How to implement bookmark feature by using WKWebview? - ios

I would like to design a custom WebView component with the help of Apple WKWebView for in- app browsing, but couldn't get any idea how to implement bookmark feature(similar to safari). Any suggestions are welcome. Thanks in advance.


"Add to Homescreen" for Chrome iOS

Add to Homescreen works just fine on Safari for iOS and Chrome for Android.
Saw this answer while searching before posting the question. I was wondering if anyone knows if there's been any update to this?
If it's not as simple as adding another meta tag, can someone point me in the direction of forcing this or completely removing the Url and Nav bars on Chrome?
I'd prefer to be able to save the Web App to the homescreen, of course, but am open to suggestion.
Thanks in advance!

How to make appear my app in activity view?

I want to add youtube sharing in my app.When user share any video, in the activity view my app should appear.How to do ?
Suggest me some tutorials.
Thanks in Advance.
You can achieve this by building a share extension for you app. Please refer to this link. Happy Coding.

Multiple tabs in UIWebView in iOS

I want to use UIWebView in my application.
I want to open up multiple URLs within the same UIWebView. Also, the tabs should be maintaining their own sessions.
Is this possible? If yes, can anyone please help me out with the same..

iOS earphones touches processing

I want add functionality to the app for work with earphones, and cannot found any information about button processing from earphones.
Is it possible to recognize touch on it? (but +/Center button/-)
There describe how it works in standard app, and I want to add similar navigation to my app. Have any idea?
Thank you, Larme!
I found good explanation about this theme:
iOS - UIEventTypeRemoteControl events not received

Difference between content in uiwebview and mobile safari?

I am showing a twitter feed in a uiwebview... however there is a problem: it appears significantly differently in the uiwebview then what it does in mobile safari. Ultimately, I much prefer the look of the feed as it is shown in mobile safari. Is there any way to 'trick' the web view into displaying itself as safari? Possibly by altering the user agent? Thanks.
Ended up altering the user agent. App made it past apple review fine.
UIWeView and Safari doesn't display all the pages as the same..There can be minor differences in formatting in UIWebView which won't be found in Safari..
Solution to this is to use javascript to alter the WebView itself programmatically to display things right..
more info avaialble in UIWebView Class Reference doc here
