Docker Swarm - equivalent docker commands - docker

As far as I know, the Docker Swarm API is compatible with the Offical Docker API.
What is the equivalent Docker Swarm commands for the following docker commands:
docker ps -a
docker run --net=host --privileged=true \
-v conf_files:/etc/sur \
-v conf_files:/etc/sur/rules \
-v _log:/var/log/sur\
-d sur

The standalone swarm simply has a different host/port for you to connect with the client (client being the docker cli). It relays the commands as appropriate from the manager to each node in the swarm. The easiest way to do that is to set $DOCKER_HOST to point to the port the manager is listening to:
# start your manager, the end of the command is your discovery method
docker run -d -P --restart=always --name swarm-manager swarm manager ...
# send all future commands to the manager
export DOCKER_HOST=$(docker port swarm-manager 2375)
# run any docker ps, docker run, etc commands on the Swarm
docker ps
docker run --net=host --privileged=true \
-v conf_files:/etc/sur \
-v conf_files:/etc/sur/rules \
-v _log:/var/log/sur \
-d sur
# return to running commands on the local docker host
If you needed those SWARM_MANAGER_ADDR/PORT values defined, those can come out of the docker port command. Otherwise, I'm not familiar with the "sur" image to know about the values you need to pass there.


How to have 2 containers connect to other container using TCP in docker network

I have this right now:
docker network rm cprev || echo;
docker network create cprev || echo;
docker run --rm -d -p '3046:3046' \
--net=cprev --name 'cprev-server' cprev-server
docker run --rm -d -p '3046:3046' \
-e cprev_user_uuid=111 --net=cprev --name 'cprev-agent-1' cprev-agent
docker run --rm -d -p '3046:3046' \
-e cprev_user_uuid=222 --net=cprev --name 'cprev-agent-2' cprev-agent
basically the 2 cprev-agents are supposed to connect to the cprev-server using TCP. The problem is I am getting this error:
docker: Error response from daemon: driver failed programming external
connectivity on endpoint cprev-agent-1
Bind for failed: port is already allocated.
I am sure it's a simple fix but frankly I don't know how to allow two way traffic from the two agent containers without using the same port etc.
So this worked (using --network=host) but I am wondering how I can create a custom network that doesn't interfere with the host network??
docker network create cprev; # unused now
docker run --rm -d -e cprev_host='' \
--network=host --name 'cprev-server' "cprev-server:$curr_uuid"
docker run --rm -d -e cprev_host='' \
-e cprev_user_uuid=111 --network=host --name 'cprev-agent-1' "cprev-agent:$curr_uuid"
docker run --rm -d -e cprev_host='' \
-e cprev_user_uuid=222 --network=host --name 'cprev-agent-2' "cprev-agent:$curr_uuid"
so is there anyway to get this to work using my custom docker network "cprev"?

Multiple Teamcity agents with Docker

I can somewhat sense my question has nothing to do with Teamcity but rather the subtle issues surrounding docker. I am trying to fire off one Teamcity agent with
docker run -it -d -e SERVER_URL="" \
--restart always \
--name="teamcity-agent_1" \
--mount src=docker_volumes_1,dst=/var/lib/docker,type=volume \
--mount src=$(pwd)/config,dst=/etc/docker,type=bind \
--privileged -e DOCKER_IN_DOCKER=start \
Works like a charm. Then I try to fire off a second agent (up to three agents are free). This used to work perfectly fine but has recently stopped...
docker run -it -d -e SERVER_URL="" \
--restart always \
--name="teamcity-agent_2" \
--mount src=docker_volumes_2,dst=/var/lib/docker,type=volume \
--mount src=$(pwd)/config,dst=/etc/docker,type=bind \
--privileged -e DOCKER_IN_DOCKER=start \
In this second container docker wouldn't start, e.g. docker images results in
Cannot connect to the Docker daemon at unix:///var/run/docker.sock. Is the docker daemon running?
service docker start
service docker status
Confirm that I have successfully started docker but then going back to docker images and we get the same problem as above. service docker status tells me now that docker is not running!

Docker can't expose mesos port 5050

I have a mesos container running, the container has the port mapping>5050/tcp.
If I run docker exec CONTAINER_ID "curl, I can see the thing I want. However, I can't access HOST_IP:32772. I've tried to run nginx in the same container and I can connect to the nginx server in host, so I think it's mesos configuration problem? How can I fix it?
If I understand correctly, you're running your Mesos Master(s) from a Docker container. You should use host networking instead of bridge networking.
The settings work at least for me:
docker run \
--name=mesos_master \
--net=host \
-e MESOS_CLUSTER=mesos-cluster \
-e MESOS_ZK=zk://{YOUR_ZK_SERVERS}/mesos \
-e MESOS_LOG_DIR=/var/log/mesos/master \
-e MESOS_WORK_DIR=/var/lib/mesos/master \

Virtualbox inside Docker

I'm trying to get VirtualBox to run inside of Docker. I'm using this:
When I run the command:
sudo docker run -d \
-v /tmp/.X11-unix:/tmp/.X11-unix \
--privileged \
--name virtualbox \
It adds virtualbox inside a container. When I run sudo docker start container_id, it echoes back the container_id but doesn't add it to the running containers. I check with sudo docker ps and it is not there; however, it is there with sudo docker ps -a.
What am I doing wrong? I get no errors either.
EDIT: I'm running Docker in Ubuntu 15.04 (Not inside VirtualBox)
You have to let docker to connect to your local X server. There are different ways to do this. One straight way is running xhost +local:docker before running your container (i.e.: before docker run).

How to store my docker registry in the file system

I want to setup a private registry behind a nginx server. To do that I configured nginx with a basic auth and started a docker container like this:
docker run -d \
-e STANDALONE=true \
-e STORAGE_PATH=/home/example/registry \
-p 5000:5000 \
By doing that, I can login to my registry, push/pull images... But if I stop the container and start it again, everything is lost. I would have expected my registry to be save in /home/example/registry but this is not the case. Can someone tell me what I missed ?
I would have expected my registry to be save in /home/example/registry but this is not the case
it is the case, only the /home/exemple/registry directory is on the docker container file system, not the docker host file system.
If you run your container mounting one of your docker host directory to a volume in the container, it would achieve what you want:
docker run -d \
-e STANDALONE=true \
-e STORAGE_PATH=/registry \
-p 5000:5000 \
-v /home/example/registry:/registry \
just make sure that /home/example/registry exists on the docker host side.
