with port to CORS_ORIGIN_WHITELIST and the needed headers(including Access-Control-Allow-Origin) in CORS_ALLOW_HEADERS.
So, Is there anything specific that needs to be done to make this error go away for the IOS emulator / platform ?
When you run:
ionic cordova emulate ios -l -c -s
Which my guess is, is what you're doing, the emulator is started and is binding to your Mac's IP address instead of 'localhost'. This causes your receiving endpoint to see your Mac's IP in the request header of your get request and because this is a different address than the simulator has it will view your request as a Cross Domain Request.
Please try the following guide from the Ionic team:
Handling CORS issues in Ionic
In short:
Set a proxy in your ionic.config.json file:
"name": "proxy-example",
"app_id": "",
"proxies": [
"path": "/api",
"proxyUrl": "http://cors.api.com/api"
Point your request to localhost with the port that your live reloading server is using. You can set this in your emulate command like this:
ionic cordova emulate ios -l -c -s --port 8080
CORS issue is something that should be handled at the server. If you are using Azure to deploy your Web Api And Azure Database service then,
1. Open Dashboard.
2. Open your Web API app service.
3. Select CORS which is under API header from menu.
4. Make allow origins to *
Reference Image
And also don't forget to allow all IP's[ to] in the firewall setting in your Azure SQL server
Reference Image 2