How to run same container on all Docker Swarm nodes - docker

I'm just getting my feet wet with Docker Swarm because we're looking at ways to configure our compute cluster to make it more containerized.
Basically we have a small farm of 16 computers and I'd like to be able to have each node pull down the same image, run the same container, and accept jobs from an OpenMPI program running on a master node.
Nothing is really OpenMPI specific about this, just that the containers have to be able to open SSH ports and the master must be able to log into them. I've got this working with a single Docker container and it works.
Now I'm learning Docker Machine and Docker Swarm as a way to manage the 16 nodes. From what I can tell, once I set up a swarm, I can then set it as the DOCKER_HOST (or use -H) to send a "docker run", and the swarm manager will decide which node runs the requested container. I got this basically working using a simple node list instead of messing with discovery services, and so far so good.
But I actually want to run the same container on all nodes in one command. Is this possible?

Docker 1.12 introduced global services and passing --mode global to run command Docker will schedule service to all nodes.
Using Docker Swarm you can use labels and negative affinity filters to gain the same result:
- "affinity:container!=*openmpi*"
- ""


Docker swarm get deployment status

After running docker stack deploy to deploy some services to swarm is there a way to programmatically test if all containers started correctly?
The purpose would be to verify in a staging CI/CD pipeline that the containers are actually running and didn't fail on startup. Restart is disabled via restart_policy.
I was looking at docker stack services, is the replicas column useful for this purpose?
$ docker stack services --format "{{.ID}} {{.Replicas}}" my-stack-name
lxoksqmag0qb 0/1
ovqqnya8ato4 0/1
Yes, there are ways to do it, but it's manual and you'd have to be pretty comfortable with docker cli. Docker does not provide an easy built-in way to verify that docker stack deploy succeeded. There is an open issue about it.
Fortunately for us, community has created a few tools that implement docker's shortcomings in this regard. Some of the most notable ones:
Issuu, authors of sure-deploy, have a very good article describing this issue.
Typically in CI/CD I see everyone using docker or docker-compose. A container runs the same in docker as it does docker swarm with respects to "does this container work by itself as intended".
That being said, if you still wanted to do integration testing in a multi-tier solution with swarm, you could do various things in automation. Note this would all be done on a single node swarm to make testing easier (docker events doesn't pull node events from all nodes, so tracking a single node is much easier for ci/cd):
Have something monitoring docker events, e.g. docker events -f service=<service-name> to ensure containers aren't dying.
always have healthchecks in your containers. They are the #1 way to ensure your app is healthy (at the container level) and you'll see them succeed or fail in docker events. You can put them in Dockerfiles, service create commands, and stack/compose files. Here's some great examples.
You could attach another container to the same network to test your services remotely 1-by-1 using tasks. with reverse DNS. This will avoid the VIP and let you talk to a specific replica(s).
You might get some stuff out of docker inspect <service-id or task-id>
Another solution might be to use docker service scale - it will not return until service is converged to specified amount of replicas or will timeout.
export STACK=devstack # swarm stack name
export SERVICE_APP=yourservice # service name
export SCALE_APP=2 # desired amount of replicas
docker stack deploy $STACK --with-registry-auth
docker service scale ${STACK}_${SERVICE_APP}=${SCALE_APP}
One drawback of that method is that you need to provide service names and their replica counts (but these can be extracted from compose spec file using jq).
Also, in my use case I had to specify timeout by prepending timeout command, i.e. timeout 60 docker service scale, because docker service scale was waiting its own timeout even if some containers failed, which could potentially slow down continuous delivery pipelines
Docker CLI: docker service scale
jq - command-line JSON processor
GNU Coreutils: timeout command
you can call this for every service. it returns when converged. (all ok)
docker service update STACK_SERVICENAME

Docker Swarm Mode - Show containers per node

I am using Docker version 17.12.1-ce.
I have set up a swarm with two nodes, and I have a stack running on the manager, while I am to instantiate new nodes on the worker (not within a service, but as stand-alone containers).
So far I have been unable to find a way to instantiate containers on the worker specifically, and/or to verify that the new container actually got deployed on the worker.
I have read the answer to this question which led me to run containers with the -e option specifying constraint:Role==worker, constraint:node==<nodeId> or constraint:<custom label>==<value>, and this github issue from 2016 showing the docker info command outputting just the information I would need (i.e. how many containers are on each node at any given time), however I am not sure if this is a feature of the stand-alone swarm, since docker info only the number of nodes, but no detailed info for each node. I have also tried with docker -D info.
Specifically, I need to:
Manually specify which node to deploy a stand-alone container to (i.e. not related to a service).
Check that a container is running on a specific swarm node, or check how many containers are running on a node.
Swarm commands will only care/show service-related containers. If you create one with docker run, then you'll need to use something like ssh node2 docker ps to see all containers on that node.
I recommend you do your best in a Swarm to have all containers as part of a service. If you need a container to run on nodeX, then you can create a service with a "node constraint" using labels and constraints. In this case you could restrict the single replica of that service to a node's hostname.
docker service create --constraint Node.Hostname==swarm2 nginx
To see all tasks on a node from any swarm manager:
docker node ps <nodename_or_id>

Adding new containers to existing cluster (sworm)

I am having a problem trying to implement the best way to add new container to an existing cluster while all containers run in docker.
Assuming I have a docker swarm, and whenever a container stops/fails for some reason, the swarm bring up new container and expect it to add itself to the cluster.
How can I make any container be able to add itself to a cluster?
I mean, for example, if I want to create a RabbitMQ HA cluster, I need to create a master, and then create slaves, assuming every instance of RabbitMQ (master or slave) is a container, let's now assume that one of them fails, we have 2 options:
1) slave container has failed.
2) master container has failed.
Usually, a service which have the ability to run as a cluster, it also has the ability to elect a new leader to be the master, so, assuming this scenerio is working seemlesly without any intervention, how would a new container added to the swarm (using docker swarm) will be able to add itself to the cluster?
The problem here is, the new container is not created with new arguments every time, the container is always created as it was deployed first time, which means, I can't just change it's command line arguments, and this is a cloud, so I can't hard code an IP to use.
Something here is missing.
Maybe trying to declare a "Service" in the "docker Swarm" level, will acctualy let the new container the ability to add itself to the cluster without really knowing anything the other machines in the cluster...
There are quite a few options for scaling out containers with Swarm. It can range from being as simple as passing in the information via a container environment variable to something as extensive as service discovery.
Here are a few options:
Pass in IP as container environment variable. e.g. docker run -td -e HOST_IP=$(ifconfig wlan0 | awk '/t addr:/{gsub(/.*:/,"",$2);print$2}') somecontainer:latest
this would set the internal container environment variable HOST_IP to the IP of the machine it was started on.
Service Discovery. Querying a known point of entry to determine the information about any required services such as IP, Port, ect.
This is the most common type of scale-out option. You can read more about it in the official Docker docs. The high level overview is that you set up a service like Consul on the masters, which you have your services query to find the information of other relevant services. Example: Web server requires DB. DB would add itself to Consul, the web server would start up and query Consul for the databases IP and port.
Network Overlay. Creating a network in swarm for your services to communicate with each other.
$ docker network create -d overlay mynet
$ docker service create –name frontend –replicas 5 -p 80:80/tcp –network mynet mywebapp
$ docker service create –name redis –network mynet redis:latest
This allows the web app to communicate with redis by placing them on the same network.
Lastly, in your example above it would be best to deploy it as 2 separate containers which you scale individually. e.g. Deploy one MASTER and one SLAVE container. Then you would scale each dependent on the number you needed. e.g. to scale to 3 slaves you would go docker service scale <SERVICE-ID>=<NUMBER-OF-TASKS> which would start the additional slaves. In this scenario if one of the scaled slaves fails swarm would start a new one to bring the number of tasks back to 3.
Docker images have a new layer for health check.
Use a health check layer in your containers for example:
RUN ./
HEALTHCHECK exit 1 or (Any command you want to add)
HEALTHCHECK check the status code of command 0 or 1 and than result as
1. healthy
2. unhealthy
3. starting etc.
Docker swarm auto restart the unhealthy containers in swarm cluster.

Deploying Docker Swarm mode services across multiple failure domains

I am new to docker swarm mode (and I specifically am talking about swarm mode in docker v1.12, and I do not mean the older non integrated 'docker swarm').
I am attempting to evaluate its suitability to build a large distributed containerised platform for a new software project (I'm comparing to similar technologies such as mesosphere, kubernetes et al).
My understanding of the older non-integrated docker swarm (not swarm mode) is that you could target nodes to deploy to multiple failure domains by using filters. Is there an equivalent in Docker Swarm mode?
For example in a test environment, I have 6 VM's - all running docker.
I start up VM 1 and 2 and call that my failure domain1
I start up VM 3 and 4 and call that my failure domain2
I start up VM 5 and 6 and call that my failure domain3
All failure domains consist of one swarm manager and one swarm worker. In effect, I have 2 nodes per domain that can host service containers.
I tell docker to create a new service, and run 3 containers based upon an image containing a simple web service. Docker does it's thing and spins up 3 containers and my service is running; I can access my load balanced web service without any problems. Hurrah!
However, I'd like to specifically tell docker to distribute my 3 containers across domain1, domain2 and domain3.
How can I do this? (also - am I posting on the correct site - should this be on one of the other stackexchange sites?)
You can continue to use engine labels as you have before. Or with the new swarm you can defined node labels on the swarm nodes. Then, with the new docker swarm, you would define a constraint on your service and create 3 separate services, each constrained to run in one of your failure domains.
For node labels, you'd use docker node update --label-add az=1 vm1 which would add label az1 to your vm1 node. Repeat this process for your other AZ's (availability zone is the term I tend to use) and VM's.
Now when scheduling your job, you add a constraint like
docker service create --constraint \
--name AppAZ1 yourimage
for a node label or for an engine label:
docker service create --constraint \
--name AppAZ1 yourimage
repeating this for each of your AZ's.
Unfortunately I can't think of a way to force a spread across each of the AZ's automatically when you use something like a --replicas 3 that includes failover to the second node in each vm cluster. However, if you selecte a single VM per cluster for each task, you could label each of them my the same label (e.g. --label-add vm=a, and then do a --mode global --constraint node.label.vm==a to run one service on each of your A nodes.

Overlay network on Swarm Mode without Docker Machine

I currently have three hosts (docker1, docker2 and docker3) which I have not set up using Docker Machine, each one running the v1.12-rc4 Docker daemon.
I run docker swarm init on docker1, which in turn prints a docker swarm join command which I run on both docker2 and docker3. At that point, running docker info on each host contains the Swarm: active line.
It is at this point that the behavior seems to differ from what I used to get with the standalone Swarm container. Especially, running docker network ls will only show me the networks on the local host, and when trying to create an overlay network, it does not seem like worker nodes are aware of it (i.e. it does not show up on their docker network ls.)
I feel like I have missed out on some important information relating to the workings of the Swarm Mode as opposed to the Swarm container.
What is the correct way of setting up such a cluster without Docker Machine on Docker 1.12 while getting the overlay network feature?
I too thought this was an issue when I first started using it.
This works a little differently in 1.12rc4 - when you deploy a container to your swarm with that network attached to it, it should then create the network on the other nodes as well.
Hope this helps!
You are using the docker command (used to communicate with your localhost Docker daemon) and not the "swarm" command (used to communicate with the Swarm master).
It depends on the command you used to start Swarm.
A full step-by-step tutorial (including details on how to deploy an overlay network) is detailled on this answer. I'm sure that reading this will help you ;)
With a network scope of swarm, the network is only propagated to worker nodes on an as-needed basis. If you create a service using that network, and it gets scheduled on that worker node, the network will show up in the docker network ls.
With the now-upcoming 1.13 release, you can get a network that has similar behavior to the non-swarm networks by doing docker network create --attachable .... That network will be valid for both services and normal containers, and will be available to all members of the cluster. As of 1.13.0-rc2, those don't seem to show up in the output of docker network ls.
