Centralized team development environment with docker - docker

I want to build a "centralized" development environment using docker for my development team (4 PHP developers)
I have one big Linux server (lot of RAM, Disk, CPU) that runs the containers.
All developers have an account on this linux server (a home directory) where they put (git clone) the projects source code. Locally (on their desktop machine) they have access to their home directory via a network share.
I want that all developers are able to work at the same time on the same projects, but viewing the result of their code editing in different containers (or set of containers for project who use linking containers)
The docker PHP development environment by itself is not a problem. I already tried something like that with success : http://geoffrey.io/a-php-development-environment-with-docker.html
I can use fig, with a fig.yml at the root of each project source code, so each developer can do a fig up to launch the set of containers for a given project. I can even use a different FIG_PROJECT_NAME environment variable for each account so I suppose that 2 developer can fig up the same project and their will be no container names collisions
Does it make sense ?
But after, I don't really know how to dynamically giving access to the running containers : when running there will be typically a web server in a container mapped to a random port in the host. How can I setup a sort of "dynamic DNS" to point to the running container(s), accessible, let say, through a nginx reverse proxy (the vhost creation and destroy has to be dynamic too) ?
To summarize, the workflow I would like to have :
A developer ssh into the dev env (the big linux server).
from his home directory he goes into the project directory and do a fig up
a vhost is created in the nginx reverse proxy, pointing to the running container and a DNS entry (or /etc/hosts entry) is added that is the server_name of this previously generated vhost.
The source code is mounted into the container from a host directory (-v host/dir:container/dir, so the developer can edit any file while the container is running
The result can be viewed by accessing the vhost, for example :
when the changes are ok, the developper can do a git commit/push
then the dev do a fig stop which in turn delete the nginx reverse proxy corresponding vhost and also delete the dynamic DNS entry.
So, how would to do a setup like this ? I mentioned tool like fig but if you have any other suggestions ... but remember that I would like to keep a lightweight workflow (after all we are a small team :))
Thanks for your help.

Does it make sense ?
yes, that setup makes sense
I would suggest taking a look at one of these projects:
They're all designed to create DNS entries for containers as they start. Then just point your DNS server at it and you should get a nice domain name every time someone starts up an environment (I don't think you'll need a nginx proxy). But you might also be interested in this approach: http://jasonwilder.com/blog/2014/03/25/automated-nginx-reverse-proxy-for-docker/

Now, there's an even better option for you: Traefik. It will act as a reverse proxy, listening on 80/443, and will differentiate by hostname. Then, it will forward traffic dynamically, based on labels applied to the containers.
Here is a good solution to your issue:
1) Setup Traefik to listen to the docker daemon, forwarding based on ports
2) Ensure the frontend app servers for your devs are on the same docker network as traefik
3) Set a wildcard dns entry point to your server. For example: *.localdev.example.com.
4) On each container, set the hostname in that wildcard namespace. For example: jsmith-dev1localdev.example.com. This would be specified in a docker label such as: traefik.frontend.rule=Host:jsmith-dev1localdev.example.com.
This would allow developers to dynamically forward traffic by domain to their own dev containers.
Yes, I'm aware this is a 3 year old question. It still comes up in 2018 first on google for "centralized docker development server" so I'm going to post this anyways for the help of those currently searching.


Access to internal infrastructure from Kubernetes

If I run Docker (Docker for Desktop, on Windows 10), then access to internal infrastructure and containers is fine. I can easily do
docker pull internal.registry:5005/container:latest
But ones I enable Kubernetes there, I completely lose an access to internal infrastructure and [Errno 113] Host is unreachable in Kubernetes itself or connect: no route to host from Docker appears.
I have tried several ways, including switching of NAT from DockerNAT to Default Switch. That one doesn't work without restart and restart changes it back to DockerNAT, so, no luck here. This option also seems not to work.
let's start from the basics form the official documentation:
Please make sure you meet all the prerequisites and all other instructions were met.
Also you can use this guide. It has more info with details pointing to what might have gone wrong in your case.
If the above won't help, there are few other things to consider:
In case you are using a virtual machine, make sure that the IP you are referring to is the one of the docker-engines’ host and not the one on which the client is running.
Try to add tmpnginx in docker-compose.
Try to delete the pki directory in C:\programdata\DockerDesktop (first stop Docker, delete the dir and than start Docker). The directory will be recreated and k8s-app=kube-dns labels should work fine.
Please let me know if that helped.

How Do I Configure Docker Containers Behind A Load Balancer?

My IT infrastructure department has provided me with the following setup: A netscaler load balancer (lb) in front of 3 virtual machines (vm01, vm02, vm03). Each virtual machine was setup with IIS.
I have installed Docker Engine on all three virtual machines and have replicated the same 3 containers (appcontainer1, appcontainer2, appcontainer3) on all 3 virtual machines. Each container contains a .NET Core Web API application (api1, api2, api3).
Each container is configured to expose its port 80 for access to the api and is mapped to a port on the virtual machine where it is running. In other words appcontainer1 is run with docker run -p 8091:80 ., appcontainer2 is run with docker run -p 8092:80 ., and appcontainer3 is run with docker run -p 8093:80 ..
The problem I am running into is how do I call my web applications from a client machine. For example, if I wanted to directly call ap1 on vm01, I would call vm01.domain.com:8091, but how do I make a call to lb.domain.com:8091 and have it resolve correctly on one of the virtual machines?
A crudely put together paint drawing of the situation:
Do I configure the netscaler load balancer to be a reverse proxy and forward the port along to the virtual machines?
Do I configure a separate DNS entry per application (ap1.domain.com, ap2.domain.com, api3.domain.com) and configure IIS (or nginx or Apache) on each virtual machine to resolve to the appropriate port?
Is there a way to configure Docker to do this?
Am I doing it all wrong and over thinking the whole thing?
Should I be using some sort of container orchestration instead?
Is there a sensible way to do this without bothering the infrastructure team to reconfigure everything?
You need to setup each IIS on each VM as a reverse proxy with ARR (Application request routing) module. There are a few tricks that you will use that MAY arise (Hello Microsoft) during this process. I cannot say anything on the load balancer though. Still, it shouldn't be hard to configure it to evenly distribute the load on the machines. All you need is to tell LB to direct any call to lb.domain.com:XXXX to one of the VMs in a round robin manner. You -probably- can do it to vary the port too, which allows you to have your traffic distributed amongst 3VMs x3containers = 9 containers.
However, it is recommended not to expose Kestrel server on the net. Instead, put it behind IIS or whatever. And to configure IIS to act as a reverse proxy, you can either build 3 sites and bind them to the corresponding ports with minimal configuration, or use a single site that uses IIS and resolve the incoming request using rewrite rules. To be honest IIS is a pain to use with docker.
BUT what I actually recommend is to use swarm if your OS supports it and expose a single port per VM. These are one of:
WS2016 1709 update or later (These have no GUI)
Windows 10 1709 update.
The swarm is still problematic in Windows :/ Also it has very frustrating seemingly random errors involving "localhost:PORT" and stuff. For instance, I cannot access my containers on my server (WS2016, pre-1709) using localhost:PORT combination. Same goes for my development machine (Win10 latest) which has just recently become an issue. It was fine before "something" happened and it stopped working.
If you are flexible about which proxy to use, I recommend taking a look at nginx, Kubernetes and if you are on the experimental side traefik, that allows you to get away without using a container orchestration tool (i.e. swarm)

Several docker stacks with the same compose file but different ports

I would like to run several instances of a multi-container application at the same time using the same compose file. One of the containers in the application accepts websockets on a certain port.
I have an nginx proxy to forward different domains or locations to different instances of the application. The instances are actually different tenants using the application.
I would like to simply be able to run:
docker stack deploy -c docker-stack.yml tenant1
docker stack deploy -c docker-stack.yml tenant2
And somehow get different ports to the apps, which I then can use in the proxy to forward different websocket connections to different application instances, either using locations or virtual hosts.
So either:
How to configure the proxy to do this can surely be figured out. I've started to read a bit about: https://github.com/jwilder/nginx-proxy, which seems nice. However it requires that I set the virtual host name as environment variable for each app-instance and I can't seem to find a way to pass arguments with my docker stack deploy command?
Ideally I would like to not care about exact ports, they would rather be random. But they need to somehow be known to the nginx proxy to be able to forward. I want to easily be able to spin up a new appinstance (tenant) stack and just set up the proxy for that name (or even better if the proxy can handle that automatically with the naming of the app).
Bonus if both examples above works (both virtual host and location) since that would make it possible to test and develop without making subdomains / new domains.

Docker publish ports during build

I'm using Docker to build an nginx enviornment. I'm wondering if it's possible to expose to publish the ports (80, 443) during build so letsencrypt can run at build time (it needs network access to a server in the (intermediate) container).
Is this possible?
I have never seen that and i think that is not possible by design.
You should not place the secret key in the image
You might need to re-assure the license after 2 months and would need to rebuild the whole image
in general, this is done using a companion letsencrypt docker image, sometimes called sidekick. You basically have your app (and its containers) and a letsencrypt container, exposing a volume which nginx then mounts using volume_from this volume is were the letsencrypt container puts the fetched certificates. This happens during image-startup, not during image creation. You use a docker-compose file to configure anything needed.
E.g. you can have a look here
a) https://github.com/rancher/community-catalog/blob/master/templates/letsencrypt/2/docker-compose.yml
b) or http://letsencrypt.readthedocs.io/en/latest/using.html#running-with-docker
a) lets you defined the domains you are going to need using ENV variables, which will suite a docker-compose way very well, not providing any files like a configuration on the host ( keeps it portable ).
You can still put all this on the nginx-server, but its just not best practise, out of many reasons ( e.g. the need to configure nginx ).
If you want to stick to "build time", an alternative is using the DNS verify mode, so instead of verifying using connect-back on a port, you rather verify using a DNS-entry, some links for that
- https://github.com/lukas2511/letsencrypt.sh/wiki/Examples-for-DNS-01-hooks
- the a) container does this
For this scenario you might want to pick http://cloudflare.com - AFAIK it is the only DNS service with free API access for unlimited domains, anything else either costs money or has limits.

HaProxy for service discovery on a marathon mesos docker linked containers

Please this is not asked anywhere I have checked. Here is what I have done. I am able to deploy single instance of mesos, marathon and docker. Moving next step ahead I want to have 2 mesos slave(docker containers) linked to each other. Just using docker the same can be achieved by using the docker link feature. But while using the orchestration(mesos) and scheduler(marathon)it seems u need to use service discovery.
My setup up is simple and runnning on a single host. So I will have 2 docker containers one running a simple pub/sub and one running rabbitmq. How can I use HA PRoxy in this setup. I have seen some documents provided by mesosphere
http://mesosphere.com/docs/getting-started/service-discovery/ but it is not clear how to go about it.
The canonical approach for service discovery with Mesos + Marathon + Docker is currently what is described in the document you linked.
I'm assuming you're able to get the two applications running in Marathon already.
Typically what happens is:
1) Configure your application definition to include the ports that your application requires.
2) You set up the provided haproxy-marathon-bridge script to run periodically using a utility like cron. This script scrapes Marathon's API to figure out what host and port the application instances are running on and what the known "friendly" port is.
In the example in the service discovery article, the first application has friendly ports of 80 and 443, whilst the second has a friendly port of 8081.
The script then generates a haproxy.cfg configuration that has rules mapping localhost:friendly_port to actual_host:actual_port.
3) Configure your applications to look for each other on localhost:friendly_port. HAProxy will route connections appropriately.
Hope this helps your understanding!
I created a haproxy service discovery docker container that you can run in mesos. It's not production ready but I am using it in my development environment doing exactly what you're trying to do. The reason I prefer this over what comes with marathon is I haven't found a good way to do complicated haproxy configurations with haproxy-marathon-bridge. With spiderweb you can create a template for the haproxy configuration which enables you to do things such as acl routing etc. It doesn't support health checks yet which is something that will need to be done before its production ready. You can see the project here https://github.com/SBRDevelopment/spiderweb.
We have combined Mesos and Marathon with consul and registartor,
so in the end you have haproxy configuration auto-generated with consul-template.
try https://github.com/eBayClassifiedsGroup/PanteraS
All in one container.
With Mesos-DNS you can also do the following:
Setup mesos-dns as in this guide: http://programmableinfrastructure.com/guides/service-discovery/mesos-dns-haproxy-marathon/ (you can skip HAProxy steps they are not required)
When you start your docker containers make sure that they have "namespace %slave_ip_with_mesos_dns%" (replace string with IP address) in their /etc/resolv.conf files.
if lets say name of an app is "peek" it should be reachable from other applications at peek.marathon.mesos
