All available verbs for explorer contextmenu - contextmenu

I was looking for all available verbs for Windows Explorer's ContextMenu for a shortcut(.lnk) file.
But I can't find any master list kind of thing on MSDN or anywhere else.
Where can I get these ?


Customize the TFS web dashboard

Like the title says, how can I customize the web dashboard in TFS 2012? I have created my own Work Item Type and would like a shortcut on the home page of Team Web Access. I am using the default Team Web Access page and I would just like to have a shortcut button immediately on the front page instead of in a dropdown, which is where it's contained now.
There is no supported way to do this. In TFS 2015 they have the concept of Web Extensions, but that is only for specific extension points which doesn't include changing the home page.
You can do it in an unsupported manner, but I wouldn't recommend it. You can find the ASPX/CSS/JS files on the server that TFS uses for the web site and hack away at them. I've known people that have done this before. But there are probably repercussions when it comes time to upgrade.
For posterity, I've found a dirty solution to do this without cloning the website and gutting it (as described here: Note that this solution is really dirty and may not fit your project needs.
The solution works by swapping the default work item options (based on the process template you are using).
Use WITADMIN to export your Categories into an XML. Find a work item currently on the front page that you're okay with swapping out for the work item you want to be on the front page. Change "DEFAULTWORKITEMTYPE" to "WORKITEMTYPE" in the tags. Add a new entry: and it should show up as one of the shortcut buttons on your home page.
I highly recommend doing your modifications with Microsoft TFS Power Tools 2012.

How to do restful search in Apache Sling

i am evaluating Apache Sling as a potential backend CMS. I like how easy it is to push / get new content via rest. However, I also need to be able to search the content via REST. I compiled all the source code and am running their standalone jar. There are like 100 bundles installed, but I can't find a single rest query.
Some old documentation says you can do /content/mynode.query.json?
But this is not working, and there is no help on whether its supported or not. Honestly the only search option I found was in the console via / which returns web pages.
How can you do restful search using sling?
The JsonQueryServlet, which provides an HTTP search interface was moved to a separate bundle as part of SLING-2226. See that issue's page for how to use it, and there's a related blog post at

Fine control over Joomla URLs

I would like to convert my existing website to Joomla. However, I need finer control over URLs than I seem to be able to control with Joomla. Assuming that Joomla is installed in the base public_html directory of my user, I would like these pages to keep their URLs:
I am aware that I could use a 301 redirect via .htaccess however I would prefer to actually configure the canonical URL of the page. Is this possible in Joomla or with an extension?
Unquestionably, the defacto standard extension is At It's highly configurable, well supported, and ver well rated.
In Joomla! 2.5 you can use the built-in Redirect component to catch old URLs and send them to the right content without fiddling with the .htaccess.
You can also create menu's and menu items that will match the old paths then all you need is to place the content of your .html files into suitable articles. Remember you can create a menu (and thus a path to the content) but not display the menu anywhere on the site.
The genealogy.php appears to be a separate application so you can approach that by doing two things, first have a /eng/ directory on your new website with the genealogy.php application in it that way it will have the same URL. Then if you want to create a menu item in a Joomla! menu then you can link to it using a menu item of type 'External Link' - you can read more about the menu types by clicking on the help button in the toolbar.
For external pages if you want to wrap the external application in your template use a menu item type of Iframe Wrapper this will place them in the main component area of the template. With a good Joomla! 2.5 template you can use a template style specific (i.e. layout settings) for that page.

Where do I go to enable search in Sharepoint 2007?

I am modifying an existing Sharepoint 2007 site. It just has two pages, the home page, and an admin page. The admin page has a couple form/document libraries. I simply want to have a search so that a user can search through all the documents/forms in the document/form library. I dont care if its a whole site search, as long as it pulls up results including those from all the document/form libraries on the site.
I have enabled site visibility ("allow this web to appear in search results") on both pages. I just cant find anywhere to enable an actual search button/search textbox/search webpart. I just want the actual control where i can type in a word and hit search. where/how can I enable that?
When I go to sharepoint designer I can see the search box at the top of the master page, but cant see it on the published (live) page.
First of all, search in MOSS 2007 is a BIG deal to understand... don't expect button "On/Off"!
Now that this is clear:
When you watch master page in sharepoint designer, you are seeing a page template as it would be seen with all functions enabled. So master page has to have the search button inside, so that MOSS knows where to show search button when it is enabled.
As for the first question:
First check in your server in the Central Administration Home page > if you have enabled search, crawling (to have any results in the first place) etc...
On your main site collection go to: "Site Actions > Site Settings > Modify All Site Settings > Site Collection Administration > Search settings" and check if you have enabled site search page.
Edit your search scopes.
P.S. Also I'm using a book for this kind of settings - great book
Office Sharepoint server 2007 - Administrator's companion
from Microsoft, written by Bill English (MS Sharepoint Community Expert)
Apparently a previous developer had modified the master page to hide the search feature controls.
The line in my master page that I had to edit was:
<td valign=top>
<asp:ContentPlaceHolder id="PlaceHolderSearchArea" runat="server">
<SharePoint:DelegateControl runat="server" ControlId="SmallSearchInputBox"/>
The table cell had an inline style to "display:none;" which I removed.

There is another SharePoint MasterPage parameter different of Site and System

After the branding of a SharePoint site is done, I mean Site and System masterpages, there are still a few pages that uses the default style. My question is if we can change the master page for that pages too.
Example: http:///_layouts/settings.aspx
always looks like a fresh SharePoint
The master page connected to Settings.aspx is /_layouts/Application.master. Many system pages use this master page but none of them use the custom or default master of the site.
Do know that modifying the file isn't supported by MS :)
yes, you can refer your customized master page for those pages.
