Docker swarm get deployment status - docker

After running docker stack deploy to deploy some services to swarm is there a way to programmatically test if all containers started correctly?
The purpose would be to verify in a staging CI/CD pipeline that the containers are actually running and didn't fail on startup. Restart is disabled via restart_policy.
I was looking at docker stack services, is the replicas column useful for this purpose?
$ docker stack services --format "{{.ID}} {{.Replicas}}" my-stack-name
lxoksqmag0qb 0/1
ovqqnya8ato4 0/1

Yes, there are ways to do it, but it's manual and you'd have to be pretty comfortable with docker cli. Docker does not provide an easy built-in way to verify that docker stack deploy succeeded. There is an open issue about it.
Fortunately for us, community has created a few tools that implement docker's shortcomings in this regard. Some of the most notable ones:
Issuu, authors of sure-deploy, have a very good article describing this issue.

Typically in CI/CD I see everyone using docker or docker-compose. A container runs the same in docker as it does docker swarm with respects to "does this container work by itself as intended".
That being said, if you still wanted to do integration testing in a multi-tier solution with swarm, you could do various things in automation. Note this would all be done on a single node swarm to make testing easier (docker events doesn't pull node events from all nodes, so tracking a single node is much easier for ci/cd):
Have something monitoring docker events, e.g. docker events -f service=<service-name> to ensure containers aren't dying.
always have healthchecks in your containers. They are the #1 way to ensure your app is healthy (at the container level) and you'll see them succeed or fail in docker events. You can put them in Dockerfiles, service create commands, and stack/compose files. Here's some great examples.
You could attach another container to the same network to test your services remotely 1-by-1 using tasks. with reverse DNS. This will avoid the VIP and let you talk to a specific replica(s).
You might get some stuff out of docker inspect <service-id or task-id>

Another solution might be to use docker service scale - it will not return until service is converged to specified amount of replicas or will timeout.
export STACK=devstack # swarm stack name
export SERVICE_APP=yourservice # service name
export SCALE_APP=2 # desired amount of replicas
docker stack deploy $STACK --with-registry-auth
docker service scale ${STACK}_${SERVICE_APP}=${SCALE_APP}
One drawback of that method is that you need to provide service names and their replica counts (but these can be extracted from compose spec file using jq).
Also, in my use case I had to specify timeout by prepending timeout command, i.e. timeout 60 docker service scale, because docker service scale was waiting its own timeout even if some containers failed, which could potentially slow down continuous delivery pipelines
Docker CLI: docker service scale
jq - command-line JSON processor
GNU Coreutils: timeout command

you can call this for every service. it returns when converged. (all ok)
docker service update STACK_SERVICENAME


difference between docker service and docker container

I can create a docker container by command
docker run <<image_name>>
I can create a service by command
docker service create <<image_name>>
What is the difference between these two in behaviour?
When would I need to create a service over container?
docker service command in a docker swarm replaces the docker run. docker run has been built for single host solutions. Its whole idea is to focus on local containers on the system it is talking to. Whereas in a cluster the individual containers are irrelevant. We simply use swarm services to manage the multiple containers in a cluster. Swarm will orchestrate the containers of the services for us.
docker service create is mainly to be used in docker swarm mode. docker run does not have the concept of scaling up/down. With docker service create you can specify the number of replicas to be created using the --replicas command. This will create and manage multiple replicas of a containers in many different nodes. There are several such options for managing multiple containers using docker service create and other commands under docker service ...
One more note: docker services are for container orchestration systems(swarm). It has built in facility for failure recovery. ie. it recreates a container on failure. docker runwould never recreate a container if it fails. When the docker service commands are used we are not directly asking to perform action like "create a single container", rather we are saying to the orchestration system to "put this job in your queue and when you can get to it perform that action on the swarm". This means it has rollback facilities, failure mitigation and lots of intelligence built in.
You need to consider using docker service create when in swarm mode and docker run when not in swarm mode. You can lookup on docker swarms to understand docker services.
There is no real difference. In the official documentation you can read "Services are really just containers in production".
Services can be declared in "docker-compose.yml" and can be started from it. Once started, they will run as containers.
It is just a common way to name parts of your stack.

Docker Swarm for managing headless containers, and keeping them updated (or watchtower?)

I've been trying to devise a strategy for using Docker Swarm for managing a bunch of headless containers - don't need load balancer, exposing any ports, or auto scaling.
The only thing I want is the ability to update all of the containers (on all nodes), if any of the images are updated. Each container running will need to have a specific --hostname.
Is running docker service even viable for this? Or should I just do a normal docker run targeting specific nodes to specify the --hostname i want? The reason I'm even asking about docker service is because it allows you to do an update (forcing an update for all containers if there are updated images).
Was also thinking that Docker Swarm would make it a bit easier to keep an eye on all the containers (i.e. manage them from a central location).
The other option I was looking at was watchtower, to run on each server that is running one of the containers, as an alternative to swarm. My only issue with this is that it doesn't provide any orchestration, for centralized management.
Anyone have any ideas of what would be a better option given the scenario?
Docker swarm does not give you any advantage regarding rolling updates apart from the docker service command, swarm only provides the user horizontal scaling and places a load balancer in front of those replicas called "service", as well as some other goodies such as replicating the docker events across the swarm nodes.
docker service --force would work as expected.
However, you should probably use both, docker swarm for orchestration and watchtower for rolling updates.

Recommended way to run a Docker Compose stack in production?

I have a couple of compose files (docker-compose.yml) describing a simple Django application (five containers, three images).
I want to run this stack in production - to have the whole stack begin on boot, and for containers to restart or be recreated if they crash. There aren't any volumes I care about and the containers won't hold any important state and can be recycled at will.
I haven't found much information on using specifically docker-compose in production in such a way. The documentation is helpful but doesn't mention anything about starting on boot, and I am using Amazon Linux so don't (currently) have access to Docker Machine. I'm used to using supervisord to babysit processes and ensure they start on boot up, but I don't think this is the way to do it with Docker containers, as they end up being ultimately supervised by the Docker daemon?
As a simple start I am thinking to just put restart: always on all my services and make an init script to do docker-compose up -d on boot. Is there a recommended way to manage a docker-compose stack in production in a robust way?
EDIT: I'm looking for a 'simple' way to run the equivalent of docker-compose up for my container stack in a robust way. I know upfront that all the containers declared in the stack can reside on the same machine; in this case I don't have need to orchestrate containers from the same stack across multiple instances, but that would be helpful to know as well.
Compose is a client tool, but when you run docker-compose up -d all the container options are sent to the Engine and stored. If you specify restart as always (or preferably unless-stopped to give you more flexibility) then you don't need run docker-compose up every time your host boots.
When the host starts, provided you have configured the Docker daemon to start on boot, Docker will start all the containers that are flagged to be restarted. So you only need to run docker-compose up -d once and Docker takes care of the rest.
As to orchestrating containers across multiple nodes in a Swarm - the preferred approach will be to use Distributed Application Bundles, but that's currently (as of Docker 1.12) experimental. You'll basically create a bundle from a local Compose file which represents your distributed system, and then deploy that remotely to a Swarm. Docker moves fast, so I would expect that functionality to be available soon.
You can find in their documentation more information about using docker-compose in production. But, as they mention, compose is primarily aimed at development and testing environments.
If you want to use your containers in production, I would suggest you to use a suitable tool to orchestrate containers, as Kubernetes.
If you can organize your Django application as a swarmkit service (docker 1.11+), you can orchestrate the execution of your application with Task.
Swarmkit has a restart policy (see swarmctl flags)
Restart Policies: The orchestration layer monitors tasks and reacts to failures based on the specified policy.
The operator can define restart conditions, delays and limits (maximum number of attempts in a given time window). SwarmKit can decide to restart a task on a different machine. This means that faulty nodes will gradually be drained of their tasks.
Even if your "cluster" has only one node, the orchestration layer will make sure your containers are always up and running.
You say that you use AWS so why don't you use ECS which is built for what you ask. You create an application which is the pack of your 5 containers. You will configure which and how many instances EC2 you want in your cluster.
You just have to convert your docker-compose.yml to the specific which is not hard.
AWS will start your containers when you deploy and also restart them in case of crash

How to run same container on all Docker Swarm nodes

I'm just getting my feet wet with Docker Swarm because we're looking at ways to configure our compute cluster to make it more containerized.
Basically we have a small farm of 16 computers and I'd like to be able to have each node pull down the same image, run the same container, and accept jobs from an OpenMPI program running on a master node.
Nothing is really OpenMPI specific about this, just that the containers have to be able to open SSH ports and the master must be able to log into them. I've got this working with a single Docker container and it works.
Now I'm learning Docker Machine and Docker Swarm as a way to manage the 16 nodes. From what I can tell, once I set up a swarm, I can then set it as the DOCKER_HOST (or use -H) to send a "docker run", and the swarm manager will decide which node runs the requested container. I got this basically working using a simple node list instead of messing with discovery services, and so far so good.
But I actually want to run the same container on all nodes in one command. Is this possible?
Docker 1.12 introduced global services and passing --mode global to run command Docker will schedule service to all nodes.
Using Docker Swarm you can use labels and negative affinity filters to gain the same result:
- "affinity:container!=*openmpi*"
- ""

Docker Container management in production environment

Maybe I missed something in the Docker documentation, but I'm curious and can't find an answer:
What mechanism is used to restart docker containers if they should error/close/etc?
Also, if many functions have to be done via a docker run command, say for instance volume mounting or linking, how does one bring up an entire hive of containers which complete an application without using docker compose? (as they say it is not production ready)
What mechanism is used to restart docker containers if they should error/close/etc?
Docker restart policies, as set with the --restart option to docker run. From the docker-run(1) man page:
Restart policy to apply when a container exits (no, on-fail‐
ure[:max-retry], always)
Also, if many functions have to be done via a docker run command, say for instance volume mounting or linking, how does one bring up an entire hive of containers which complete an application without using docker compose?
Well, you can of course use docker-compose if that is the best match for your requirements, even if it is not labelled as "production ready".
You can investigate larger container management solutions like Kubernetes or even OpenStack (although I would not recommend the latter unless you are already familiar with OpenStack).
You could craft individual systemd unit files for each container.
