Predictive editor for Rascal grammar - rascal

I'm trying to write a predictive editor for a grammar written in Rascal. The heart of this would be a function taking as input a list of symbols and returning as output a list of symbol types, such that an instance of any of those types would be a syntactically legal continuation of the input symbols under the grammar. So if the input list was [4,+] the output might be [integer]. Is there a clever way to do this in Rascal? I can think of imperative programming ways of doing it, but I suspect they don't take proper advantage of Rascal's power.

That's a pretty big question. Here's some lead to an answer but the full answer would be implementing it for you completely :-)
Reify an original grammar for the language you are interested in as a value using the # operator, so that you have a concise representation of the grammar which can be queried easily. The representation is defined over the modules Type, ParseTree which extends Type and Grammar.
Construct the same representation for the input query. This could be done in many ways. A kick-ass, language-parametric, way would be to extend Rascal's parser algorithm to return partial trees for partial input, but I believe this would be too much hassle now. An easier solution would entail writing a grammar for a set of partial inputs, i.e. the language grammar with at specific points shorter rules. The grammar will be ambiguous but that is not a problem in this case.
Use tags to tag the "short" rules so that you can find them easily later: syntax E = #short E "+";
Parse with the extended and now ambiguous grammar;
The resulting parse trees will contain the same representation as in ParseTree that you used to reify the original grammar, except in that one the rules are longer, as in prod(E, [E,+,E],...)
then select the trees which serve you best for the goal of completion (which use the #short tag), and extract their productions "prod", which look like this prod(E,[E,+],...). For example using the / operator: [candidate : /candidate:prod(_,_,/"short") := trees], and you could use a cursor position to find candidates which are close by instead of all short trees in there.
Use list matching to find prefixes in the original grammar, like if (/match:prod(_,[*prefix, predicted, *postfix],_) := grammar) ..., prefix is your query as extracted from the #short rules. predicted is your answer and postfix is whatever would come after.
yield the predicted symbol back as a type for the user to read: "<type(predicted, ())>" (will pretty print it nicely even if it's some complex regexp type and does the quoting right etc.)


Can this be parsed by a LALR(1) parser?

I am writing a parser in Bison for a language which has the following constructs, among others:
self-dispatch: [identifier arguments]
dispatch: [expression . identifier arguments]
string slicing: expression[expression,expression] - similar to Python.
arguments is a comma-separated list of expressions, which can be empty too. All of the above are expressions on their own, too.
My problem is that I am not sure how to parse both [method [other_method]] and [someString[idx1, idx2].toInt] or if it is possible to do this at all with an LALR(1) parser.
To be more precise, let's take the following example: [a[b]] (call method a with the result of method b). When it reaches the state [a . [b]] (the lookahead is the second [), it won't know whether to reduce a (which has already been reduced to identifier) to expression because something like a[b,c] might follow (which could itself be reduced to expression and continue with the second construct from above) or to keep it identifier (and shift it) because a list of arguments will follow (such as [b] in this case).
Is this shift/reduce conflict due to the way I expressed this grammar or is it not possible to parse all of these constructs with an LALR(1) parser?
And, a more general question, how can one prove that a language is/is not parsable by a particular type of parser?
Assuming your grammar is unambiguous (which the part you describe appears to be) then your best bet is to specify a %glr-parser. Since in most cases, the correct parse will be forced after only a few tokens, the overhead should not be noticeable, and the advantage is that you do not need to complicate either the grammar or the construction of the AST.
The one downside is that bison cannot verify that the grammar is unambiguous -- in general, this is not possible -- and it is not easy to prove. If it turns out that some input is ambiguous, the GLR parser will generate an error, so a good test suite is important.
Proving that the language is not LR(1) would be tricky, and I suspect that it would be impossible because the language probably is recognizable with an LALR(1) parser. (Impossible to tell without seeing the entire grammar, though.) But parsing (outside of CS theory) needs to create a correct parse tree in order to be useful, and the sort of modifications required to produce an LR grammar will also modify the AST, requiring a post-parse fixup. The difficultly in creating a correct AST spring from the difference in precedence between
In the first (subset) case, b binds to its argument list [c] and the comma has lower precedence; in the end, b[c] and d are sibling children of the slice. In the second case (method invocation), the comma is part of the argument list and binds more tightly than the method application; b, [c] and d are siblings in a method application. But you cannot decide the shape of the parse tree until an arbitrarily long input (since d could be any expression).
That's all a bit hand-wavey since "precedence" is not formally definable, and there are hacks which could make it possible to adjust the tree. Since the LR property is not really composable, it is really possible to provide a more rigorous analysis. But regardless, the GLR parser is likely to be the simplest and most robust solution.
One small point for future reference: CFGs are not just a programming tool; they also serve the purpose of clearly communicating the grammar in question. Nirmally, if you want to describe your language, you are better off using a clear CFG than trying to describe informally. Of course, meaningful non-terminal names will help, and a few examples never hurt, but the essence of the grammar is in the formal description and omitting that makes it harder for others to "be helpful".

Trying to understand lexers, parse trees and syntax trees

I'm reading the "Dragon Book" and I think I understand the main point of a lexer, parse tree and syntax tree and what errors they're typically supposed to catch (assuming we're using a context-free language), but I need someone to catch me if I'm wrong. My understanding is that a lexer simply tokenizes the input and catches errors that have to do with invalid constructs in code, such as a semi-colon being passed in language that doesn't contain semi-colons. the parse tree is used to verify that the syntax is followed and the code is in the correct order, and the syntax tree is used to actually evaluate the statements and expressions in the code and generate things like 3-address code or machine code. Are any of these correct?
Side-note: Are a concrete-syntax tree and a parse tree the same thing?
Side-Side note: When constructing the AST, does the entire program get built into one giant AST, or is a different AST constructed per statement/expression?
Strictly speaking, lexers are parsers too. The difference between lexers and parsers is in what they operate on. In the world of a lexer, everything is made of individual characters, which it then tokenizes by matching them to the regular grammar it understands. To a parser, the world is made up of tokens which it makes a syntax tree out of by matching them to the context-free grammar it understands. In this sense, they are both doing the same kind of thing but on different levels. In fact, you could build parsers on top of parsers, operating at higher and higher levels so one symbol in the highest level grammar could represent something incredibly complex at the lowest-level.
To your other questions:
Yes, a concrete syntax tree is a parse tree.
Generally, parsers make
one tree for the entire file, since that represents a sentence in the
CFG. This isn't necessarily always the case though.

Combined unparser/parser generator

Is there a parser generator that also implements the inverse direction, i.e. unparsing domain objects (a.k.a. pretty-printing) from the same grammar specification? As far as I know, ANTLR does not support this.
I have implemented a set of Invertible Parser Combinators in Java and Kotlin. A parser is written pretty much in LL-1 style and it provides a parse- and a print-method where the latter provides the pretty printer.
You can find the project here:
Here is a tutorial:
And here is a parser/pretty printer for mathematical expressions:
Take a look at Invertible syntax descriptions: Unifying parsing and pretty printing.
There are several parser generators that include an implementation of an unparser. One of them is the nearley parser generator for context-free grammars.
It is also possible to implement bidirectional transformations of source code using definite clause grammars. In SWI-Prolog, the phrase/2 predicate can convert an input text into a parse tree and vice-versa.
Our DMS Software Reengineering Toolkit does precisely this (and provides a lot of additional support for analyzing/transforming code). It does this by decorating a language grammar with additional attributes, producing what is called an attribute grammar. We use a special DSL to write these rules to make them convenient to write.
It helps to know that DMS produces a tree based directly on the grammar.
Each DMS grammar rule is paired with with so-called "prettyprinting" rule. Each prettyprinting rule describes how to "prettyprint" the syntactic element and sub-elements recognized by its corresponding grammar rule. The prettyprinting process essentially manufactures or combines rectangular boxes of text horizontally or vertically (with optional indentation), with leaves producing unit-height boxes containing the literal value of the leaf (keyword, operator, identifier, constant, etc.
As an example, one might write the following DMS grammar rule and matching prettyprinting rule:
statement = 'for' '(' assignment ';' assignment ';' conditional_expression ')'
'{' sequence_of_statements '}' ;
{ V(H('for','(',assignment[1],';','assignment[2],';',conditional_expression,')'),
H('{', I(sequence_of_statements)),
This will parse the following:
for ( i=x*2;
i--; i>-2*x ) { a[x]+=3;
b[x]=a[x]-1; }
(using additional grammar rules for statements and expressions) and prettyprint it (using additional prettyprinting rules for those additional grammar rules) as follows:
for (i=x*2;i--;i>-2*x)
{ a[x]+=3;
DMS also captures comments, attaches them to AST nodes, and regenerates them on output. The implementation is a bit exotic because most parsers don't handle comments, but utilization is easy, even "free"; comments will be automatically inserted in the prettyprinted result in their original places.
DMS can also print in "fidelity" mode. In this form, it tries to preserve the shape of the toke (e.g., number radix, identifier character capitalization, which keyword spelling was used) the column offset (into the line) of a parsed token. This would cause the original text (or something so close that you don't think it is different) to get regenerated.
More details about what prettyprinters must do are provided in my SO answer on Compiling an AST back to source code. DMS addresses all of those topics cleanly.
This capability has been used by DMS on some 40+ real languages, including full IBM COBOL, PL/SQL, Java 1.8, C# 5.0, C (many dialects) and C++14.
By writing a sufficiently interesting set of prettyprinter rules, you can build things like JavaDoc extended to include hyperlinked source code.
It is not possible in general.
What makes a print pretty? A print is pretty, if spaces, tabs or newlines are at those positions, which make the print looking nicely.
But most grammars ignore white spaces, because in most languages white spaces are not significant. There are exceptions like Python but in general the question, whether it is a good idea to use white spaces as syntax, is still controversial. And therefor most grammars do not use white spaces as syntax.
And if the abstract syntax tree does not contain white spaces, because the parser has thrown them away, no generator can use them to pretty print an AST.

Implementing "*?" (lazy "*") regexp pattern in combinatorial GLR parsers

I have implemented combinatorial GLR parsers. Among them there are:
char(·) parser which consumes specified character or range of characters.
many(·) combinator which repeats specified parser from zero to infinite times.
Example: "char('a').many()" will match a string with any number of "a"-s.
But many(·) combinator is greedy, so, for example, char('{') >> char('{') >> char('a'..'z').many() >> char('}') >> char('}') (where ">>" is sequential chaining of parsers) will successfully consume the whole "{{foo}}some{{bar}}" string.
I want to implement the lazy version of many(·) which, being used in previous example, will consume "{{foo}}" only. How can I do that?
May be I confused ya all. In my program a parser is a function (or "functor" in terms of C++) which accepts a "step" and returns forest of "steps". A "step" may be of OK type (that means that parser has consumed part of input successfully) and FAIL type (that means the parser has encountered error). There are more types of steps but they are auxiliary.
Parser = f(Step) -> Collection of TreeNodes of Steps.
So when I parse input, I:
Compose simple predefined Parser functions to get complex Parser function representing required grammar.
Form initial Step from the input.
Give the initial Step to the complex Parser function.
Filter TreeNodes with Steps, leaving only OK ones (or with minimum FAIL-s if there were errors in input).
Gather information from Steps which were left.
I have implemented and have been using GLR parsers for 15 years as language front ends for a program transformation system.
I don't know what a "combinatorial GLR parser" is, and I'm unfamiliar with your notation so I'm not quite sure how to interpret it. I assume this is some kind of curried function notation? I'm imagining your combinator rules are equivalent to definining a grammer in terms of terminal characters, where "char('a').many" corresponds to grammar rules:
char = "a" ;
char = char "a" ;
GLR parsers, indeed, produce all possible parses. The key insight to GLR parsing is its psuedo-parallel processing of all possible parses. If your "combinators" can propose multiple parses (that is, they produce grammar rules sort of equivalent to the above), and you indeed have them connected to a GLR parser, they will all get tried, and only those sequences of productions that tile the text will survive (meaning all valid parsess, e.g., ambiguous parses) will survive.
If you have indeed implemented a GLR parser, this collection of all possible parses should have been extremely clear to you. The fact that it is not hints what you have implemented is not a GLR parser.
Error recovery with a GLR parser is possible, just as with any other parsing technology. What we do is keep the set of live parses before the point of the error; when an error is found, we try (in psuedo-parallel, the GLR parsing machinery makes this easy if it it bent properly) all the following: a) deleting the offending token, b) inserting all tokens that essentially are FOLLOW(x) where x is live parse. In essence, delete the token, or insert one expected by a live parse. We then turn the GLR parser loose again. Only the valid parses (e.g., repairs) will survive. If the current token cannot be processed, the parser processing the stream with the token deleted survives. In the worst case, the GLR parser error recovery ends up throwing away all tokens to EOF. A serious downside to this is the GLR parser's running time grows pretty radically while parsing errors; if there are many in one place, the error recovery time can go through the roof.
Won't a GLR parser produce all possible parses of the input? Then resolving the ambiguity is a matter of picking the parse you prefer. To do that, I suppose the elements of the parse forest need to be labeled according to what kind of combinator produced them, eager or lazy. (You can't resolve the ambiguity incrementally before you've seen all the input, in general.)
(This answer based on my dim memory and vague possible misunderstanding of GLR parsing. Hopefully someone expert will come by.)
Consider the regular expression <.*?> and the input <a>bc<d>ef. This should find <a>, and no other matches, right?
Now consider the regular expression <.*?>e with the same input. This should find <a>bc<d>e, right?
This poses a dilemma. For the user's sake, we want the behavior of the combinator >> to be understood in terms of its two operands. Yet there is no way to produce the second parser's behavior in terms of what the first one finds.
One answer is for each parser to produce a sequence of all parses, ordered by preference, rather than the unordered set of all parsers. Greedy matching would return matches sorted longest to shortest; non-greedy, shortest to longest.
Non-greedy functionality is nothing more than a disambiguation mechanism. If you truly have a generalized parser (which does not require disambiguation to produce its results), then "non-greedy" is meaningless; the same results will be returned whether or not an operator is "non-greedy".
Non-greedy disambiguation behavior could be applied to the complete set of results provided by a generalized parser. Working left-to-right, filter the ambiguous sub-groups corresponding to a non-greedy operator to use the shortest match which still led to a successful parse of the remaining input.

Looking for a clear definition of what a "tokenizer", "parser" and "lexers" are and how they are related to each other and used?

I am looking for a clear definition of what a "tokenizer", "parser" and "lexer" are and how they are related to each other (e.g., does a parser use a tokenizer or vice versa)? I need to create a program will go through c/h source files to extract data declaration and definitions.
I have been looking for examples and can find some info, but I really struggling to grasp the underlying concepts like grammar rules, parse trees and abstract syntax tree and how they interrelate to each other. Eventually these concepts need to be stored in an actual program, but 1) what do they look like, 2) are there common implementations.
I have been looking at Wikipedia on these topics and programs like Lex and Yacc, but having never gone through a compiler class (EE major) I am finding it difficult to fully understand what is going on.
A tokenizer breaks a stream of text into tokens, usually by looking for whitespace (tabs, spaces, new lines).
A lexer is basically a tokenizer, but it usually attaches extra context to the tokens -- this token is a number, that token is a string literal, this other token is an equality operator.
A parser takes the stream of tokens from the lexer and turns it into an abstract syntax tree representing the (usually) program represented by the original text.
Last I checked, the best book on the subject was "Compilers: Principles, Techniques, and Tools" usually just known as "The Dragon Book".
int x = 1;
A lexer or tokeniser will split that up into tokens 'int', 'x', '=', '1', ';'.
A parser will take those tokens and use them to understand in some way:
we have a statement
it's a definition of an integer
the integer is called 'x'
'x' should be initialised with the value 1
I would say that a lexer and a tokenizer are basically the same thing, and that they smash the text up into its component parts (the 'tokens'). The parser then interprets the tokens using a grammar.
I wouldn't get too hung up on precise terminological usage though - people often use 'parsing' to describe any action of interpreting a lump of text.
(adding to the given answers)
Tokenizer will also remove any comments, and only return tokens to the Lexer.
Lexer will also define scopes for those tokens (variables/functions)
Parser then will build the code/program structure
"Compilers Principles, Techniques, & Tools, 2nd Ed." (WorldCat) by Aho, Lam, Sethi and Ullman, AKA the Purple Dragon Book
a related answer of mine What is the difference between a token and a lexeme?
As with my other answer such questions as this make more sense when a specific goal is desired.
In your case the specific goal is
Create a program will go through c/h source files to extract data declaration and definitions.
If the goal is to create Abstract Syntax Trees (AST) then those are created using a Parser and a Parser is commonly feed a list of Tokens from the Lexer. Notice that Tokenizer is deliberately not mentioned.
Another way to think of the relation between a Lexer and Parser is that a Lexer creates a linear structure (list/stream of tokens) and a Parser converts the tokens into an tree structure (Abstract Syntax Tree).
If you read the Dragon book you will notice that the word Analysis appears often which is to say that analysis is one of the key functions at the various stages. This is because when working with Lexers and Parsers they are designed to work with formal languages and a determination needs to be made if the input adheres to the formal language.
From page 5
character stream
Lexical Analyzer
(token stream)
Syntax Analyzer
(syntax tree)
Semantic Analyzer
(syntax tree)
In the above diagram the Lexer is associated with Lexical Analyzer and I would associate Syntax Analyzer and Semantic Analyzer with Parser but YMMV.
AFAIK Tokenizer has no official definition in the Dragon book, not even noted in the index. I don't have an electronic copy of the book so could not do an automated search.
One common reference that notes Tokenizer is Anatomy of a Compiler but the Dragon books are the reference of choice by many in the field.
However if your only goal is to create a list of tokens and then do something else other than semantic analysis then calling the module/function/... a tokenizer might be the right name.
I use Lexer with Parser and don't use Tokenizer with Parser.
Another thought to keep in mind is that if no useful information should be lost in the transformations. In other words if one of your goals is to be able to recreate the input from the AST then the AST needs to capture the extraneous information like whitespace, which then means the Lexer also needs to capture the extraneous information. One reason to go through such effort is to create useful error messages or for Edit code and continue Debugging.
