Docker publish ports during build - docker

I'm using Docker to build an nginx enviornment. I'm wondering if it's possible to expose to publish the ports (80, 443) during build so letsencrypt can run at build time (it needs network access to a server in the (intermediate) container).
Is this possible?

I have never seen that and i think that is not possible by design.
You should not place the secret key in the image
You might need to re-assure the license after 2 months and would need to rebuild the whole image
in general, this is done using a companion letsencrypt docker image, sometimes called sidekick. You basically have your app (and its containers) and a letsencrypt container, exposing a volume which nginx then mounts using volume_from this volume is were the letsencrypt container puts the fetched certificates. This happens during image-startup, not during image creation. You use a docker-compose file to configure anything needed.
E.g. you can have a look here
b) or
a) lets you defined the domains you are going to need using ENV variables, which will suite a docker-compose way very well, not providing any files like a configuration on the host ( keeps it portable ).
You can still put all this on the nginx-server, but its just not best practise, out of many reasons ( e.g. the need to configure nginx ).
If you want to stick to "build time", an alternative is using the DNS verify mode, so instead of verifying using connect-back on a port, you rather verify using a DNS-entry, some links for that
- the a) container does this
For this scenario you might want to pick - AFAIK it is the only DNS service with free API access for unlimited domains, anything else either costs money or has limits.


Can a random person visiting a docker-app hosted online access the source code?

I am very new to the realm of dockers. I want to make sure I have understood the safety part of it correctly.
Imagine the following case:
I create an app that consists of multiple scripts and models.
I dockerize my app.
I host the dockerized app by using a cloud platform on their servers.
The app has an UI that can be accessed by anyone online, for instance through a web link.
The question is:
Can a person from the outside world access to the contents of this app in any way - or may I sleep in peace and be sure no one can see the stuff inside it?
As part of dockerizing your application, you exposed ports that allow interaction with the container (typically in your Dockerfile). If everything is configured correctly, then external visitors can only access the contents of the container via that port or ports.
Running your container at a well-known provider is a great start, but not a guarantee of a secure configuration.
A few things to consider:
Whatever runs on the port or ports that you expose, can provide whatever info from the container. The service there should be secure itself, regardless of Docker.
You host your Docker image in a registry, where the platform starts it from. That registry should also be configured to not allow unauthorized access to the image.
You should have no secrets in Docker images anyway. If the image needs some kind of a secret, that should be provided at runtime (eg. via environment variables), or even better, downloaded from a secret vault.

How docker container can communicate in PCF

I have multiple docker containers. In local they talk to each other using network and compose.yml. I have pushed my containers to PCF only i don't know how to make them talk to each other. Can anyone help me out??
My understanding is that you would utilize Cloud Foundry's container to container networking to do this.
By default, no connections are allowed between containers but you can use the cf cli to allow connections on specific ports between your applications. Your applications just need to be configured to start and listen on the ports that you allow.
While it's not docker specific, there's a good example here.
Using docker should be minimally different. You'll obviously need to create your own docker images and make sure that those are going to listen on the correct ports, otherwise it's just an adjustment to how you push the application (i.e. pass the docker image name to cf push). The cf add-network-policy commands should be the same.
Hope that helps!
** UPDATE **
If you are looking for docker-compose like behavior, kind of a run one command and deploy multiple apps, you can achieve this with cf push and a manifest.yml file.
The manifest.yml file allows you to define multiple applications. Thus you can use it to deploy a series of applications that work together, like you often see with docker-compose.
You have quite a bit of flexibility with manifest.yml, you can deploy buildpack based apps or docker image based apps. You can configure routes, bound services, health checks, memory/disk quotas, and if you're on a new enough version, even processes and sidecars. That said, it can't do 100% of what you can with the cf cli, for example you cannot control the above mentioned network policy using a manifest.yml. If you need to control something not exposed through manifest.yml, the other option would be to script the deployment.

Multiple images inside one container

So, here is the problem, I need to do some development and for that I need following packages:
One option is that I take a Ubuntu image, create a container and start installing them one by one and done, start my server, and expose the ports.
But this can easily be done in a virtual box also, and it will not going to use the power of Docker. So for that I have to start building my own image with these packages. Now here is the question if I start writing my Dockerfile and if place the commands to download the Node js (and others) inside of it, this again becomes the same thing like virtualization.
What I need is that I start from Ubuntu and keep on adding the references of MongoDb, NodeJs, RabbitMq, Nginx and Redis inside the Dockerfile and finally expose the respective ports out.
Here are the queries I have:
Is this possible? Like adding the refrences of other images inside the Dockerfile when you are starting FROM one base image.
If yes then how?
Also is this the correct practice or not?
How to do these kind of things in Docker ?
Thanks in advance.
Keep images light. Run one service per container. Use the official images on docker hub for mongodb, nodejs, rabbitmq, nginx etc. Extend them if needed. If you want to run everything in a fat container you might as well just use a VM.
You can of course do crazy stuff in a dev setup, but why spend time setting up something that has zero value in a production environment? What if you need to scale up one of the services? How do set memory and cpu constraints on each service? .. and the list goes on.
Don't make monolithic containers.
A good start is to use docker-compose to configure a set of services that can talk to each other. You can make a prod and dev version of your docker-compose.yml file.
Getting into the right frame of mind
In a perfect world you would run your containers in clustered environment in production to be able to scale your system and have concurrency, but that might be overkill depending on what you are running. It's at least good to have this in the back of your head because it can help you to make the right decisions.
Some points to think about if you want to be a purist :
How do you have persistent volume storage across multiple hosts?
Reverse proxy / load balancer should probably be the entry point into the system that talks to the containers using the internal network.
Is my service even able run in a clustered environment (multiple instances of the container)
You can of course do dirty things in dev such as mapping in host volumes for persistent storage (and many people who use docker standalone in prod do that as well).
Ideally we should separate docker in dev and docker i prod. Docker is a fantastic tool during development as you can have redis, memcached, postgres, mongodb, rabbitmq, node or whatnot up and running in minutes sharing that compose setup with the rest of the team. Docker in prod can be a completely different beast.
I would also like to add that I'm generally against the fanaticism that "everything should be running in docker" in prod. Run services in docker when it makes sense. It's also not uncommon for larger companies to make their own base images. This can be a lot of work and will require maintenance to keep up with security fixes etc. It's not necessarily the first thing you jump on when starting with docker.

Docker, Registrator and Consul by example

I am new to both Docker and Consul, and am trying to get a feel for how containerized apps could use Consul for both service registry and KV pair config management ("configuration").
My understanding was that I could:
Create an image that runs Consul server, so something like this; then
Spin up three of these Docker-Consul containers (thus forming a cluster/quorum) on (an Ubuntu VM); then
Refactor my app to use Consul and create a Docker image that runs my app and Consul agent, with the agent configured to join the 3-node quorum at startup. On startup, my app uses the local Consul agent to pull down all of its configurations, stored as KV pairs. It also pulls in registered/healthy services, and uses a local load balancing tool to balance the services it integrates with.
Run my app's containers on, say, (another Ubuntu VM).
So to begin with, if any of this seems like I am misunderstanding the normal/proper uses of Docker and Consul (sans Registrator), please begin by correcting me!
Assuming I'm more or less correct, I recently stumbled across Registrator and am now even more confused. Registrator seems to be some middleman between your app containers and your Consul (or whatever registry you use) servers.
After reading their Quickstart tutorial, it sounds like what you're supposed to do is:
Deploy my Consul cluster/quorum containers to like before
Instead of "Dockerizing" my app to use Consul directly, I simply integrate it with Registrator
Then I deploy a Registrator container somewhere, and configure it to integrate with Consul
Then I deploy my app containers. They integrate with Registrator, and Registrator in turn integrates with Consul.
My concerns:
Is my understanding here correct or way off base? If so, how?
What is actually gained by the addition of Registrator. It doesn't seem (to the untrained eye at least) like anything more than a layer of indirection between the app and the service registry.
Will I still be able to leverage Consul's KV config service through Registrator?
Is my understanding here correct or way off base? If so, how?
It seems to me, that it's not a good solution, to have all cluster/quorum members running inside the same VM. It's not so bad if you use it for development or tetsing or something, where you don't care much about reliability, but not for production.
Once your VM dies, you'll loose all the advantages you have by creating a cluster. And even more, you can loose all the data you have in K/V store, because you are running Consul servers inside a docker containers, which should be additionaly configured to share the configuration between runs.
As for the rest, I see it the same as you.
What is actually gained by the addition of Registrator.
From my point of view, the main thing is, that you don't have to provide an instance of Consul Agent in every container you run. And the container with the image you run is responsible only for their main functions, not for registering itself somewhere. You may simply pull an image and just run a container with it, to make it's service available, without making additional work.
Will I still be able to leverage Consul's KV config service through Registrator?
Unfortunately, no. At least, we didn't find a solution to use it this way, when we were looking for something to make service discovering and configuration management. We came to conclusion, that Registrator is not a proxy for K/V store and is used only to automate service discovery. So you have to use some other logic to access consul's K/V store.
Update: furthermore, here is 2 articles: "Automatic Docker Service Announcement with Registrator" and "Automatic container registration with Consul and Registrator", I found usefull to understand Registrator role in service discovery process.

Centralized team development environment with docker

I want to build a "centralized" development environment using docker for my development team (4 PHP developers)
I have one big Linux server (lot of RAM, Disk, CPU) that runs the containers.
All developers have an account on this linux server (a home directory) where they put (git clone) the projects source code. Locally (on their desktop machine) they have access to their home directory via a network share.
I want that all developers are able to work at the same time on the same projects, but viewing the result of their code editing in different containers (or set of containers for project who use linking containers)
The docker PHP development environment by itself is not a problem. I already tried something like that with success :
I can use fig, with a fig.yml at the root of each project source code, so each developer can do a fig up to launch the set of containers for a given project. I can even use a different FIG_PROJECT_NAME environment variable for each account so I suppose that 2 developer can fig up the same project and their will be no container names collisions
Does it make sense ?
But after, I don't really know how to dynamically giving access to the running containers : when running there will be typically a web server in a container mapped to a random port in the host. How can I setup a sort of "dynamic DNS" to point to the running container(s), accessible, let say, through a nginx reverse proxy (the vhost creation and destroy has to be dynamic too) ?
To summarize, the workflow I would like to have :
A developer ssh into the dev env (the big linux server).
from his home directory he goes into the project directory and do a fig up
a vhost is created in the nginx reverse proxy, pointing to the running container and a DNS entry (or /etc/hosts entry) is added that is the server_name of this previously generated vhost.
The source code is mounted into the container from a host directory (-v host/dir:container/dir, so the developer can edit any file while the container is running
The result can be viewed by accessing the vhost, for example :
when the changes are ok, the developper can do a git commit/push
then the dev do a fig stop which in turn delete the nginx reverse proxy corresponding vhost and also delete the dynamic DNS entry.
So, how would to do a setup like this ? I mentioned tool like fig but if you have any other suggestions ... but remember that I would like to keep a lightweight workflow (after all we are a small team :))
Thanks for your help.
Does it make sense ?
yes, that setup makes sense
I would suggest taking a look at one of these projects:
They're all designed to create DNS entries for containers as they start. Then just point your DNS server at it and you should get a nice domain name every time someone starts up an environment (I don't think you'll need a nginx proxy). But you might also be interested in this approach:
Now, there's an even better option for you: Traefik. It will act as a reverse proxy, listening on 80/443, and will differentiate by hostname. Then, it will forward traffic dynamically, based on labels applied to the containers.
Here is a good solution to your issue:
1) Setup Traefik to listen to the docker daemon, forwarding based on ports
2) Ensure the frontend app servers for your devs are on the same docker network as traefik
3) Set a wildcard dns entry point to your server. For example: *
4) On each container, set the hostname in that wildcard namespace. For example: This would be specified in a docker label such as:
This would allow developers to dynamically forward traffic by domain to their own dev containers.
Yes, I'm aware this is a 3 year old question. It still comes up in 2018 first on google for "centralized docker development server" so I'm going to post this anyways for the help of those currently searching.
