Parse Crash Reporting: Do Not Understand Symbol Files at: - ios

I think I spent a whole day on this and still don't have a clue what the issue is.
The error I get every time the project builds is "Do not understand symbol files at :/Users/natecraft/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/TestingCrashes-dytajkglkhaghgficdgpolnmndnr/Build/Products/Debug-iphoneos/"
Following the crash guide here , I manually uploaded the dSYM file with this... parse symbols --path="" which I believe worked. How do I verify? I saw this in the docs "If you set up automatic uploading, verify that the uploads have worked by looking at the logs under the Report navigator." But can't find the "Report Navigator".
I've tried many variations of the actual Run Script, most recently from this answer here. But nothing has made a difference. The only thing I can think of that's different with my sample TestingCrashes project and the Parse guides i'm following is that I'm using CocoaPods, and XCode 7.1
Thanks in advance

Double-check in your Build Settings that your Debug Information Format is “DWARF with dSYM File” for both Debug and Release


How do I track down this error message "could not find upload server" in Xcode?

I have recently inherited an iOS project within our company. It is written in Objective-C and all of those who have previously worked on it are no longer in the company.
Anytime I use the Product -> Clean Build Folder or Product -> Build I get an error message pop up at the end of the build that says "could not find upload server".
I have searched the code and do not see this anywhere, I have went though the build settings and do not see this anywhere either, and I have went through the build phases and rules and just can't figure out where this message is coming from.
Does anyone have a clue what this error message means or where I could look to figure it out?
The app compiles and builds fine, but I'd like to resolve this issue.
We do have a report upload project within the app so I'm not sure if it's related to that or if Xcode is trying to upload the project to some type of build server somewhere on our network. From some digging around, I was able to learn we used to have a MacMini that did builds but it hasn't been used for years and is no longer online.
Where can I look to find this issue?
I found the issue after searching through GitHub. It seems there was a PostBuild script on the Scheme file which I was not aware existed.

How do I manually add Pods/Headers/Public to the Header Search Paths configuration?

I ejected from expo.
I ran ‘react-native link’ in the terminal
I moved into the iOS folder and ran ‘pod install’ in the terminal.
Then I opened the padel.xcworkspace in xcode. When I try and build the app
I get an error that says the React/RCTBridgeModule.h file is not
After much googling I understand that I need to “manually add
Pods/Headers/Public to the Header Search Paths configuration” as
described in the expo docs
I have absolutely no idea how to do this. Can someone please help me?
When I click on the error message in build time this is what I see:
Where am I supposed to add ‘Pods/Headers/Public’
My best guess is that I have to add an additional path in the ‘Header Search Paths’ section. The problem is that I don’t understand where BUILT_PRODUCTS_DIR corresponds to so I don’t know how to walk it to the pods folder.
Any suggestions?
Finally found the answer to this on step 3 of the docs on manual linking in react native

Parse Crash Reporting - symbol file not found, symbols not understood

I've read through a number of similar questions here about Parse Crash Reporting, and got a couple of hints that helped. But I am still unable to get the symbol file uploaded.
I added the script to XCode exactly as per instructions on the Parse Website. When the app builds, the script seems to run, and all the right messages are being displayed.
I added the time-delayed forced Exception to the app, in the suggested place. I ensured that CrashReporting was enabled. I added the Parse framework to the project via CocoaPods; it's there, and the app compiles without error or warning. I did the sequence of one crash, restart, second crash, wait a few minutes, refresh the Parse Dashboard.
But Parse thinks otherwise:
OK, fine. So i did a manual push of the file, via CLI from Terminal. First attempt failed because I wasn't uploading the DWARF file. Corrected that. Now it says it cant' find the file or directory.
Here's my folder on my machine, where the file is located:
And here's the command line, with the command and result:
So the CLI maybe is thinking that the filename isn't a file; I tried changing the name by adding a ".bin" extension.
Then I got a different error: "Do not understand symbol files at:" followed by the full path to the file. I even tried enclosing the full path in single quotes, inside the double quotes; same not-found error.
I have the latest Parse CLI downloaded. I am running the command "parse symbols -p " from the app's Cloud Code directory (an existing directory that had been set up earlier to use other Parse Cloud Code features).
What else to add? Running XCode 6.4, Objective-C app, I checked various other Build Settings to ensure that symbols were being generated. The file is 30Mb in size and opening it reveals what is clearly a binary file, whose contents do look like they're symbols from a compiler - recognizable names of classes, etc.
This is just a test app, and I'm testing out the Parse crash reporting, rather than signing up for another service, like New Relic or any of the other ones; I figure, I'm using Parse for other stuff, why not use its Crash Reporting...
Anyone have any idea what I'm doing wrong here? I just can't see it.

IDEBundleInjection.c: Error 3587 on Xcode 6.4

I am trying to start testing my app, and so I enabled a new test target and a Swift file for the testing. Yet when I try to execute the testing I receive error:
IDEBundleInjection.c: Error 3587 loading bundle '/Users/fbartolom/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/inArrivoHD-ebjdiuuwdpdvchgmpsyqkpvvvyhw/Build/Products/Debug-iphonesimulator/inArrivoHD Tests.xctest
By reading some threads I also recovered the XCTest.framework from /Applications/ given it was not available in the selection, after locating it with find on the shell as Spotlight reported no results. Yet in so doing I got some missing symbols in the linking phase, so by reading How do I migrate from SenTestingKit/OCUnit to XCTest? I removed it.
I tried clearing the DerivedData folder several times to no avail. I also put code signing to "Don't Code signing" with changing anything.
What should I do?
I think I fixed the issue by followng the advice at:
The issue was due to incorrectly importing the MacOS test kit. Once I correctly chose the iOS one everything went in order. Perhaps a better error message would be appreciated.

Invalid Binary in ItunesConnect on Xamarin Project

My Issue
Supported by the Xamarin guidance here,_testing,_and_metrics/app_distribution_overview/publishing_to_the_app_store/ I used the App Loader tool (recently downloaded version 3) and uploaded my .ipa file. Everything indicates success but after a few minutes, it moves from “uploaded” to “invalid binary”
I have checked stackoverflow and done a few suggestions ive double-checked all my image files and the build for 64 bit etc. Any help you can provide is appreciated.
Well since I dont have a 10 reputation I cannot post pics and i can only do one link, so I am going to upload this to my blog, I appreciate any help i can get please.
See complete issue explained here -
I've hit this issue twice, including a few days ago. In both cases the cause was that I included a bundle resource file (of my own proprietary format and definition) with the *.app extension. For some reason, Apple's validation choked on this. The hint was that the auto-generated email sent by iTunes Connect said something about requiring the zip extension. Red herring error message, but it jogged my memory that *.app is a "special" extension I can't use for my own stuff.
Just to be clear, this *.app file that caused an issue was buried inside my overall *.ipa file and its *.app directory. So you still need the standard format, you just need to be careful not to use Apple's extensions for your own proprietary data.
