Virtualbox inside Docker - docker

I'm trying to get VirtualBox to run inside of Docker. I'm using this:
When I run the command:
sudo docker run -d \
-v /tmp/.X11-unix:/tmp/.X11-unix \
--privileged \
--name virtualbox \
It adds virtualbox inside a container. When I run sudo docker start container_id, it echoes back the container_id but doesn't add it to the running containers. I check with sudo docker ps and it is not there; however, it is there with sudo docker ps -a.
What am I doing wrong? I get no errors either.
EDIT: I'm running Docker in Ubuntu 15.04 (Not inside VirtualBox)

You have to let docker to connect to your local X server. There are different ways to do this. One straight way is running xhost +local:docker before running your container (i.e.: before docker run).


Can't run docker container in different user

I have 2 users on my ubuntu: personal and work. I created a docker image to run firefox in a container. To make things simple I added an alias in my .bash_aliases file to run it by typing "firefox" in terminal like so:
docker run --rm -d --name firefox \
-v /tmp/.X11-unix:/tmp/.X11-unix \
--network host \
The problem is that firefox does not launch when I'm logged in as "work" user, only "personal".
When I run the command I get container id as output in terminal but nothing launches.
When I run docker ps, the container isn't there.
When I run docker ps -a, there is no trace that the container exited with an error or whatever.
Both users are part of the docker group.
I'm not sure what I'm missing. Any ideas would be appreciated.
I fixed this by running this command in terminal:
xhost +
This adds host names on the list of machines that can connect to X server. I forgot I had to run this command for each user.

How to create a Debian docker container that can run docker containers?

I need a Debian container that can run containers itself (and has access to systemd). Following this post, I have tried to run
docker run -v /var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock --name debian-buster-slim -h 10-slim -e LANG=C.UTF-8 -it debian:10-slim /bin/bash -l
but the container cannot run docker containers. What am I doing wrong?

Docker named volumes not being created

I have a docker container that I am attempting to mount named containers to, however they do not appear to be getting created or mounted.
$ sudo docker run --network=host the_container \
-v file_storage:/root/file_storage \
-v redis_database:/var/lib/redis \
-v mongo_database:/var/lib/mongodb
The container seems to run fine, however when I search for the containers, they are not being created and mounted, as they are supposed to.
$ sudo docker volume ls
What am I doing wrong?
Everything after the image name on the docker run command is passed as a command to the container.
Try it this way:
sudo docker run --network=host \
-v file_storage:/root/file_storage \
-v redis_database:/var/lib/redis \
-v mongo_database:/var/lib/mongodb \

why can i not run a X11 application?

So, as the title states, I'm a docker newbie.
I downloaded and installed the archlinux/base container which seems to work great so far. I've setup a few things, and installed some packages (including xeyes) and I now would like to launch xeyes. For that I found out the CONTAINER ID by running docker ps and then used that ID in my exec command which looks now like:
$ docker exec -it -e DISPLAY=$DISPLAY 4cae1ff56eb1 xeyes
Error: Can't open display: :0
Why does it still not work though? Also, how can I stop my running instance without losing its configured state? Previously I have exited the container and all my configuration and software installations were gone when I restarted it. That was not desired. How do I handle this correctly?
Concerning the X Display you need to share the xserver socket (note: docker can't bind mount a volume during an exec) and set the $DISPLAY (example Dockerfile):
FROM archlinux/base
RUN pacman -Syyu --noconfirm xorg-xeyes
ENTRYPOINT ["xeyes"]
Build the docker image: docker build --rm --network host -t so:57733715 .
Run the docker container: docker run --rm -it -v /tmp/.X11-unix:/tmp/.X11-unix -e DISPLAY=unix$DISPLAY so:57733715
Note: in case of No protocol specified errors you could disable host checking with xhost + but there is a warning to that (man xhost for additional information).

Mount a host file as a data volume in docker

I am following this docker user guide: Managing Data in Containers
It seem to be a error at "Mount a Host File as a Data Volume" part,
$ sudo docker run --rm -it -v ~/.bash_history:/.bash_history ubuntu /bin/bash
I test it in my mac version docker, it should be like this:
$ sudo docker run --rm -it -v ~/.bash_history:/root/.bash_history ubuntu /bin/bash
I am not sure if am I correct about this.
You can't use -v option with relative path. You need to use absolute path instead:
sudo docker run --rm -it -v /home/<your_user>/.bash_history:/.bash_history ubuntu /bin/bash
