HttpsUrlConnectionMessageSender - spring-ws

We are using spring-ws-core-2.2.3.RELEASE.jar for spring web service connections. In order to bypass/override invalid host (source and sender are not the same) for testing purposes, I am trying to do this:
public void setWebServicesTemplate(WebServicesTemplate template) {
HostnameVerifier verifier = new NullHostnameVerifier();
HttpsUrlConnectionMessageSender sender = new HttpsUrlConnectionMessageSender();
this.template = template;
public class NullHostnameVerifier implements HostnameVerifier {
public boolean verify(String hostname, SSLSession session) {
return true;
I am not able to find this class in my version of spring-ws-core-2.2.3.RELEASE.jar, however I am able to see it in the previous and higher versions of the .jar.

You have to add the following dependency as this class is part of spring-ws-support:


JMX in SpringBoot Application. Not able to get MBean for classes that implement an Interface

I Have a SpringBoot application . I have used the Java config in the entire application and it is working fine.
Now I have a reqirement to configure JMX for the same.
After going through some tutorials I found that I need to give the following configuration in my spring boot to have the JMX enabled.
public MetadataNamingStrategy getNamingStrategy() {
MetadataNamingStrategy strategy = new MetadataNamingStrategy();
strategy.setAttributeSource(new AnnotationJmxAttributeSource());
return strategy;
public MetadataMBeanInfoAssembler getMbeanInfoAssembler() {
return new MetadataMBeanInfoAssembler(new AnnotationJmxAttributeSource());
public MBeanExporter getExporter() {
MBeanExporter exporter = new MBeanExporter();
return exporter;
After doing this , I am able to see the classes (and their attributes, and operations) in JMX console (on HCP).
But for the classes that implement an interface ,I am not able to see them on JMX console.
I have an interface TestInterface2.
package com.test.example;
public interface TestInterface2 {
public String simpleTest2();
The implementation of the interface goes below.
#ManagedResource(objectName = "com.test.example:type=TestInterfaceImpl2", description = "TestInterface2 Desc")
public class TestInterfaceImpl2 implements TestInterface2 {
public String simpleTest2() {
return "Simple Test";
I tried this. It is not working.
But the following am able see in JMX console
objectName = "com.test.example:type=FormHandler",
description = "Form Handler implementation")
public class FormHandler {
#implementation details here
Can someone suggest the best approach for doing this or why am i not able to get the interface implementations as MBean .

mdui metadata extension with spring-saml

i need to configure an SP with Spring SAML Extension, this time with a new idp admin request.
He ask me to send him metadata with mdui values like this:
<md:SPSSODescriptor> <Extensions> <mdui:UIInfo>
<mdui:DisplayName xml:lang="it">desc</mdui:DisplayName>
<mdui:InformationURL xml:lang="it">http://xxxx</mdui:InformationURL>
I think i can do this operation with a non signed metadata with values added by hand.
It is the only way or can i obtain the same result with configuration options ?
thanks in advance.
Checkout the MetadataGenerator class of spring-security-saml. It has a buildExtensions method that is populating OpenSAML's Extensions object with the DiscoveryResponse extension if configured. You could possibly extend MetadataGenerator and hook in your configuration.
This is an excerpt of the buildExtensions method:
protected Extensions buildExtensions(String entityBaseURL, String entityAlias) {
boolean include = false;
Extensions extensions = new ExtensionsBuilder().buildObject();
// Add discovery
if (isIncludeDiscoveryExtension()) {
DiscoveryResponse discoveryService = getDiscoveryService(entityBaseURL, entityAlias);
include = true;
if (include) {
return extensions;
} else {
return null;
If you're using Spring Boot you can use this library to configure SAML and provide the custom MetadataGenerator: spring-boot-security-saml
The configuration would look something like:
public static class MyServiceProviderConfig extends ServiceProviderConfigurerAdapter {
public void configure(ServiceProviderSecurityBuilder serviceProvider) throws Exception {

Spring Boot with Neo4J JDBC and MySQL

My Spring Boot Application is secured by Spring Security OAuth2. The userdata is stored in a SQL-database. I followed here royclarkson's Oauth protected REST service. This project works with Spring Data JPA. This works fine.
But now I want to implement my Neo4J Configuration to get data from my Neo4J-Database via Neo4J-JDBC (JDBC-template). Here I followed this GitHub project:
As a standalone application it works, but if I put this two projects togehter, I get this Exception:
HibernateJpaAutoConfiguration.class]: Invocation of init method failed;
nested exception is org.hibernate.HibernateException:
Unable to determine Dialect to use [name=Neo4j, majorVersion=3];
user must register resolver or explicitly set 'hibernate.dialect'
My looks like this:
public class Neo4jConfig {
//NEO4J Server Implementation via JDBC
private static final String NEO4J_URL = System.getProperty("NEO4J_URL","jdbc:neo4j://localhost:7474");
private static final String NEO4J_USER = System.getProperty("NEO4J_USER","neo4j");
private static final String NEO4J_PASSWORD = System.getProperty("NEO4J_PASSWORD","neo4j");
public DataSource dataSource() {
return new DriverManagerDataSource(NEO4J_URL, NEO4J_USER, NEO4J_PASSWORD);
public Neo4jConfig(){
public String getNeo4JURL(){
return NEO4J_URL;
public class TripController {
JdbcTemplate template;
public static final RowMapper<Trip> TRIP_ROW_MAPPER = new RowMapper<Trip>() {
public Trip mapRow(ResultSet rs, int rowNum) throws SQLException {
return new Trip(rs.getString("tripname"),rs.getInt("slots"), rs.getInt("to_date"), rs.getInt("from_date"));
" MATCH (t:Trip)\n" +
" RETURN t.tripname as tripname, t.slots as slots, t.to_date as to_date, t.from_date as from_date";
#RequestMapping(path = "/alltrips", method = RequestMethod.GET)
public List<Trip> alltrips() {
return template.query(SEARCH_TRIPS_QUERY, TRIP_ROW_MAPPER);
I hope you guys understand my question. I know, I am a really newone at Spring, but I hope anyone can help me :)
This is happening because hibernate does not find any dialect for Neo4J as Neo4j is not RDBMS database and dialect is not provided by default. You can use Hibernate OGM (search and include it in pom.xml), and then use following configuration to configure Entitymanager and Transaction manager
#EnableJpaRepositories(basePackages = {
"your repository packages" }, entityManagerFactoryRef = "n4jEntityManager", transactionManagerRef = "n4jTxnManager")
public class DatabaseConfiguration {
#Bean(name = "n4jEntityManager")
public LocalContainerEntityManagerFactoryBean entityManager() {
Map<String, Object> properties = new HashMap<String, Object>();
properties.put("javax.persistence.transactionType", "resource_local");
properties.put("hibernate.ogm.datastore.database", "your database");
properties.put("hibernate.ogm.datastore.create_database", "true or false");
LocalContainerEntityManagerFactoryBean entityManager = new LocalContainerEntityManagerFactoryBean();
entityManager.setPackagesToScan("your domain packages");
return entityManager;
#Bean(name = "n4jTxnManager")
public PlatformTransactionManager txnManager() {
JpaTransactionManager transactionManager = new JpaTransactionManager();
return transactionManager;
But I suggest, to remove Hibernate altogether if you are not going to use RDBMS and will only be using Neo4j. Spring data has good support for NoSQL databases and Entities can be defined using annotations like #NodeEntity and #GraphId

Securing exclusively the REST access to a Spring Data Rest Repository

I'm using Spring Data Rest to expose a repository. I'm using #PreAuthorize and #PostFilter to restrict the access to the REST end points to exclusively admin users and filter the results.
#PostFilter("hasPermission(filterObject, 'read')
public interface SomeRepository extends CrudRepository<SomeEntity, Long> {
At the same time I have another Controller that doesn't require any authentication but is using the repository.
public class SomeController {
SomeRepository repository;
#RequestMapping(value = "/test")
public ResponseEntity test () {
// Do something
// Do something else
This doesn't work because the user that send the request to "/test" is not admin so it doesn't have access to the repository.
My question is, it is possible to add security exclusively to the REST interface of the repository and not when the repository is used internally in the application?
Please evaluate these possibilities:
Security checks in REST event handlers
Adding custom repository methods for internal use
Using RunAsManager (or temporarily switching SecurityContext to perform a privileged operation)
Securing modifying requests using REST event handlers:
public class FooService {
* Handles before-* events.
public void onBeforeModify(final Foo entity){
// noop
* Handles before-* events.
public void onBeforeModifyLink(final Foo entity, final Object linked){
// noop
Securing standard CRUD methods while adding non-secure custom methods on repository for internal use:
public interface FooDao extends CrudRepository<Foo, Long> {
<S extends Foo> S save(final S entity);
* Saves entity without security checks.
default <S extends Foo> S saveInternal(final S entity) {
return save(entity);
One solution would be to remove the #PreAuthorize annotation from your repository interface, and in a configuration class, extend WebSecurityConfigAdaptor and override the configure(HttpSecurity security) method. From here you can use AntMatchers to impose access restrictions to the REST endpoints as required. For example:
protected void configure(HttpSecurity http) throws Exception {
See for more details.
I ran into the same problem and came up with a workaround that doesn't feel completely right but does its job for the time being.
I basically created a security utils bean which can be used to check if a method was called internally or externally using the Spring Data REST API (remark: my repositories are prefixed /api/, if you have another prefix you need to change the regex accordingly).
public class SecurityUtils {
public boolean isRestRequest(){
HttpServletRequest r = ((ServletRequestAttributes) RequestContextHolder.currentRequestAttributes()).getRequest();
return Pattern.matches("^/api/", UrlUtils.buildRequestUrl(r));
To make this work, you need to add the following line to your listeners in the web.xml:
And use the method in your expression based access control like so (where the last line in the expression allows you to use the save method from any controller methods that are mapped against URLs which do not start with /api/:
#PreAuthorize("hasRole('ROLE_ADMINISTRATOR') " +
"or hasPermission(#user, 'WRITE') " +
"or !#securityUtils.isRestRequest()")
<S extends User> S save(#P("user") S user);
You cannot use this when you want to expose custom functionality over the /api route as this is merely a simple regex check against the route
The check has to be explicitly added to each repository or repository method for which you want to omit the authorization check internally (might be an advantage as well)
In my opinion the right solution would be to have two Repositories, one that is called EntityRepository and one SecuredEntityRepository.
#RestResource(exported = false)
public abstract interface CustomerRepository extends JpaRepository<Customer, Long> {
and the secured version:
#RestResource(exported = true)
public abstract interface SecuredCustomerRepository extends CustomerRepository {
#PreAuthorize("#id == or hasAuthority('ADMIN_CUSTOMER_ONE')")
public Customer findOne(#Param("id") Long id);
#Query("SELECT o FROM #{#entityName} o WHERE = ?#{} or 1 = ?#{ hasAuthority('ADMIN_CUSTOMER_LIST') ? 1 : 0 }")
public Page<Customer> findAll(Pageable pageable);
#PreAuthorize(" == or hasAuthority('ADMIN_CUSTOMER_SAVE')")
public Customer save(#P("customer") Customer customer);
public void delete(#Param("id") Long id);
public void delete(Customer customer);
This is currently not possible due to an issue with the auto-wiring mechanism in SD REST:
Sure. Just change the location of the #PreAuthorize annotation. This annotation can be placed in classes or single methods.
For example
public class SomeController {
SomeRepository repository;
#RequestMapping(value = "/test")
public ResponseEntity test () {
// Do something
// Do something else
is perfectly legit (note the annotation on the test() method.
I decorated the repository class with this:
It locked down everything.
Then whatever I wanted to enable for internal use but not rest, I decorated like this:
#RestResource(exported = false)
default <S extends SomeEntity> S saveInternal(final S entity) {
return save(entity);
And whatever I wanted to expose via the Rest interface (handpicked few) I exposed with something like this:
#PreAuthorize("(hasRole('user')) and
(#entity.user.username ==")
<S extends SomeEntity> S save(#Param("entity") S entity);
Note that this also validates that you are saving a record you are authorized to save.
I solved this problem by adding my own check
I created my AbstractHttpConfigurer class with global security. I have declared methods that can be public.
public class CommonSpringKeycloakTutorialsSecurityAdapter extends AbstractHttpConfigurer<CommonSpringKeycloakTutorialsSecurityAdapter, HttpSecurity> {
public static String[] PERMIT_ALL_URL = {"/api/user/createUser"};
public void init(HttpSecurity http) throws Exception {
// any method that adds another configurer
// must be done in the init method
// disable csrf because of API mode
// manage routes securisation here
// manage routes securisation here
.antMatchers("/swagger-ui.html*", "/swagger-ui/**", "/v3/api-docs/**").permitAll()
Then I created my own check based on global permissions.
public class SecurityUtils {
public boolean isPermitRestRequest(){
HttpServletRequest r = ((ServletRequestAttributes) RequestContextHolder.currentRequestAttributes()).getRequest();
String currentUrl = UrlUtils.buildRequestUrl(r);
for(String url: CommonSpringKeycloakTutorialsSecurityAdapter.PERMIT_ALL_URL) {
if(currentUrl.equals(url)) {
return true;
return false;
For native validation to work, include a listener
public class MyRequestContextListener extends RequestContextListener {
In my team we evaluated several of the answers in this post and they didn't fit to our scenario.
A variation of Johannes Hiemer answer worked for us. We configured Spring Data REST to only expose annotated repositories:
detection-strategy: annotated
Then we defined 2 repositories without hierarchical relationship.
One of the repos will be exposed by adding the #RepositoryRestResource annotation to it. For this one, we deny access to every method by default so auth will have to be specified on a method level to reduce the chances of exposing methods by mistake. For example, initially we extended CrudRepository and didn't want to expose the deletion operation:
interface SomeRestResourceRepository : Repository<SomeEntity, Long> {
The repository to be used for internal calls is defined as a regular Spring Data Repository:
interface SomeRepository : Repository<SomeEntity, Long> {
We are using spring-boot-starter-data-rest 2.6.3.

Spring Security 4 issue using Query Method

I am using the latest spring security 4 version and it introduces a new feature to use the logged in user details directly in the query method using expression language. Here is my spring data repository code:
public interface UserRepository extends JpaRepository<User, Long> {
#Query("select username from User u where u.username = ?#{ principal?.username }")
User findByUsername(String username);
In the above code, I have an entity User as below:
#Table(name = "users")
public class User {
#Column(name = "username", nullable = false, unique = true)
private String username;
#Column(name = "password", nullable = false)
private String password;
#Column(name = "enabled", nullable = false)
private Boolean enabled;
#Column(name = "role", nullable = false)
private Role role;
//getters and setters
Also I have this entry for enabling this feature:
public SecurityEvaluationContextExtension securityEvaluationContextExtension() {
return new SecurityEvaluationContextExtension();
When I run the application, I get the error:
Caused by: org.springframework.dao.InvalidDataAccessApiUsageException: Authentication object cannot be null; nested exception is java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Authentication object cannot be null
at org.springframework.orm.jpa.EntityManagerFactoryUtils.convertJpaAccessExceptionIfPossible(
at org.springframework.orm.jpa.vendor.HibernateJpaDialect.translateExceptionIfPossible(
at org.springframework.orm.jpa.AbstractEntityManagerFactoryBean.translateExceptionIfPossible(
Caused by: java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Authentication object cannot be null
What could be the issue. Here I am posting to check if there is any issue in using the query method. Can i use like principal.username, is that correct?
Update: When I removed the #Query from repository it works fine. That means its problem with the new spring security 4 using principal.username. Is there anything wrong in this expression?
#Query("select username from User u where u.username = ?#{ principal?.username }")
Pls try this custom class :-
class SecurityEvaluationContextExtension extends EvaluationContextExtensionSupport {
public String getExtensionId() {
return "Security";
public SecurityExpressionRoot getRootObject() {
Authentication authentication = SecurityContextHolder.getContext().getAuthentication();
return new SecurityExpressionRoot(authentication){};
Not sure whether you have solved the issue in the meantime, but I noticed that your query should look like:
select u from User u where u.username = ?#{ principal }
assuming your principal object is the plain username String.
If you created your own SecurityEvaluationContextExtension class, and did not implement getAuthentication() method, you might be getting this exception.
In this link, you can see original file, that implements all necessary methods.
So, you don't need to implement this class on your own. Instead, you can add below dependency to your pom file to have the original one;
<!-- -->
If you are using any other dependency manager rather than maven, you can goto related maven repo and get the definition that you want.
I hope this helps.
