How to get rid of dependency errors loading jenkins? - jenkins

Just downloaded jenkins.war and did a java -jar jenkins.war (on windows 8.1)
going to, i see:
There are dependency errors loading some plugins:
Email Extension Plugin v2.47
JUnit Plugin v1.2-beta-4 is older than required. To fix, install v1.2 or later.
GitHub plugin v1.20.0
Jenkins Git plugin v2.4.0 failed to load. Fix this plugin first.
Jenkins Git plugin v2.5.3
Matrix Project Plugin v1.4.1 is older than required. To fix, install v1.6 or later.
Jenkins Mailer Plugin v1.11 is older than required. To fix, install v1.16 or later.
Pipeline v2.2
Pipeline: Basic Steps v2.0 failed to load. Fix this plugin first.
Jenkins Workspace Cleanup Plugin v0.30
Matrix Project Plugin v1.4.1 is older than required. To fix, install v1.7.1 or later.
GitHub Branch Source Plugin v1.8.1
Jenkins Git plugin v2.3 failed to load. Fix this plugin first.
Pipeline: Basic Steps v2.1
Jenkins Mailer Plugin v1.11 is older than required. To fix, install v1.13 or later.
GitHub Organization Folder Plugin v1.4
GitHub Branch Source Plugin v1.5 failed to load. Fix this plugin first.
Repeating the java -jar jenkins.war, unpacks the war each tine. Is there a place he lives, so that you can just run him from the command line?
How do I get rid of the plugin errors?

Upgrading to a new war file will not update your plugins, except for a few "internal" plugins that are closely connected to the Jenkins core.
So, when you're switching from an old Jenkins version to a new one (by using a new war file), you'll get the warnings that you see.
To solve this, updating the plugins in the Jenkins update center will help.
If you cannot resolve the dependency errors on GUI level, then (manually) putting the updated hpi plugin files to $JENKINS_HOME/plugins (and then restarting) is a last resort.

Just load the latest version from jenkins page, and install the recommended plugin by default, I don't see any problem like you, console log example as follows after I open the manage page.
Maybe you can redo it with latest jenkins release.
八月 22, 2016 8:31:17 上午 hudson.PluginManager dynamicLoad
INFO: Plugin email-ext:2.47 dynamically installed
八月 22, 2016 8:31:17 上午 hudson.model.UpdateCenter$DownloadJob run
INFO: Installation successful: Email Extension Plugin
八月 22, 2016 8:31:17 上午 hudson.model.UpdateCenter$DownloadJob run
INFO: Starting the installation of Mailer Plugin on behalf of admin
八月 22, 2016 8:31:17 上午 hudson.model.UpdateCenter$InstallationJob _run
INFO: Skipping duplicate install of: Mailer Plugin#1.17
八月 22, 2016 8:31:17 上午 hudson.model.UpdateCenter$DownloadJob run
INFO: Installation successful: Mailer Plugin


Some plugins could not be loaded due to unsatisfied dependencies. Fix these issues and restart Jenkins

I was working on jenkins and working fine but i don't know what happened Jenkins shows following errors and no jobs are visible to me after that:
I am new in jenkins please help me to solve this.
As I understand the problem it could happened in cause of downgrading jenkins version or updating plugins "Pipeline: Node and Processes".
You need to restore previous jenkins version or downgrade plugin.
Additionally you can configure jenkins to get plugins' versions which fit your jenkins version in "Manage Jenkins" -> "Manage plugins" -> "Advanced" -> "Update site" and set the version you are currently using (for example
Jenkins plugins are dependent on Jenkins LTS versions in use. Best way is while installing the Jenkins take latest (but stable) version of plugins.
Since you are using 1.176 version and trying to upgrade the plugins, the latest plugins do not support the older version of Jenkins (since Jenkins follow Parallel incremental development).
You can resolve the problem in 2 ways.
1. Downgrade the plugins and keep the LTS Jenkins version as it is. (not preferred solution since you will not be able to use latest functionality of the plugins and using old plugins is not secured).
Downgrade of plugins will also be suggested by Manage Jenkins --> Manage Plugins --> Installed
2. Upgrade Jenkins version (LTS 2.24x.x)
It is time taking option, but if you are heavely using jenkins for your work it is more suggested to upgrade the version. Besides new plugins have more secured and vast functionalities.
You can check the Changelog and can decided which version is good for you.
Take a reference of Upgrading Jenkins link.
To understand plugins and Jenkins LTS version dependency, use Jenkins wiki(Confluence Page).
e.g. Pipeline:Node and Processes plugin wiki indicates that for version 2.29 you need to have Jenkins version 1.150.1 or higher.
Note: Latest Jenkins version supports HTTPS instead of HTTP URL for advanced proxy options under Manager Jenkins.

I am unable to configure Jenkins with git lab community edition (12.6.0) getting below error ,Help me to resolve

Question 1:
i am trying to install Jenkins GitLab Plugin and Jenkins Git Plugin.But in my Jenkins version(2.210) it won't available to download .Can anybody explain any alternative way to download this ?
Question 2 :
I have successfully installed ruby plugin and but still getting same error ?i am configuring Jenkins with windows 10.
Dependency errors:
Some plugins could not be loaded due to unsatisfied dependencies. Fix these issues and restart Jenkins to restore the functionality provided by these plugins.
Gitlab Hook Plugin version 1.4.2
ruby-runtime version 0.12 is missing. To fix, install version 0.12 or later.[enter image description here][1]
I think Jenkins requires plugin last version
And you plugin require JRuby 1.7.18

jenkins - plugin (credentials) install manually

I'm trying to setup jenkins version 1.651.3 with manual installation of credentials plugin.
But failed to install the plugin.
Here is what I tried;
Download jenkins from
Install jenkins_1.651.3_all.deb on Ubuntu 16.04.
I can see the default credentials plugin version is 1.18.
Delete old files; rm -rf /var/lib/jenkins/plugins/credentials*.
Download latest credentials plugin from
Restart jenkins; service jenkins restart.
Still the credentials version is 1.18 not 2.1.13.
How can I install the latest credentials plugin manually? I mean without accessing web UI (Manage Jenkins -> Manage plugins)?
Jenkins creates a directory named after the plugin for every .hpi file you have in your $JENKINS_HOME/plugins/.
Try to find that directory (name should be 'credentials') and delete it.
I found the doc describing this behavior; plugin pinning.
After creating xxx.jpi.pinned it worked.

jenkins 2 dependency errors loading some plugins

I have a newly intalled jenkins v 2.36 on ubuntu 14.04 LTS. during the installation process jenkins installed all plugins except pipeline and got stuck on installation. After that i restarted jenkins with
service jenkins restart and was able to create new administrative user, Here is the screen shot of error on jenkins dashboard, the correct button doesnt fix this error.
what should i do to resolve this error ?
The error is
There are dependency errors loading some plugins:
Pipeline: Stage View Plugin v2.4
pipeline-rest-api v2.4 is missing. To fix, install v2.4 or later.
Pipeline v2.4
Pipeline: Stage View Plugin v2.4 failed to load. Fix this plugin first.
It is always good to install the plugin via "Manage Jenkins -> Plugin Manager" , so that the plugin will install its dependencies automatically.
But sometimes due to slow internet connection or other reasons, it fails to do automatically. In that case, we need to do it manually under the Manage Plugins -> Advances Option -> Upload plugin.
So, in your case, it is failing for the below two dependent plugins:
pipeline-rest-api v2.4 is missing. To fix, install v2.4 or later.
Please install the pipeline-rest-api plugin. Also, please install other dependent plugins too for safer side.
List of dependent plugins for any Jenkins plugin.:
Helpful link jenkins_dependency_error that helped me solve this issue
Download the plugin from here latest pipeline.
Go to jenkins dashboard > Manage jenkins> Manage Plugin > [select Advanced Tab]
select upload plugin file (select the option "restart after installation" )

Updating jenkins plugin from source

I currently have Build User Vars Plugin 1.1 installed in my Jenkins. Since version 1.1 of the plugin, there has been some important changes to the plugin code, and I want to pick them up. The question is what is the least amount of work to package up the hpi/jpi file that I can push on my Jenkins install that will contain latest changes.
It's fairly easy to build a plugin locally; you can then upload the hpi/jpi file to Jenkins via the Advanced tab in the plugin manager.
See the Jenkins plugin tutorial for detailed steps.
