How to filter data by pm(time) in oracle? - oracle9i

I have a table in which I have inserted trainno and its time of arrival now I need to display trains which arrived on PM.
I have tried this
select trainno,to_char(timeofarrival,'HH:MI:SS A.M.')"toa" from train
where to_char(timeofarrival,'HH:MI:SS A.M.')='P.M.';

Sincce timeOfArrival is a date
WHERE to_number( to_char( timeOfArrival, 'HH24' )) >= 12
will give you the rows where the time component is after noon.


Update: How to calculate date and time duration into Days in google shee? (excluding Sunday)

I know it's basic but I'm new to this. I just want to know how can I calculate the days duration of the two dates?
For example, I have my start date and time 11/22/2021 15:20:43 and end date and time 11/23/2021 14:51:29 I want to calculate the total days from start to end date and time.
Also, If start date time column is BLANK, return to count of days including date today.
Thank you
All you need to do is use the following formula: '=(C2-A2)'. This will give you the elapsed time between the two cells and display it as hours. You can take this calculation further by adding dates too. This is useful if you have work shifts that go more than 24 hours or that include two days within a single shift.
Assuming start dates in column A and end dates in column B, you can try
={"Duration in Days"; Arrayformula(if(len(A2:A) * len(B2:B), datedif(A2:A, B2:B, "d"),))}
Change ranges to suit and see if that works?
there is a DAYS formula exactly for that purpose:
REGEXREPLACE(TO_TEXT(B1:B), "(.|..)[\/\-\.](.|..)[\/\-\.](.+) (.*$)", "$2\/$1\/$3"),
REGEXREPLACE(TO_TEXT(A1:A), "(.|..)[\/\-\.](.|..)[\/\-\.](.+) (.*$)", "$2\/$1\/$3")))))
demo sheet

Formula to calculate historical data based off a specific condition?

I am trying to observe historical trends on customer acquisitions (new and returning) and am looking to use a formula to automate it for me.
Essentially, I am looking to determine the average amount of new customers we acquire on a specific day, specific week, and specific month. For example: what are the average customers we have acquired every Monday for the past 6 months, or what is the average number of customers we acquire the first week of every month?
You can use the date operators in your QUERY statement to filter by month, week, or even day of week.
every Monday for past 6 months
=query(A1:B, "select avg(B) where datediff(todate(now()),todate(A)) < 180 and dayofweek(A) = 2", 1)
first week of every month
=query(A1:B, "select month(A),avg(B) where day(A) <= 7 group by month(A) offset 1", 1)
You would need to tweak the sample queries to cover your data range and which columns do you need to average and compare.
Query Language Reference | Scalar Functions

Find if a month belongs to a date range

I have a date range and a corresponding value.
On a the right-hand side of this data table, I want to separate the value monthly.
Available Data
Result Expected
*I have the limits of the date range any row can have. Ex: Mar 1st to Jun 30th.
I can take the number of days in a month and divide the value by that to get the value to fill in.
Problem is automatically deciding the cells which needs to be filled and which has to be marked as 0.
The solution I'm looking for is a formula that can be dragged into many more months.
My approach was to check at each cell if the Month Code("Mar", "Apr", "May"....etc) includes in the date range in A and B columns.
I have searched ways to check this and have failed. Is there a way to check if a month includes within a particular date range?
Or is there any other way I can fill the cells from D2 to G6?
*Actual scenario has more than 4 months and more than 6 Rows of data.
This is a formula giving the exact amounts for first row - not sure if that is what you want though:
=if(min($B2,eomonth(datevalue("1-"&left(D1,3)&"2020"),0))-max($A2,datevalue("1-"&left(D1,3)&"2020"))>=0 [your formula] ,0)

How do I use a query on a timestamp to filter down to "day of the week" and "hour"

Currently I am able to Query my data by the date in a timestamp but now I want to narrow it down to the hour and the day
=COUNT(QUERY('Form Responses 1'!$A$2:$E, "Select A where A>=date '"&TEXT(B$5,"yyyy-mm-dd")&"' and A <= date '"&TEXT(B$6,"yyyy-mm-dd")&"'")
I am attempting to build a grid of when my responses come in by date and time over the hour
Date ranges have to be dynamic. I need to go look at a sample of data over a week or a sample of data over a year
How can I add a conditional time and day statement to this?
This is what I want to do
Each cell will be it's own query formulaenter image description here
Try this:
Where a:a is the array containing your timestamps. This example would populate the Monday at 8 am category.

SQLITE strange timestamp and IOS

I'm trying to display a simple tableview in IOS with data from Sqlite. My database date is stored as a timestamp. I thought was an unix timestamps but if i try to use dateWithTimeIntervalSince1970 i've really strange result.
Examples of date rows stored:
Use a query like this
SELECT datetime(timestamp, 'unixepoch') from YOURTABLENAME
WHERE id = someId;
This should convert it to some readable value.
Have a look here
I found the answer here. I compared the results with the previous answers:
SELECT strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S', datetime(ZDATE+978307200, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), datetime(ZDATE, 'unixepoch', 'localtime') FROM ZTABLE
The query with the adjustment for Apple's epoch (Jan 1 2001) gives me the correct date:
"2015-09-29 20:50:51", "1984-09-28 20:50:51"
"2015-09-29 21:03:10", "1984-09-28 21:03:10"
"2015-09-29 21:25:30", "1984-09-28 21:25:30"
Unix timestamps are defined as the number of seconds since Jan 1 1970.
Just now, this would be about 1365525702.
Your values are one thousand times larger, i.e., they are measured in milliseconds.
Decide whether you actually need the millisecond precision, and then add * 1000 or / 1000 at the appropriate places.
