How to make appear my app in activity view? - ios

I want to add youtube sharing in my app.When user share any video, in the activity view my app should appear.How to do ?
Suggest me some tutorials.
Thanks in Advance.

You can achieve this by building a share extension for you app. Please refer to this link. Happy Coding.


How to implement bookmark feature by using WKWebview?

I would like to design a custom WebView component with the help of Apple WKWebView for in- app browsing, but couldn't get any idea how to implement bookmark feature(similar to safari). Any suggestions are welcome. Thanks in advance.

iOS: how to create facebook like wall or newsfeed in iOS

I am working on an iOS app in which i have to create a wall/newsfeed similar to facebook's newsfeed with all the option like, comment, share.
the main problem is i went to so many websites to get any useful solution how to create it. I am using UITableView with custom Cells with UIImageView and other options in it. but if any person post any Post which does not have any image in it the UIImageview shows blank space.
Please someone help me to sortout this problem
I also tried this question: How to make a beautiful Tableview like Facebook ios app or tumblr app?
Here it is an example that could help you. It will help you make what you want

how to change the UI of opentok chat screen in iOS?

I have integrated TokBox in my app.
I have implemented chat functionality using TokBox.
Below is the demo code for Tokbox chat.
Now I want to change user interface in that.
So how can I customize chat screen.
Any help would be appreciated.
after so many research i got a solution just add OTKTextChatBundle & see all xib and change your UI.
Note : Don't add OTKTextChatLibrary.bundle
see following screenshot for better understand

iOS Swift - pull tray open to expand content

I've been searching for a library or sample project that implements the following functionality, but unfortunately haven't been able to find much. Could anyone share any thoughts or point me in a general direction if experienced something similar?
I'd like create a pull-out view controller/tray whose interaction is very similar to the Google Maps iOS app ( When a user taps or pulls-up the snippet pane, the view expands until fully maximized. Essentially the same interaction as seen in the Maps app.
I'm happy to implement from-scratch if a library doesn't exist, but regardless wanted to seek any suggestions/insights before getting underway.
Thanks again for your help & advice!

iOS - Image picker like the Facebook App?

Does anyone know of a control for iOS applications that looks similar to the image picker found in the Facebook app for iOS? It allows for multiple image selection, transitioning over to the camera, only displaying selected images, etc. I haven't located anything that is close to this control anywhere, but figured someone here might.
It is known as GrabKit, It is a free control under MIT lisence.
You may download it from here and next time please make sure to do proper research on google before asking questions.
