CRITTERCISM_DIR_NAME: No such file or directory - crash-reports

I am using crittercism crash reporting tool . Initially it is working fine , but now it showing error
CRITTERCISM_DIR_NAME: No such file or directory

This error suggests that the path of the crittercism library placed on your system is not specified. We usually encounter this message while uploading dSYM using the build script. By following this method, we are supposed to mention the APP ID, APP Key and Source path of the script which might be missed here and caused the error. You may refer to the following article for detailed information :


aapt2 Removing resource * without required default value

When building a Xamarin.Android project it is written in the output window that aapt2 has removed resources due to a missing default value.
Xamarin.Android.Aapt2.targets(160,3): warning APT2000: warn: removing resource com.companyname.demo_app:drawable/parking_slot without required default value.
The removed resource is part of a Xamarin.Android binding project and is also included in the aar-file under drawables and in the R.txt.
Because it is only a log-statement in the build output, the project builds and the app can be started. But when using one part of the binding-project the following error will be thrown:
Java.Lang.NoSuchFieldError: 'No static field parking_slot of type l in class Lcom/company/sample/R$drawable; or its superclasses (declaration of '$drawable' appears in /data/app/com.companyname.demo_app-Ab0cDefG==/base.apk)'
What does cause the removal of the resource and how can it be prevented?
Edit 1:
The missing resource parking_slot is not in the drawable folder but in drawable-xhdpi-v4 for example. To check this I renamed the aar to zip and extracted it.
I then copied parking_slot it to the drawable folder, zipped and renamed it to aar again. Building is now without the aapt2 warning. Yet the app crashes again with:
Java.Lang.NoClassDefFoundError: 'Failed resolution of: Lcom/company/sample/R$drawable;'
I tested the aar-file with a native non-Xamarin app and no issue came to my attention which brings me to the conclusion that something might be broken with the way the Xamarin app is build.
Nevertheless the fix (or the workaround if you want) looks like this:
Rename aar to zip and unzip.
Search for the missing resource. In my case parking_slot
Copy the missing resource into your app-project
I think this works because of the way Androids fallback-system works.

LLDB How to load crashlog

I'm studying iOS crash analysis. Now, I need to import crashlog files into LLDB. As WWDC18 Session 414 said, I now have a copy of myApp, dSYM, xxx.crash. Run the following command in
$ lldb
(lldb) command script import lldb.macosx.crashlog
(lldb) crashlog /path/xxxx.crash
However, the stack trace file is not available and there is only a lot of error like:
error: unable to locate any executables from the crash log
Did I use it wrong? What is the correct method of use?
I've recently had the same issue. Unfortunately, in it's current state the crashlog script appears to expect the original binary to be around, but we can "trick" it by either:
Copying the binary from inside the .dSYM/Contents/Resources/DWARF/ into the path it is expecting it (found on the .crash file, something like /private/var/containers/Bundle/Application/SOME-UUID/
Editing the paths (not just the initial one) in the .crash file before symbolicating to the path of the binary (e.g. ~/MyFolder/
Hope this helps! 🙏

Parse Crash Reporting: Do Not Understand Symbol Files at:

I think I spent a whole day on this and still don't have a clue what the issue is.
The error I get every time the project builds is "Do not understand symbol files at :/Users/natecraft/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/TestingCrashes-dytajkglkhaghgficdgpolnmndnr/Build/Products/Debug-iphoneos/"
Following the crash guide here , I manually uploaded the dSYM file with this... parse symbols --path="" which I believe worked. How do I verify? I saw this in the docs "If you set up automatic uploading, verify that the uploads have worked by looking at the logs under the Report navigator." But can't find the "Report Navigator".
I've tried many variations of the actual Run Script, most recently from this answer here. But nothing has made a difference. The only thing I can think of that's different with my sample TestingCrashes project and the Parse guides i'm following is that I'm using CocoaPods, and XCode 7.1
Thanks in advance
Double-check in your Build Settings that your Debug Information Format is “DWARF with dSYM File” for both Debug and Release

Parse Crash Reporting - symbol file not found, symbols not understood

I've read through a number of similar questions here about Parse Crash Reporting, and got a couple of hints that helped. But I am still unable to get the symbol file uploaded.
I added the script to XCode exactly as per instructions on the Parse Website. When the app builds, the script seems to run, and all the right messages are being displayed.
I added the time-delayed forced Exception to the app, in the suggested place. I ensured that CrashReporting was enabled. I added the Parse framework to the project via CocoaPods; it's there, and the app compiles without error or warning. I did the sequence of one crash, restart, second crash, wait a few minutes, refresh the Parse Dashboard.
But Parse thinks otherwise:
OK, fine. So i did a manual push of the file, via CLI from Terminal. First attempt failed because I wasn't uploading the DWARF file. Corrected that. Now it says it cant' find the file or directory.
Here's my folder on my machine, where the file is located:
And here's the command line, with the command and result:
So the CLI maybe is thinking that the filename isn't a file; I tried changing the name by adding a ".bin" extension.
Then I got a different error: "Do not understand symbol files at:" followed by the full path to the file. I even tried enclosing the full path in single quotes, inside the double quotes; same not-found error.
I have the latest Parse CLI downloaded. I am running the command "parse symbols -p " from the app's Cloud Code directory (an existing directory that had been set up earlier to use other Parse Cloud Code features).
What else to add? Running XCode 6.4, Objective-C app, I checked various other Build Settings to ensure that symbols were being generated. The file is 30Mb in size and opening it reveals what is clearly a binary file, whose contents do look like they're symbols from a compiler - recognizable names of classes, etc.
This is just a test app, and I'm testing out the Parse crash reporting, rather than signing up for another service, like New Relic or any of the other ones; I figure, I'm using Parse for other stuff, why not use its Crash Reporting...
Anyone have any idea what I'm doing wrong here? I just can't see it.

YouTube integration issue in iOS SDK

I am integrating YouTube in my app in which I have to login the user for authentication.I got a sample code that is working fine.When I started integrating that code in my app then I am getting some issues.
When I run the same code in a sample app I made then its telling GTLYouTube.h file missing.I am unable to know how that sample is working even though it does not have that file.
Subsequently I added the downloaded file from svn checkout svn checkout google-api-objectivec-client-read-only and added the files in my app.
Then although the GTLYouTubeConstants.m is present as I can see in Services->Youtube->Generated I am getting error that GTLYouTubeConstants.m file not found.
I am unable to find while compiler is unable to find the file.Is there anything wrong in my implementation?
Finally I came up with the solution.I need to make a lot of changes in the code which I will write in steps so that it can be helpful for others.
The main problem I got in GTLYouTube_Sources.m,GTLCommon_Sources.m and GTLNetworking_Sources.m.When I used these files from the Sample App the files were missing and I was getting message like GTLYouTubeConstants.m file not found in GTLYouTube_Sources.m file.From the comments of developer in the GTLYouTube_Sources.m I came to know that I can't directly use these files.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
So I downloaded the files from svn checkout and added the files in my app.Then again I got that error but when I removed the GTLYouTube_Sources.m,GTLCommon_Sources.m and GTLNetworking_Sources.m files form the project then the error gone(since I have already added the needed files).
Then again I got the duplicate symbol _OBJC_METACLASS_$ (linker error).Then I had to remove the GTLYouTube_Sources.m from Services->YouTube->Generated folder and the error gone.
I had made some other changes along with this:
I changed my header search path to same that used in Sample App.Also I changed my framework search path to $(SDKROOT)/Developer/Library/Frameworks $(inherited) $(DEVELOPER_FRAMEWORKS_DIR) and I removed all the test files and didn't use any test framework as we can see in the downloaded files.
May be my solution is not proper but it let the code running so please suggest me any improvement needed.
