I am trying to find a groovy script to add an existing user to a Role using RoleBasedAuthorizationStrategy. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
I ran into the same need. After doing some web searching and looking at the plugin's code from GitHub, I found one link that provided some insight: https://issues.jenkins-ci.org/browse/JENKINS-23709. Based on that I hacked together a quick Groovy script that assigns a specific user to a specific role. Been awhile since I've done Groovy, so pardon the dust. Feel free to use this as an example for your own needs.
import jenkins.model.*
import hudson.security.*
import java.util.*
import com.michelin.cio.hudson.plugins.rolestrategy.*
import java.lang.reflect.*
def roleName = "guest"
def userName = "bot-release"
def findGuestRoleEntry(grantedRoles, roleName)
for (def entry : grantedRoles)
Role role = entry.getKey()
if (role.getName().equals(roleName))
return entry
return null
def authStrategy = Jenkins.instance.getAuthorizationStrategy()
if(authStrategy instanceof RoleBasedAuthorizationStrategy){
RoleBasedAuthorizationStrategy roleAuthStrategy = (RoleBasedAuthorizationStrategy) authStrategy
// Make constructors available
Constructor[] constrs = Role.class.getConstructors();
for (Constructor<?> c : constrs) {
// Make the method assignRole accessible
Method assignRoleMethod = RoleBasedAuthorizationStrategy.class.getDeclaredMethod("assignRole", String.class, Role.class, String.class);
def grantedRoles = authStrategy.getGrantedRoles(RoleBasedAuthorizationStrategy.GLOBAL);
if (grantedRoles != null)
// println "Got grantedRoles for " + RoleBasedAuthorizationStrategy.GLOBAL
def roleEntry = findGuestRoleEntry(grantedRoles, roleName);
if (roleEntry != null)
// println "Found role " + roleName
def sidList = roleEntry.getValue()
if (sidList.contains(userName))
println "User " + userName + " already assigned to role " + roleName
} else {
println "Adding user " + userName + " to role " + roleName
roleAuthStrategy.assignRole(RoleBasedAuthorizationStrategy.GLOBAL, roleEntry.getKey(), userName);
println "OK"
} else {
println "Unable to find role " + roleName
} else {
println "Unable to find grantedRoles for " + RoleBasedAuthorizationStrategy.GLOBAL
} else {
println "Role Strategy Plugin not found!"
Does anyone have an updated version of ceilfors answer that works for both AbstractProject and WorkflowJob?
This is the solution I came up with. It was tested on Jenkins 2.355
The test was run from the script console.
For testing purposes, I limited the test to one Freestyle (AbstractProject) and one Pipeline (WorkflowJob) job each. You would need to modify the code below.
I hope others find this useful
import org.jenkinsci.plugins.workflow.job.WorkflowJob;
import hudson.plugins.git.*
import jenkins.*
import jenkins.model.*
def modifyGitUrl(url) {
def updatedUrl = url.toString().replace("git#gitlab", "git#github")
// println "updatedUrl = ${updatedUrl}"
return updatedUrl
Jenkins.instance.getAllItems(Job.class).each {
project = it.getFullName()
if(project.toString().equals("PL_Quick_Testing") || project.toString().equals("A_Freestyle_Job")) {
try {
if (it instanceof AbstractProject){
def oldScm = it.scm
def newUserRemoteConfigs = oldScm.userRemoteConfigs.collect {
new UserRemoteConfig(modifyGitUrl(it.url), it.name, it.refspec, it.credentialsId)
def newScm = new GitSCM(newUserRemoteConfigs, oldScm.branches, oldScm.doGenerateSubmoduleConfigurations,
oldScm.submoduleCfg, oldScm.browser, oldScm.gitTool, oldScm.extensions)
it.scm = newScm
println "Done"
} else if (it instanceof WorkflowJob) {
def oldScm = it.getTypicalSCM()
def definition = it.getDefinition()
String scriptPath = it.getDefinition().getScriptPath()
def newUserRemoteConfigs = oldScm.userRemoteConfigs.collect {
new UserRemoteConfig(modifyGitUrl(oldScm.userRemoteConfigs.url[0]), it.name, it.refspec, it.credentialsId)
def newScm = new GitSCM(newUserRemoteConfigs, oldScm.branches, oldScm.doGenerateSubmoduleConfigurations,
oldScm.submoduleCfg, oldScm.browser, oldScm.gitTool, oldScm.extensions)
def newDefinition = new org.jenkinsci.plugins.workflow.cps.CpsScmFlowDefinition(newScm, scriptPath)
it.definition = newDefinition
println "Done"
} else {
println("${project} has no SCM")
} catch (Exception e) {
// e.printStackTrace()
I am using the script console of hudson and jenkins.
And I need make a parameter called "NAME" become required at the jobs where that parameter already exists. But I do not know any method that can help me.
def instance = hudson.model.Hudson.instance;
def allJobs = instance.getView("All");
allJobs.items.each {
if (it.containsParameter('NAME')){ /// this exists?
it.set??? /// what can I do?
I need that way for when someone excute the job the parameter "NAME" do not be empty or null.
you can get the desired result with below code:
def instance = hudson.model.Hudson.instance;
def allJobs = instance.getView("All");
allJobs.items.each {
prop = it.getProperty(ParametersDefinitionProperty.class)
if(prop != null) {
for(param in prop.getParameterDefinitions()) {
try {
println(it.name + ":" + param.name + " " + param.defaultValue)
println("default value is blank")
catch(Exception e) {
println e
The plugin says that you can use 'node.depth' from the tag to determine what label level has been clicked (country or province). I can't seem to access node.depth from the RichUI:treeview tag. My code works fine when the value of 1 or 2 is hard coded into the onLabelClick. But when I specify node.depth as the parameter, nothing gets passed to the javascript. How can I access node.depth? My alert says that "level is undefined"
<richui:treeView id="tree" xml="${data}"
onLabelClick="treeClickHandler(node.depth, id)" showRoot="false"/>
function treeClickHandler(level, id){
alert("level is " + level + " and id is " + id);
if (level == 1){
def index() {
def countryList = Country.list()
def writer = new StringWriter()
def xml = new MarkupBuilder(writer)
def writer2 = new StringWriter()
def xml2 = new MarkupBuilder(writer2)
xml2.mkp.xmlDeclaration(version: "1.0", encoding: "utf-8")
xml2.countrys {
xml2.country(name:"${item.name}", id: item.id){
item.provinces.each{ prov->
province(name:"${prov.name}", id: prov.id)
[data: writer2.toString()]
The solution was to use node.node.depth instead of node.depth as per the docs.
The application works just fine, but after grails clean it starts throwing an error if I execute grails war or grail web-app:
|Loading Grails 2.4.3
|Configuring classpath
|Environment set to production
|Packaging Grails application
|Compiling 18 source files
Compilation error: startup failed:
General error during class generation: NPE while processing BcvjobService.groovy
groovy.lang.GroovyRuntimeException: NPE while processing BcvjobService.groovy
at org.codehaus.groovy.classgen.AsmClassGenerator.visitClass(AsmClassGenerator.java:252)
at org.codehaus.groovy.control.CompilationUnit$16.call(CompilationUnit.java:805)
at org.codehaus.groovy.control.CompilationUnit.applyToPrimaryClassNodes(CompilationUnit.java:1047)
at org.codehaus.groovy.control.CompilationUnit.doPhaseOperation(CompilationUnit.java:583)
at org.codehaus.groovy.control.CompilationUnit.processPhaseOperations(CompilationUnit.java:561)
at org.codehaus.groovy.control.CompilationUnit.compile(CompilationUnit.java:538)
at org.codehaus.groovy.control.CompilationUnit.compile(CompilationUnit.java:517)
at org.codehaus.groovy.tools.FileSystemCompiler.compile(FileSystemCompiler.java:59)
at org.codehaus.groovy.tools.FileSystemCompiler.doCompilation(FileSystemCompiler.java:215)
at org.codehaus.groovy.ant.Groovyc.runCompiler(Groovyc.java:1161)
at org.codehaus.groovy.ant.Groovyc.compile(Groovyc.java:1212)
at org.codehaus.groovy.grails.compiler.Grailsc.compile(Grailsc.java:78)
at org.codehaus.groovy.ant.Groovyc.execute(Groovyc.java:827)
Googling didn't help in the least, so I can't even understand where to start, and any help would be greatly appreciated.
Here is BcvjobService.groovy:
package bcvapp
import grails.transaction.Transactional
import groovy.lang.Closure;
import groovy.io.FileType
import groovy.util.AntBuilder
import java.awt.event.ItemEvent;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.regex.Pattern;
import grails.util.Mixin
import grails.util.Holders
import org.codehaus.groovy.grails.web.context.ServletContextHolder as SCH
class BcvjobService {
def mailService
def holderService
def servletContext = SCH.servletContext
def String absPath = getAbsPath()
def String configPath = servletContext.getRealPath("/pipeline/bcvrun.prj.xml")
def outputMap = [:]
def prepareDirectory(Bcvjob job, String sessionId, List fileList, List directionList, Integer queueSize){
def configFile = new File (configPath)
def defaultConfig = new XmlParser().parse(configFile)
// Create directory structure
def inputLine = defaultConfig.BCV_Input
def input = inputLine.text().replaceAll(Pattern.compile('[\\.\\/\\\\]'), '')
def outputLine = defaultConfig.BCV_Output
def output = outputLine.text().replaceAll(Pattern.compile('[\\.\\/\\\\]'), '')
def folderPath = "${absPath}${sessionId}"
def inputPath = folderPath + "/" + input
def outputPath = folderPath + "/" + output
addResultsPath(sessionId, outputPath)
inputLine[0].value = inputPath
outputLine[0].value = outputPath
def inpath = defaultConfig.InPath // why there are two almost identical lines in bcv config?
inpath[0].value = inputPath
new File (inputPath).mkdirs()
new File (outputPath).mkdir()
new File(outputPath + "/simple_results.html").createNewFile()
File res = new File(outputPath + "/simple_results.html")
if (queueSize > 2 ){
res << ("Your task was submitted at ${new Date()}<p>")
res << ("Waiting in queue..<p>")
res << ("Please, bookmark this page to see the results later. Refresh the page to check if they are ready.")
else {
res << ("Your task was submitted at ${new Date()}<p>")
res << ("Running..<p>")
res << ("Please, bookmark this page to see the results later. Refresh the page to check if they are ready.")
res << ("<script>")
res << ("var interval = setInterval('location.reload()', '30000');")
res << ("</script>")
for (f in fileList){
new File (outputPath + "/" + f.getOriginalFilename().replaceAll(Pattern.compile('\\..*'), '').replaceAll("\\s+", "_")).mkdir()
uploadFiles(inputPath, fileList)
// Write custom configuration file
def vocabulary = defaultConfig.Vocabulary
def vocabularyPath = vocabulary[0].text().substring(0, vocabulary[0].text().lastIndexOf("/")+1)
def vocabularyName = job.vocabulary.replaceAll(/\s+/, "_")
vocabulary[0].value = vocabularyPath + vocabularyName + ".seq.fas"
def reads = defaultConfig.READS.find{'READS'}
def counter = 0
for (f in fileList){
def stringDirection
if (directionList.get(counter) == "r"){
stringDirection = "reverse"
else stringDirection = "forward"
reads.appendNode('Read', [name:f.getOriginalFilename().replaceAll("\\s+", "_")]).appendNode('Direction', stringDirection)
def taxdb = defaultConfig.Database
if (job.taxdb == "full"){
taxdb[0].value = "all"
else if (job.taxdb == "named isolates"){
taxdb[0].value = "named"
def distance = defaultConfig.DistanceThreshold
distance[0].value = job.distance.toFloat()
def email = defaultConfig.Email
email[0].value = job.email
def mode = defaultConfig.Mode
mode[0].value = "PIPELINE"
def writer = new StringWriter()
def printer = new XmlNodePrinter(new PrintWriter(writer))
printer.with {
preserveWhitespace = true
expandEmptyElements = true
def result = writer.toString()
new File(folderPath + "/bcvrun.prj.xml").write(result)
return outputPath
def Closure getWaitingPipeline = {Bcvjob job ->
def queueSize = Bcvjob.countByDateCreatedLessThanEquals(job.dateCreated) + Stapjob.countByDateCreatedLessThanEquals(job.dateCreated)
if(queueSize > 2){
println (" bcv waiting in queue; sessionId ${job.sessionId} time ${System.currentTimeMillis()}")
while (queueSize > 2){ // 1 running task + our task
queueSize = Bcvjob.countByDateCreatedLessThanEquals(job.dateCreated) + Stapjob.countByDateCreatedLessThanEquals(job.dateCreated)
println (" bcv finished waiting in queue; sessionId ${job.sessionId} time ${System.currentTimeMillis()}")
def res = new File(getResults(job.sessionId)).newWriter()
res.write("Your task was submitted at ${new Date()}<p>")
res.write("Please, bookmark this page to see the results later. Refresh the page to check if they are ready.")
def returnCode = runPipeline(job.sessionId)
println (" bcv waiting pipeline finished; sessionId ${job.sessionId} time ${System.currentTimeMillis()}")
if (returnCode != 143){
println (" bcv waiting results zipped; sessionId ${job.sessionId} time ${System.currentTimeMillis()}")
if (returnCode == 0){
if (job.email) {
sendResults(job.email, job.sessionId)
println (" bcv waiting results sent; sessionId ${job.sessionId} time ${System.currentTimeMillis()}")
else {
if (job.email) {
sendLogs(job.email, job.sessionId)
println (" bcv bad news sent; sessionId ${job.sessionId} time ${System.currentTimeMillis()}")
else if (returnCode != 143) {
sendLogs(job.sessionId) // send to weidewind
else {
println (" user left; sessionId ${job.sessionId} ")
def sessionId = job.sessionId
def Closure getPipeline = {Bcvjob job ->
def returnCode = runPipeline(job.sessionId)
println (" bcv pipeline finished; sessionId ${job.sessionId} time ${System.currentTimeMillis()}")
if (returnCode != 143){
println (" bcv results zipped; sessionId ${job.sessionId} time ${System.currentTimeMillis()}")
if (returnCode == 0){
if (job.email) {
sendResults(job.email, job.sessionId)
println (" bcv results sent; sessionId ${job.sessionId} time ${System.currentTimeMillis()}")
else {
if (job.email) {
sendLogs(job.email, job.sessionId, returnCode)
println (" bcv bad news sent; sessionId ${job.sessionId} time ${System.currentTimeMillis()}")
else if (returnCode != 143) {
sendLogs(job.sessionId) // send to weidewind
else {
println (" user left; sessionId ${job.sessionId} ")
def sessionId = job.sessionId
private def addResultsPath(String sessionId, String outputPath){
outputMap.putAt(sessionId, outputPath)
def runPipeline(String sessionId){
println (" going to run bcv pipeline, sessionId ${sessionId}")
def command = "perl /store/home/popova/Programs/BCV_pipeline/pipeline.pl ${absPath}${sessionId} bcvrun.prj.xml >${absPath}pipelinelog.txt >2${absPath}pipelinerr.txt"// Create the String
holderService.procs[sessionId] = command.execute() // Call *execute* on the string
holderService.procs[sessionId].consumeProcessOutput( System.out, System.err ) //31.10
holderService.procs[sessionId].waitFor() // Wait for the command to finish
def exitValue = holderService.procs[sessionId].exitValue()
println "return code " + exitValue
return exitValue
def uploadFiles(String uploadPath, List fileList){
for (f in fileList){
if(f instanceof org.springframework.web.multipart.commons.CommonsMultipartFile){
def fileName = f.getOriginalFilename().replaceAll("\\s+", "_")
new FileOutputStream(uploadPath + "/" + fileName).leftShift( f.getInputStream() )
} else {
log.error("wrong attachment type [${f.getClass()}]");
def uploadSequenceFiles(String uploadPath, List fileList){
for (f in fileList){
if(f instanceof org.springframework.web.multipart.commons.CommonsMultipartFile){
def fileName = f.getOriginalFilename().replaceAll("\\s+", "_")
new FileOutputStream(uploadPath + "/" + fileName.replaceAll(Pattern.compile('\\..*'), '') + "/" + fileName).leftShift( f.getInputStream() )
} else {
log.error("wrong attachment type [${f.getClass()}]");
def sendResults(String email, String sessionId) {
def results = getZipResults(sessionId)
println "going to send files, sessionID ${sessionId} resultsPath ${results} time ${System.currentTimeMillis()}"
mailService.sendMail {
multipart true
to email
subject "BCV results"
body "Thanks for using BCV!\n Here are your results. \n Have a nice day!"
attachBytes 'results.zip','application/zip', new File(results).readBytes()
def sendExampleResults(String email, String folderName){
def results = getStorePath() + folderName + "/results.zip"
println "going to send files, folderName ${folderName} resultsPath ${results} time ${System.currentTimeMillis()}"
mailService.sendMail {
multipart true
to email
subject "Example BCV results"
body "Thanks for using BCV!\n Here are your example results. \n Have a nice day!"
attachBytes 'results.zip','application/zip', new File(results).readBytes()
def sendLogs(String email, String sessionId) {
//def logs = "${absPath}${sessionId}logfile"
def results = getZipResults(sessionId)
println "going to send logs, sessionID ${sessionId} logPath ${logs} time ${System.currentTimeMillis()}"
mailService.sendMail {
multipart true
to email
subject "BCV failed"
body "We are very sorry, but something has gone amiss. Here are some of your results, though."
attachBytes 'results.zip','application/zip', new File(results).readBytes()
//just in case there is no results at all and results.zip does not exist. Todo: catch mailService or zip exception
//else user left, auto-termination
mailService.sendMail {
multipart true
to "weidewind#gmail.com"
subject "BCV failed"
body "Achtung! email: ${email}, sessionId: ${sessionId}"
mailService.sendMail {
multipart true
to "weidewind#gmail.com"
subject "BCV failed"
body "Achtung! email: ${email}, sessionId: ${sessionId}"
attachBytes 'results.zip','application/zip', new File(results).readBytes()
println (" bcv bad news sent to webmaster; sessionId ${job.sessionId} time ${System.currentTimeMillis()}")
def sendLogs(String sessionId){
//just in case there is no results at all and results.zip does not exist. Todo: catch mailService or zip exception
mailService.sendMail {
multipart true
to "weidewind#gmail.com"
subject "BCV failed"
body "Achtung! sessionId: ${sessionId}"
println (" bcv bad news sent to webmaster; sessionId ${sessionId} time ${System.currentTimeMillis()}")
def zipResults(String sessionId){
def output = getOutput(sessionId)
def results = getZipResults(sessionId)
println "going to zip files, sessionID ${sessionId} time ${System.currentTimeMillis()}"
println (output)
def p = ~/.*\.(svg|html|with_names|cluster\.fasta)/
def filelist = []
def outputDir = new File(output)
outputDir.eachDir { chrom ->
def chromDir = new File(chrom.absolutePath)
chromDir.eachFileMatch(FileType.FILES, p){ tree ->
def splittedPath = tree.absolutePath.split('/')
println ("going to add ${splittedPath[splittedPath.size()-2]}/${splittedPath[splittedPath.size()-1]} from ${output} to zip list; sessionId ${sessionId}")
println("results will be placed here ${results}")
def zipFile = new File("${results}")
new AntBuilder().zip( basedir: output,
destFile: zipFile.absolutePath,
includes: filelist.join( ' ' ) )
def getResults (String sessionId){
return outputMap.getAt(sessionId) + "/simple_results.html"
def getOutput(String sessionId){
return outputMap.getAt(sessionId)
def getZipResults(String sessionId){
return outputMap.getAt(sessionId) + "/results.zip"
def getExampleFolderName(List fileList){
def exampleFileNames = []
for (f in fileList){
def folderName = ""
for (f in exampleFileNames){
folderName = folderName + (f.replaceAll(Pattern.compile('\\..*'), ''))
println folderName
return folderName
def checkInput(Bcvjob job, List fileList){
String errorMessage = ""
if (!job.validate()) {
errorMessage = "Some errors occured: "
job.errors.each {
errorMessage += "<p>" + it + "</p>"
//if (!isFloat(job.distance) || job.distance.toFloat() < 0 || job.distance.toFloat() > 0.1){
if ( job.distance < 0 || job.distance > 0.1){
errorMessage += "<p> Maximum distance must not be less than 0 or more than 0.1 </p>"
if (job.errors.hasFieldErrors("email")){
errorMessage += "<p>Your e-mail does not seem valid </p>"
if (job.errors.hasFieldErrors("files") || (fileList.size() == 0 & job.isExample == "false")){
errorMessage += "<p>Select at least one file </p>"
if (fileList.size() > 10){
errorMessage += "<p>Please, do not select more than 10 files at once. </p>"
if (job.isExample == "false"){
for (f in fileList) {
def name = f.getOriginalFilename()
int dot= name.lastIndexOf(".");
if (name.substring(dot+1) != "ab1"){
errorMessage += "<p>Unsupported extension: ${name} </p>"
def bytes = f.getBytes()
if (bytes[0] != 'A' || bytes[1] != 'B' || bytes[2] != 'I' || bytes[3] != 'F' || !(bytes[4]+bytes[5] >= 101)){
errorMessage += "<p>Not ABI: ${name} </p>"
return errorMessage
def isFloat(String value)
return true;
} catch(NumberFormatException nfe)
return false;
def getAbsPath(){
return Holders.config.absPath
def getStorePath(){
return Holders.config.storePath
def talkWork(){
def talkQueue(){
I am having a problem saving a Domain object. Below is my Controller code:
def onContactRequest = {
if(request.method == 'POST') {
if(User.findByUserTelephone(params.userTelephone)) {
User thisUser = User.findByUserTelephone(params.userTelephone)
Contact thisContact = new Contact()
println("This Contact: " + thisContact.getContact());
println("This User: " + request.user)
if(thisContact.save(flush: true)) {
render(thisContact.belongsTo.userName + " just requested " + thisContact.getContact().userName )
} else {
render("There was a problem saving the Contact.")
if( !thisContact.save() ) {
thisContact.errors.each {
println it
} else {
User thisUser = new User()
thisUser.setUserName("Not Set")
Contact thisContact = new Contact()
if(thisContact.save(flush: true)) {
render(thisContact.belongsTo.userName + " just requested " + thisContact.getContact().userName )
} else {
render("There was a problem saving the Contact.")
if( !thisContact.save() ) {
thisContact.errors.each {
println it + "\n"
} else {
The error message is printed with the following code; hence it's very ugly:
if( !thisContact.save() ) {
thisContact.errors.each {
println it + "\n"
From what I can tell, it's complaining that either the Contact or User instance is null; however that can't be true (look below)
This Contact: org.icc.callrz.User.User : 2
This User: org.icc.callrz.User.User : 1
Field 'user' in org.icc.callrz.Contact.Contact is:
static belongsTo = [
user: User
Error detail below:
org.springframework.validation.BeanPropertyBindingResult: 1 errors
Field error in object 'org.icc.callrz.Contact.Contact' on field 'user': rejected value [null]; codes [org.icc.callrz.Contact.Contact.user.nullable.error.org.icc.callrz.Contact.Contact.user,org.icc.callrz.Contact.Contact.user.nullable.error.user,org.icc.callrz.Contact.Contact.user.nullable.error.org.icc.callrz.User.User,org.icc.callrz.Contact.Contact.user.nullable.error,contact.user.nullable.error.org.icc.callrz.Contact.Contact.user,contact.user.nullable.error.user,contact.user.nullable.error.org.icc.callrz.User.User,contact.user.nullable.error,org.icc.callrz.Contact.Contact.user.nullable.org.icc.callrz.Contact.Contact.user,org.icc.callrz.Contact.Contact.user.nullable.user,org.icc.callrz.Contact.Contact.user.nullable.org.icc.callrz.User.User,org.icc.callrz.Contact.Contact.user.nullable,contact.user.nullable.org.icc.callrz.Contact.Contact.user,contact.user.nullable.user,contact.user.nullable.org.icc.callrz.User.User,contact.user.nullable,nullable.org.icc.callrz.Contact.Contact.user,nullable.user,nullable.org.icc.callrz.User.User,nullable]; arguments [user,class org.icc.callrz.Contact.Contact]; default message [Property [{0}] of class [{1}] cannot be null]
Edit: I have no problem creating Contact domain objects using the 'generate-all' code.
SOLUTION: I had a look at the code in the view, and it looked like to create the ID was used, so I changed the code to:
thisContact.user.id = request.user.id
However, then I got an error: java.lang.NullPointerException: Cannot set property 'id' on null object but the output of println request.user was not blank so I wasn't sure why that was appearing.
I then changed the offending line to:
thisContact.user = request.user
Now everything is working. :)
Try replacing:
thisContact.user = thisUser
The syntax you are using is wrong as far as I know, not to mention that you construct thisUser and then go on to use request.user instead.