Yeoman iOS ObjectiveC Generator - ios

I am trying to achieve scaffolding using the Yeoman tool. Right now i am able to create the project using the tool but the template options does not modify the pbxproj file. Due to this the name of the project remains the same for the template instead of modifying the properties.
Has some tried some kind of a stuff like this earlier ? If yes i would really
appreciate if someone can give me some lead about this.


How to include libsignal-protocol-c in my Swift iOS app?

I would like to write something like import SignalProtocol at the top of one of my Swift files and then be able to call the C functions from libsignal-protocol-c.
libsignal-protocol-c's README says: "When integrating into actual applications, you should not need anything beyond CMake. Alternatively, you may integrate the code using a build system of your choice."
I think I'd like to use the Swift Package Manager to integrate libsignal-protocol-c into my Swift iOS app. Is there a way to automatically generate a manifest file, ie, Package.swift, and a module map, ie, a module.modulemap file, from libsignal-protocol-c's CMake files? Or if I need to create these files manually, what should they include? Otherwise, how would I do this with CMake?
How to import and use libsignal-protocol-c in an existing .xcodeProj? is a similar question but for Objective-C projects.
I'm not sure its an answer but I'm going to start using Seems like a good start.

It's possible to program using RoR in Xcode?? If yes how should I do?

I'm new to programming and I've not understood if I can use RoR in X code or if I can only program throw Swift.
It´s perfectly possible to program Ruby in XCode of course,
You can use the built in git support, .rb files will be automatically recognised for being ruby, you will have syntax highlighting and auto completion (just tested it). You can make use of the project features too, managing multiple source files etc.
Just in case: Source type can be adjusted e.g. in the right sidebar 2nd dropdown named "Type".
I use xcode for c++, python and embedded development. It´s very customisable.

creating createM3FromEclipseProject in Rascal creates no data

I'm new to Rascal and have a very very basic question.
I'm using in a little test project the follwing command :
and uses the code to extract data from a project
It only gives my {}... I assume that means that my M3 model is empty.
What am I doing wrong? It has to be something really basic..
Have you followed the recipe in ?
If no: then please do because that example code is tested.
If yes, then it means there is no data in your project. This can be caused by:
there really is no code in your project. This can be remedied :-)
or the source path of the example project (with the Java code) is not configured to point to the place where you have your Java code. This can be fixed in the properties pane (right-click on the project and its the bottom option). From there on, find help on managing Eclipse projects on

xcode build settings for imported libraries (xcode 5)

I'm having a small issue with xcode (I'm assuming it's mostly due to being unfamiliar with xcode itself) and was hoping someone could lend me a hand.
I'm working with a group of people and we're using the GPUimage framework.
The problem is this:
For every person referencing GPUimage we get additional entries in the build settings for the xcode project.
For example build products path would be:
I would rather it be:
The reason I want to fix this is because we need to package up our application and library together so that whoever wants to use it only needs to open the xcode project file to see what we've done (to mark it, school project).
Can anyone suggest what I should do or look for here?
Try adding the following to the beginning of the user path:
That should instruct XCode to use the user path of whoever is using the library
Hope this helps!

An Issue with Three20

I'm trying to use Three20 in my project. I'm getting some errors, lots of warnings. I understand most of them. But I cannot understand one type of errors. I see in many places imports like this:
import "Three20Network/private/TTRequestLoader.h"
Note "private" there. Compiler says file not found. And maybe I'm missing something being new to iOS, but there is no "private" directory inside Three20Network. TTRequestLoader.h is right there inside Three20Network together with the rest of the files. And there are lots of imports like that. So what is the deal with this "private" thing?
You're probably missing the search headers setting from your target.
Please see this alternative automatic way of setting up three20:
It's hard to tell exactly what's wrong, however, try:
Make sure to use the latest development branch
If it's a new project, try using the install script.
it's the easiest way to install three20 these days:
