I'm new to flex.
Whenever I put <x ml list> in flex it shows could not resolve to a component implementation:
<mx: XML List id="tree Data">
I'm having many issues with this. Please give me ideas to resolve the error.
I am facing an error for sample code I am using angular 6 and angular material for application design:
<mat-tree-node> parent node </mat-tree-node>
Error Message:
Error: Could not find a tree control for the tree
any help much appreciated.
The documentation on Material Angular is not super clear about it...
You need tho specifie a [treeControl]="nestedTreeControl" of the type NestedTreeControl<FileNode>;
If you go to Material Angular Tree Component and check the code you will understand easily.
In case you really want to work with a flat tree then this error also appears when you accidentally use <mat-nested-tree-node> instead of <mat-tree-node>.
My Android project in Xamarin keeps failing to build due to below error
invalid symbol :"default" default.png res/drawable/default.png
not sure what is causing this to happen.
Any help will be greatly appreciated.
default is c# keyword, you need rename your picture's name.
As mentioned before default is the keywords and that why it's failing . I wanted to share the lists so you may save your time by not using other keyword . We have quite a large number of keywords in c#:
Please find the few list mentioned in link below:
So if u use any of the reserved names u may come across this kind of error.
I need your help. I want append the external poi library from https://www.apache.org/dyn/closer.lua/poi/release/bin/poi-bin-3.16-20170419.zip but I get the error. What is bad. Thank for your help!
For apache poi you need to include the correct jar files, depending which document formats you wish to work with.
Here you see the list of required modules/jars.
For HSSF you will also need the poi-ooxml.jar and poi-ooxml-schemas.jar
I want to build a library for custom elements with Dart Polymer, the architecture looks like this:
<parent-custom-element attributes="xxxx">
<child-custom-element-0 attributes="yyyyy"> </child-custom-element-0>
<child-custom-element-1 attributes="zzzzzzzz"> </child-custom-element-1>
The requirement is that: the child-custom-element could access the DOM/variables/object of the parent-custom-element. For example, if the parent-custom-element has a canvas object, the child-custom-element could draw line, or circle on it.
Any ideas how to do it? Or any examples to guide me?
I wrote a blog post about nesting polymer elements:
This should help you to understand how to nest elements. Feel free to ask further questions!
"'ErrorMessageResourceType' property specified was not found."
{"The resource type 'XXXX.XXXXXX' does not have a publicly visible static property named '_RequiredXXXX'."}
I'm getting this error when my Create.aspx view is called and steps over that line:
<%=Html.TextBoxFor(Function(model) model.NO_DEMND, New With {.class = "txtbox", .disabled = True})%>
<%=Html.ValidationMessageFor(Function(model) model.NO_DEMND)%>
The message is there in the Ressources file, I think the problem is deeper than that but i'm having a hard time finding it. It pops this error very early on the ASPX page. It's the first model component it goes thru, i tried removing this one and it's the same message for all the model.xxxx components. I guess it's an error somewhere in the linkage. The .EDMX is correct and I get no build errors, can anyone enlight me ?
Thanks alot
Found the answer, turns out we had the same bug last year working on this project.
I'll add the answer for the sakes of knowledge and sO :-)
Right click on the affected Resources file to get the properties.
Set those values:
Build Action: Embedded Resource
Custom Tool: PublicResXFileCodeGenerator
Custom Tool Namespace: Resources
Hope it helps anyone in the near futur since it took me 4hrs to figure this out...
Changing the build action property of my resource file to content resolved the error