How to show the Google Photo Sphere on an iOS app? - ios

I'm developing Google Street View app for iOS.
I think Photo Sphere is not sopported iOS API, but it's sopported Android API.
How do i show the Photo Sphere? I can't think of any good ideas.
Use cordova-plugin-googlemaps for PhoneGap?

You can use OpenGL ES and map the image as a spheremap texture. or have a sphere mesh and use a standard texture coordinates.
You can also achieve the same effect using UIView customisation.


how do i convert 2D image to 3D image like PopPic 3d app in swift 5

I want this kind of functionality in my app. this app converts captured image to. 3d image. and also have functionality to convert. 3d to video. please let me know how do i achieve this in my swift app.
You can use online websites like
1 Aspose
2. Picto3d
Etc. Or just google image to 3d converter online. Its easy bro.

Google Photo Sphere Camera Feature

I'm developing an iOS app for 360 panorama like the street view app made by Google, I want to developed the camera feature but I haven't find any resources or help.
How the logic behind the camera is?
How the dot are displayed on the screen?
Please I really need some help about the logic behind the app.
Checkout this project on github you can get a clear picture of the 360 degree photo's
You need to process the images into a equirectangular image

Google maps - is 3D view possible

I've seen this screen view.
Is it possible to get a 3D map in Google Maps SDK for iOS? I've seen normal, satellite, terrain, hybrid and none here.
Modifying the camera's viewing angle is supported by the SDK. Users can use a two-finger swipe gesture, or you can set animateToViewingAngle: on GMSMapView.

Reproduce Google Heart with iOS7 MapKit's custom tiles

I would love to reproduce GoogleHeart-like 3D map flyover even when offline.
As of iOS 7 MapKit allows us to draw custom offline tiles. It also allows us to set a Camera in order to see the map in 3D or 2.5D as you may wish to call it.
I was wondering: can I draw a 3D shape like Apple does for its flyover feature, on my custom tiles?
I need to apply a "bump-map" to the map in order to get a GoogleHeart-like 3D view and I was wondering if Apple would allow me to do just that with iOS 7 and custom tiles rendering + camera settings.
I have experimented pretty extensively with this, but there is no supported way to do this. Right now, Apple only offers raster tile-based overlay, albeit with automatic 2.5/3D transformation when overlaid on a map. Hopefully in the future they will support 3D API and/or custom, say, OpenGL-based augmentation to the map.

Does Google Maps SDK for iOS display 3D maps?

I have integrated Google Maps SDK to an iOS application and I would like to display 3D Satellite maps. According to the documentation this should work just directly. I can tilt the view, but the displayed map remains flat (i.e. mountains do not show up in 3D as they do in Google Earth).
I have been searching extensively for this, but found no reference or mentioning whether it actually works or does not. Does anybody know whether the 3D maps (google SDK) do work on iOS and I am just hitting some limitation/wrong switch or whether they do not work?
As of SDK v1.8, tilted layers do appear to have some 3D elevation effects, but it's more subtle than Google Earth typically is.
