Jenkins GitHub Organization jobs triggered by schedule - jenkins

I've setup an Octopus organization with multiple repositories inside.
One of those repositories has automated tests. I'm trying to setup the Jenkinsfile in that repo to make the job trigger periodically instead of only on SCM change.
I haven't found documentation that shows this is possible. Even the job, after is automatically created shows the BUILD TRIGGER option but of course it can't be saved.
Jenkins Organization Job Configuration Screenshot

I found the way of doing this by using the "properties" option. In this example, the job will trigger by changes pushed to GitHub and also on a periodic basis (every 60 minutes):
properties([pipelineTriggers([cron('H/60 * * * *'), [$class: 'GitHubPushTrigger']])])


Trigger Jenkins Job from Bitbucket on Pull Request

Hoping to gather insight from professionals. My end goal is to trigger a jenkins build whenever a bitbucket pull request happens. If anyone could give me an ELI5(explain like I am 5) answer it would be greatly appreciated. Sorry if this is the wrong format, I am new to jenkins and stackoverflow.
What I have done so far:
Created webhook in bitbucket and gave the url to my jenkins job. example: http://jenkinsURL:8080/job/boulevard-dev/generic-webhook-trigger/invoke?token=myPull_Request_Token
Pull request webhook trigger
In Jenkins, under source code management I have: Source Code Management Settings. This is currently fetching a ton of branches, failing, then building the master branch when the job starts?
For build triggers, other stackoverflow articles have pointed me to the "Generic Webhook Trigger".
I am not entirely sure how this generic webhook trigger should effectively be setup? Hoping someone has experience using it and could explain what is needed.
This is what have seen referenced in other articles.Build Triggers settings Build triggers settings 2
What does a correct setup / example of the generic webhook trigger look like?
Currently, my job triggers when a change is made to master or merged to master, how can I specify to my job that I want the bitbucket pull request branch to be built?
Also, I found this, not sure if its related to my issue or not?
As per your requirement, you can trigger a Jenkins build whenever a bitbucket pull request happens by following the below steps, in my case, it's working fine.
Step(1) - Configure Jenkins
(i) Add your bitBucket repo and branch to source code management
(ii) On build Triggers setup Poll SCM to * * * * * for run every minute to check pull request from bitBucket.
Step(2) - configure Bit Bucket Hook
(i) Go to settings and add a new hook, now setup pull request trigger as per your requirement.
Step(3) - Make a pull request and see the new job automatically triggered on Jenkins.

Jenkins Email notification for multiple builds

I need suggestion for Jenkins project (multi-conf or pipeline) and plugins that will fit my work.
I have 10 "flavors" of the product, so I must build 10 times every time I commit to the repository (all in the same workspace, run in sequentially). Today I have 10 jobs (freestyle) and a "master" job that trigger the rest. I tried to add Email notification (using Email Extension Plugin) but I want only one Email report for all the builds, not 10 Emails.
I understand that I should change to one multi-configuration project or one pipeline project that will handle all the builds, so it will be easier to trigger only one Email, but what is the best practice to get only one Email report on multiple builds?
This is the exact scenario which we can achieve using Pipeline job(Jenkinsfile) from which you can trigger all those freeStyle build-jobs in parallel and collect the build-url and build-status of those and store in some file, then use the email plugin in the post-build task to send the status of your complete flow.
You can use the following link to find how to access build variable post calling that inside your pipeline.
How to I get the url of build triggered with build step on Jenkins?

Updating declarative pipeline job's cron triggers doesn't update triggers

I have a declarative pipeline job defined as a pipeline script (not pipeline from SCM). It has a cron trigger:
triggers {
cron('H */4 * * 1-5')
I've run this a few times on-demand and cron triggered, and everything is fine so far. Now if I change the cron trigger, jenkins does not pick up the change, the old trigger is still in effect until I force a job run.
How do I get Jenkins to use the changed triggers without running the job manually? I think the question can be extended to any declarative job definition changes really, how do I get jenkins to update job settings without being forced to run the job.
This is related to how Jenkins pipeline works. Triggering as well as other job configurations are only loaded into Jenkins itself only after the job is executed once. It is simply the egg and the chicken question.
Since a pipeline job should be in the context of the place that stored it (Github, for example), you should consider triggering it from there then use some internal logic to decide if to run it or not.
The complexity of this solution should be relative to the number of times you update your trigger.
In short, currently, at time of writing, you can't.
I work around this for parameterised pipelines by adding a "noop" option and them making sure my pipeline does nothing when this option is selected. That way the job runs but has no side effects.
If your pipeline is not parameterised we are currently, as I said, out of luck.

Jenkins pipeline

I have create job template at Jenkins and created jobs based out of template. But when I added properties: Set Job properties -> Build Triggers -> Build periodically code to schedule jenkins job execution, the relation of job with template is removing after first execution and job became stand alone job. Whatever change I made to template is not picking by the job after that. Is there a option to schedule jobs while using job template?
If I understand correctly if you create a new job after modification of template , the changes are reflected but the changes are not reflected in the existing job?
It could be a bug in older version of jenkins. Try to configure the existing jobs and save it again to make the changes reflected.

Jenkins job wait for first successful build of other job

I have a Jenkins job that should not start building until another job has been built successfully at least once. They are not related per se, so I don't want to use triggers. Is there a way to do this?
Some background: I'm using SCM polling to trigger the second job. I've looked at the Files Found Trigger plugin, but that would keep on triggering the second job after the first on has been built. I've also found the Run Condition Plugin, but that seems to work only on build steps, not on the entire build.
Update - The second job copies artifacts from the first job. As long as the first job has never completed successfully, the Copy Artifact step fails. I am trying to prevent that failure, by not even attempting to build the second job until the first job has completed once.
One solution is to use the Build Flow plugin.
You can create a new flow job and use this DSL:
I've used 10 in the retry section but you can use any numbers.
This flow job can be triggered by monitoring the same SCM URL of your second job.
Update, here is a second solution.
You can use the HTTP Request plugin.
If you want to test that your first job has been built successfully at least once, you can test this URL:
One example:
As my build has never been successful, the lastSuccessfulBuild URL doesn't exist. The HTTP Request changes my build status to failure.
Does it help?
The Block queued job plugin can be used for this:
