I want to parse some grammar like the following
TO location
USING object
the order of the GROUPBY TO USING clauses is allowed to vary, but each clause can occur at most once.
Is there a convenient or built-in way to parse this in FParsec? I read some questions and answers that mentions Haskell Parsec permute. There doesn't seem to be a permute in FParsec. If this is the way to go, what would I go about building a permute in FParsec?
I don't think there's a permutation parser in FParsec. I see a few directions you could take it though.
In general, what #FuleSnabel suggests is pretty sound, and probably simplest to implement. Don't make the parser responsible for asserting the property that each clause appears at most once. Instead parse each clause separately, allowing for duplicates, then inspect the resulting AST and error out if your property doesn't hold.
You could generate all permutations of your parsers and combine them with choice. Obviously this approach doesn't scale, but for three parsers I'd say it's fair game.
You could write your own primitive for parsing using a collection of parsers applied in any order. This would be a variant of many where in each step you make a choice of a parser, then discard that parser. So in each step you choose from a shrinking list of parsers until you can't parse anymore, finally returning the results collected along the way.
You could use user state to keep track of parsers already used and fail if a parser would be used twice within the same context. Not sure if this would yield a particularly nice solution - haven't really tried it before.
I'm working on a reStructuredText transpiler in Rust, and am in need of some advice concerning how lexing should be structured in languages that have recursive structures. For example lists within lists are possible in rST:
* This is a list item
* This is a sub list item
* And here we are at the preceding indentation level again.
The default docutils.parsers.rst took the approach of scanning the input one line at a time:
The reStructuredText parser is implemented as a state machine, examining its
input one line at a time.
The state machine mentioned basically operates on a set of states of the form (regex, match_method, next_state). It tries to match the current line to the regex based on the current state and runs match_method while transitioning to the next_state if a match succeeds, doing this until it runs out of lines to scan.
My question then is, is this the best approach to scanning a language such as rST? My approach thus far has been to create a Chars iterator of the source and eat away at the source while trying to match against structures at the current Unicode scalar. This works to some extent when all I'm doing is scanning inline content, but I've now run into the realization that handling recursive body level structures like nested lists is going to be a pain in the butt. It feels like I'm going to need a whole bunch of states with duplicate regexes and related methods in many states for matching against indentations before new lines and such.
Would it be better to simply have and iterator of the lines of the source and match on a per-line basis, and if a line such as
* this is an indented list item
is encountered in State::Body, simply transition to a state such as State::BulletList and start lexing lines based on the rules specified there? The above line could be lexed for example as a sequence
TokenType::Indent, TokenType::Bullet, TokenType::BodyText
Any thoughts on this?
I don't know much about rST. But you say it has "recursive" structures. If that's that case, you can't fully lex it as a recursive structure using just state machines or regexes or even lexer generators.
But this the wrong way to think about it. The lexer's job is to identify the atoms of the language. A parser's job is to recognize structure, especially if it is recursive (yes, parsers often build trees recording the recursive structures they found).
So build the lexer ignoring context if you can, and use a parser to pick up the recursive structures if you need them. You can read more about the distinction in my SO answer about Parsers Vs. Lexers https://stackoverflow.com/a/2852716/120163
If you insist on doing all of this in the lexer, you'll need to augment it with a pushdown stack to track the recursive structures. Then what are you building is a sloppy parser disguised as lexer. (You will probably still want a real parser to process the output of this "lexer").
Having a pushdown stack actually useful if the language has different atoms in different contexts especially if the contexts nest; in this case what you want is mode stack that you change as the lexer encounters tokens that indicate a switch from one mode to another. A really useful extension of this idea is to have mode changes select what amounts to different lexers, each of which produces lexemes unique to that mode.
As an example you might do this to lex a language that contains embedded SQL. We build parsers for JavaScript; our lexer uses a pushdown stack to process the content of regexp literals and track nesting of { ... } [...] and (... ). (This has arguably a downside: it rejects versions of JQuery.js that contain malformed regexes [yes, they exist]. Javascript doesn't care if you define a bad regex literal and never use it, but that seems pretty pointless.)
A special case of the stack occurs if you only have track single "(" ... ")" pairs or the equivalent. In this case you can use a counter to record how many "pushes" or "pop" you might have done on a real stack. If you have two or more pairs of tokens like this, counters don't work.
Most interpreters let you type the following at their console:
>> a = 2
>> a+3
My question is what mechanisms are usually used to handle this syntax? Somehow the parser is able to distinguish between an assignment and an expression even though they could both start with a digit or letter. It's only when we retrieve the second token that you know if you have an assignment or not. In the past, I've looked ahead two tokens and if the second token isn't an equals I push the tokens back into the lexical stream and assume it's an expression. I suppose one could treat the assignment as an expression which I think some languages do. I thought of using left-factoring but I can't see it working.
assignment = variable A
A = '=' expression | empty
Update I found this question on StackOverflow which address the same question: How to modify parsing grammar to allow assignment and non-assignment statements?
From how you're describing your approach - doing a few tokens of lookahead to decide how to handle things - it sounds like you're trying to write some sort of top-down parser along the lines of an LL(1) or an LL(2) parser, and you're trying to immediately decide whether the expression you're parsing is a variable assignment or an arithmetical expression. There are several ways that you could parse expressions like these quite naturally, and they essentially involve weakening one of those two assumptions.
The first way we could do this would be to switch from using a top-down parser like an LL(1) or LL(2) parser to something else like an LR(0) or SLR(1) parser. Those parsers work bottom-up by reading larger prefixes of the input string before deciding what they're looking at. In your case, a bottom-up parser might work by seeing the variable and thinking "okay, I'm either going to be reading an expression to print or an assignment statement, but with what I've seen so far I can't commit to either," then scanning more tokens to see what comes next. If they see an equals sign, great! It's an assignment statement. If they see something else, great! It's not. The nice part about this is that if you're using a standard bottom-up parsing algorithm like LR(0), SLR(1), LALR(1), or LR(1), you should probably find that the parser generally handles these sorts of issues quite well and no special-casing logic is necessary.
The other option would be to parse the entire expression assuming that = is a legitimate binary operator like any other operation, and then check afterwards whether what you parsed is a legal assignment statement or not. For example, if you use Dijkstra's shunting-yard algorithm to do the parsing, you can recover a parse tree for the overall expression, regardless of whether it's an arithmetical expression or an assignment. You could then walk the parse tree to ask questions like
if the top-level operation is an assignment, is the left-hand side a single variable?
if the top-level operation isn't an assignment, are there nested assignment statements buried in here that we need to get rid of?
In other words, you'd parse a broader class of statements than just the ones that are legal, and then do a postprocessing step to toss out anything that isn't valid.
Suppose I have given a valid arithmetic expression to my yacc file. And now I want to show how the parse tree looks by traversing it in pre or post order. Is it possible to traverse the parse tree.Just a rookie in compiler design.
Only if you build the tree yourself while you are parsing. Bison/yacc won't do that for you.
However, the reduce actions are effectively a depth-first pre-order walk, since the reductions happen bottom-up left-to-right. So you can get something very similar to a parse tree walk by putting your "visit" code in each reduction rule.
But you're really better off learning how to create ASTs.
I've seen two approaches to parsing:
Use a parser generator like happy. This allows you to specify your language in BNF, and not worry about the intricacies of parsing. However, since it's a preprocessor you have to write your whole parse tree textually.
Use a parser directly like megaparsec. With this approach you have direct access to your code so you can generate your parser programatically, but you haven't got the convenience of happy's simple BNF specification with precedence annotations etc. Also it seems non trivial to print out a BNF tree for documentation from your parsing code unless this is considered during it's construction.
What I'd like to do is something like this:
Generate a data structure programatically that represents BNF.
Feed this through to a "happy like" parser generator to generate a parser.
Feed this through a pretty printer to generate actual BNF documentation.
The reason I want to do this is that the grammar I'm working on has grown quite large and has a lot of repetition, as a lot of it's constructs are similar to others but slightly different. It would improve maintenence effort if it could be generated programmatically instead of modifying happy BNF spec directly, but I'd rather not have to develop my own parser from scratch.
Any ideas about a good approach here. It would be great if I could just generate a data structure and force it into happy (as it presumably generates it's own internal structure after parsing the BNF feed to it) but happy doesn't seem to have a library interface.
I guess I could generate attonated BNF, and feed that through to happy, but it seems like a messy process of converting back and forth. A cleaner approach would be better. Perhaps even a BNF style extension to parsec or megaparsec?
The simplest thing to do would to make some data type representing the relevant grammar, and then convert it to a parser using some parser combinators as a (run-time) "compile" step. Unfortunately, most parser combinators are less efficient and/or less flexible (in some ways) than the parser generators, so this would be a bit of a lowest common denominator approach. That said, the grammar-combinators library may be useful, though it doesn't appear to be maintained.
There are libraries that can generate parsers at run-time. One I found just now is Grempa, which doesn't appear to be maintained but that may not be a problem. Another option (by the same person who made Grempa but maintained) is Earley which, due to the way Earley parsers are made, it makes sense to have an explicit grammar that gets processed into a parser. Earley parsing is certainly flexible, but may be overpowered for you (or maybe not).
I'm trying to write a predictive editor for a grammar written in Rascal. The heart of this would be a function taking as input a list of symbols and returning as output a list of symbol types, such that an instance of any of those types would be a syntactically legal continuation of the input symbols under the grammar. So if the input list was [4,+] the output might be [integer]. Is there a clever way to do this in Rascal? I can think of imperative programming ways of doing it, but I suspect they don't take proper advantage of Rascal's power.
That's a pretty big question. Here's some lead to an answer but the full answer would be implementing it for you completely :-)
Reify an original grammar for the language you are interested in as a value using the # operator, so that you have a concise representation of the grammar which can be queried easily. The representation is defined over the modules Type, ParseTree which extends Type and Grammar.
Construct the same representation for the input query. This could be done in many ways. A kick-ass, language-parametric, way would be to extend Rascal's parser algorithm to return partial trees for partial input, but I believe this would be too much hassle now. An easier solution would entail writing a grammar for a set of partial inputs, i.e. the language grammar with at specific points shorter rules. The grammar will be ambiguous but that is not a problem in this case.
Use tags to tag the "short" rules so that you can find them easily later: syntax E = #short E "+";
Parse with the extended and now ambiguous grammar;
The resulting parse trees will contain the same representation as in ParseTree that you used to reify the original grammar, except in that one the rules are longer, as in prod(E, [E,+,E],...)
then select the trees which serve you best for the goal of completion (which use the #short tag), and extract their productions "prod", which look like this prod(E,[E,+],...). For example using the / operator: [candidate : /candidate:prod(_,_,/"short") := trees], and you could use a cursor position to find candidates which are close by instead of all short trees in there.
Use list matching to find prefixes in the original grammar, like if (/match:prod(_,[*prefix, predicted, *postfix],_) := grammar) ..., prefix is your query as extracted from the #short rules. predicted is your answer and postfix is whatever would come after.
yield the predicted symbol back as a type for the user to read: "<type(predicted, ())>" (will pretty print it nicely even if it's some complex regexp type and does the quoting right etc.)