HomeBrew link error - homebrew

Hello i have a problem with HomeBrew . I issue a command :
Ahmet-MacBook:libmbdb ahmetmahmodo$ brew link openssl --force
Warning: Refusing to link: openssl
Linking keg-only openssl means you may end up linking against the insecure,
deprecated system OpenSSL while using the headers from Homebrew's openssl.
Instead, pass the full include/library paths to your compiler e.g.:
-I/usr/local/opt/openssl/include -L/usr/local/opt/openssl/lib
Ahmet-MacBook:libmbdb ahmetmahmudo$
What should i do ?
I need this command . I reject compile with -I and -L command

Create a symlink :
ln -s /usr/local/Cellar/openssl/{version}/include/openssl /usr/local/include/openssl


Build HDFView 3.1 on ubuntu-20.04

I have downloaded the deb file from the https://support.hdfgroup.org/ftp/HDF5/releases/HDF-JAVA/hdfview-3.1.2/bin/ link and install it via
sudo dpkg -i hdfview_3.1.2-1_amd64.deb
I didn't see any error during installation.
But hdfview didn't open.
I am using java-1.11.0-openjdk and hdf5-1.10.
How to solve this problem?
I found a way to solve this. The program gets installed in /opt/hdfview. However, starting it causes the error
$ ./bin/HDFView
Error: dl failure on line 534
Error: failed /opt/hdfview/lib/runtime/lib/server/libjvm.so, because /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libc.so.6: version `GLIBC_2.32' not found (required by /opt/hdfview/lib/runtime/lib/server/libjvm.so)
Failed to launch JVM
We can fix this by patching the libjvm.so file:
Install java-15 if it is not present already:
sudo apt install openjdk-15-jre
Find the libjvm.so file:
cd /usr/lib
find . -name libjvm.so
In my case, the correct version is located in /usr/lib/jvm/java-15-openjdk-amd64/lib/server/libjvm.so
Replace the libjvm.so in hdfview with a symlink to this libjvm.so
cd /opt/hdfview/lib/runtime/lib/server
sudo mv libjvm.so libjvm.so.bak
sudo ln -s /usr/lib/jvm/java-15-openjdk-amd64/lib/server/libjvm.so libjvm.so
(optional) link the hdfview binary, so that it is found in the terminal
sudo ln -s /opt/hdfview/bin/HDFView /usr/local/bin/hdfview
Afterwards, you should be able to start hdfview both from the terminal and the icon.

How to build LLVM (clang,clang++) for Apple M1?

I am trying to build LLVM compilers so that I can enable OpenMP on the Apple M1.
I am using the LLVM development tree, (since I saw some OpenMP runtime go into that for this recently).
I have ended up with this script to invoke cmake:
# Xcode, Ninja
cmake ../llvm \
-DCMAKE_C_COMPILER=`which clang` \
-DCMAKE_CXX_COMPILER=`which clang++` \
-DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=$HOME/software/clang-12.0.0/arm64 \
-DLLVM_ENABLE_PROJECTS='clang;openmp,polly' \
The compilers used here are
$ /usr/bin/clang --version
Apple clang version 12.0.0 (clang-1200.0.32.27)
Target: arm64-apple-darwin20.1.0
Thread model: posix
InstalledDir: /Applications/Xcode.app/Contents/Developer/Toolchains/XcodeDefault.xctoolchain/usr/bin
ninja can then successfully build clang, clang++ and the OpenMp runtime and install them. (As simple, Arm64 images targeting Arms64)
$ file ~/software/clang-12.0.0/arm64/bin/clang
/Users/jcownie/software/clang-12.0.0/arm64/bin/clang: Mach-O 64-bit executable arm64
$ ~/software/clang-12.0.0/arm64/bin/clang --version
clang version 12.0.0 (https://github.com/llvm/llvm-project.git 879c15e890b4d25d28ea904e92497f091f796019)
Target: aarch64-apple-darwin20.1.0
Thread model: posix
InstalledDir: /Users/jcownie/software/clang-12.0.0/arm64/bin
Which all looks sane, except that when I try to compile anything with them they are missing the include path to get system headers.
$ ~/software/clang-12.0.0/arm64/bin/clang hello.c
hello.c:1:10: fatal error: 'stdio.h' file not found
#include <stdio.h>
1 error generated.
So, after all that,
Does anyone know how to fix that include path problem?
Does anyone know how to configure and build a fat binary for the compilers (and libraries) so that the x86_64 embedded compiler targets x86_64 and the aarch64 binary aarch64? (This is what the Xcode clang and clang++ do...)
My attempt at this ended up with a compiler fat binary where both architectures targeted x86_64 :-(
You can set -DDEFAULT_SYSROOT=/path/to/MacOSX11.1.sdk at build time or do export SDKROOT=/path/to/MacOSX11.1.sdk at runtime.
You need to compile with clang -arch arm64 -arch x86_64 to get a fat binary out of clang. You need to do this for Apple clang as well.
UPDATED 8 Feb 2021
Homebrew now supports the M1 based Arm machines, so using that is a better answer than the one below.
The info below is potentially still useful if you want to do this on your own, but using brew is likely to be much simpler.
Pre-brew answer
I haven't found a clean solution, but in case it helps anyone else, I do have a horrible hack.
The full recipe, then is configure with this script, then build and install.
# Xcode, Ninja
cmake ../llvm \
-DCMAKE_C_COMPILER=`which clang` \
-DCMAKE_CXX_COMPILER=`which clang++` \
-DLLVM_DEFAULT_TARGET_TRIPLE='aarch64-apple-darwin20.1.0' \
-DDEFAULT_SYSROOT="$(xcrun --show-sdk-path)" \
-DLLVM_ENABLE_PROJECTS='clang;openmp;polly;clang-tools-extra;libcxx;libcxxabi' \
# -DLLVM_ENABLE_PROJECTS='clang;openmp;polly'
That gives a compiler that finds the right headers, but won't link successfully if OpenMP is used because it doesn't pass on any useful -L path or add a necessary rpath.
To overcome that I created a small shell script that sits in my ~/bin, at the front of my $PATH, which adds those extra linker flags.
# A truly awful hack, but it seems necessary.
# Install this with execute permissions as clang and clang++ in
# a directory early in your path, so that it is executed when clang or
# clang++ is needed.
# For brew...
# For a local build.
# Find out the name of this file, and then invoke the same file in the
# compiler installation, adding the necessary linker directives
CMD=`echo $0 | sed "s/\/.*\///"`
${INSTALLDIR}/bin/${CMD} -L${INSTALLDIR}/lib -Wl,-rpath,${INSTALLDIR}/lib $*
I am not recommending this particularly; there should clearly be a better way to make it work, but it'll do for now, and lets me get back to using the compiler rather than building it!
I was able to build with -DDEFAULT_SYSROOT="$(xcrun --show-sdk-path)" -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=/Users/foo/lokal/ and install into the lokal/bin lokal/lib path. Once that is done you can use LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/Users/foo/lokal/lib and all the libraries should be found without mucking with anything else rpath related.

Installing Circos: Problems installing GD module on Mac OS

I would like to install Circos. I followed the instructions on Circos website. In particular, I checked for missing perl modules. I'm missing several of them:
missing Font::TTF::Font
missing GD
missing GD::Polyline
missing SVG
missing Statistics::Basic
missing Text::Format
So I followed again the instructions about Installing Perl Modules on Mac OS X on Circos website. Specifically, I followed the detailed instructions in Paulo Nuin's blog post. Freetype and Fontconfig were missing and I installed them.
Now, when I run the configuration for libgd-2.2.1, I get this configuration summary:
Support for Zlib: yes
Support for PNG library: yes
Support for JPEG library: yes
Support for WebP library: no
Support for TIFF library: no
Support for Freetype 2.x library: yes
Support for Fontconfig library: yes
Support for Xpm library: no
Support for liq library: no
Support for pthreads: yes
It looks good enough to me. But when I run the make, I get errors:
clang: warning: argument unused during compilation: '-pthread'
ld: malformed 64-bit a.b.c.d.e version number: 4.20201
clang: error: linker command failed with exit code 1 (use -v to see invocation)
make[2]: *** [libgd.la] Error 1
make[1]: *** [all] Error 2
make: *** [all-recursive] Error 1
Since it was not working, I followed this recommendation on Stackoverflow and I ran
brew install gd
(I had to update brew by doing
cd /usr/local/Library
git pull origin master
following this answer on Stackoverflow.)
But I get an error:
Error: You must `brew link libpng freetype` before gd can be installed
And when I run 'brew link libpng freetype', I get another error:
Linking /usr/local/Cellar/libpng/1.6.21...
Error: Could not symlink bin/libpng-config
Target /usr/local/bin/libpng-config
already exists. You may want to remove it:
rm '/usr/local/bin/libpng-config'
To force the link and overwrite all conflicting files:
brew link --overwrite libpng
To list all files that would be deleted:
brew link --overwrite --dry-run libpng
Any solution to finally be able to run Circos?
Thanks in advance for your help!
Finally, I solved the problem by changing the permissions in /usr/local:
sudo chown -R $(whoami) /usr/local
Following the recommendations on brew webpage.
Once this was solved, I just installed GD in Perl, as described in the last step in Paulo Nuin's post.

Can't compile CUDA samples: ld: library not found for -lgomp clang: error: linker command failed with exit code 1 [duplicate]

I'm trying to get openmp to run in my program on Mavericks, however when I try to compile using the flag -fopenmp I get the following error:
ld: library not found for -lgomp
clang: error: linker command failed with exit code 1 (use -v to see invocation)
The command I am running is:
gcc myProgram.cpp -fopenmp -o myProgram
Also, when I run gcc I get Clang warnings which I find to be very strange. And looking into /usr/bin/gcc it does not appear to link to Clang.
Any suggestions on how to fix my Clang errors and get openmp to compile?
The gcc command in the latest Xcode suite is no longer the GCC frontend to LLVM (based on the very old GCC 4.2.1) but rather a symlink to clang. Clang does not (yet) support OpenMP. You have to install separately another version of GCC, e.g. by following this tutorial or by using any of the available software package management systems like MacPorts and Homebrew.
I just recently attacked this problem and have scripted the process of getting everything working based on the official instructions.
The script will download everything into ~/code for easy maintenance and will append the correct environment variables to your ~/.profile file. For advanced users, pick a nice location you want the lib, bin and include installed and move them manually. The script depends on knowing the latest OpenMP runtime from Intel, which can be altered at the top of the script.
The script should work out of the box with vanilla Mavericks, except for one small problem. In the OpenML runtime make script, it does not reliably accept clang when specified and continues with the default GCC. As such, if you don't have GCC installed (which is not normal on out of the box Mavericks), it will fail to build. To fix this, you must comment out two lines (as noted in the script) based on the libomp_20131209_oss.tgz build of OpenMP. Newer builds of OpenML might break this script, so use at your own peril on newer versions.
Simply save this script into a file, run 'chmod +x filename.sh', and run './filename.sh' from terminal. It will take a while to build LLVM and Clang, so be patient.
EDIT: This script will most likely fail on Yosemite and I am having issues using the built clang2 after the update to the dev builds of OSX 10.10.
DEST_FOLDER = ~/code
mkdir ${DEST_FOLDER}
git clone https://github.com/clang-omp/llvm
git clone https://github.com/clang-omp/compiler-rt llvm/projects/compiler-rt
git clone -b clang-omp https://github.com/clang-omp/clang llvm/tools/clang
cd llvm
mkdir build
cd build
cd Debug+Asserts/bin
mv clang clang2
rm -rf clang++
ln -s clang2 clang2++
echo "LLVM+Clang+OpenMP Include Path : " ${CLANG_INCLUDE}
echo "LLVM+Clang+OpenMP Bin Path : " ${CLANG_BIN}
echo "LLVM+Clang+OpenMP Lib Path : " ${CLANG_LIB}
curl ${INTEL_OPENMP_LATEST_BUILD_LINK} -o libomp_oss_temp.tgz
gunzip -c libomp_oss_temp.tgz | tar xopf -
rm -rf libomp_oss_temp.tgz
cd libomp_oss
echo "You need to do one or two things:"
echo "1.) [Required] Comment out line 433 from libomp_oss/src/makefile.mk"
echo "2.) [Optional] If you do not have GCC installed (not normal on vanilla Mavericks), you must comment out lines 450-451 in libomp_oss/tools/check-tools.pl. Have you done this or want to compile anyway?"
select yn in "Yes" "No"; do
case $yn in
Yes ) make compiler=clang; break;;
No ) exit;;
echo "OpenMP Runtime Include Path : " ${OPENMP_INCLUDE}
echo "OpenMP Runtime Lib Path : " ${OPENMP_LIB}
(echo 'export PATH='${CLANG_BIN}':$PATH';
echo 'export DYLD_LIBRARY_PATH='${CLANG_LIB}':'${OPENMP_LIB}':$DYLD_LIBRARY_PATH}') >> ~/.profile
source ~/.profile
echo "LLVM+Clang+OpenMP is now accessible through [ clang2 ] via terminal and does not conflict with Apple's clang"
If you are running homebrew you can fix this problem by calling:
brew install clang-omp
The compiler will be available under clang-omp++ name
Just worked through this problem. Here's the answer plus how to get it worked with Xcode.
Grab the latest version of openMP runtime library from
unzip and compile it by
mkdir build && cd build && cmake .. && make && sudo make install
install it by
sudo cp ./libiomp5.dylib /usr/lib/
sudo cp ./omp.h /Applications/Xcode.app/Contents/Developer/Toolchains/XcodeDefault.xctoolchain/usr/include/
Grab openmp/clang from Git following the instructions on http://clang-omp.github.io/
compile openmp/clang
cd llvm && mkdir build && cd build && ../configure --enable-optimized && make -j
sudo make install
normally it would install clang/clang++ into /usr/local/bin, we need replace the Apple clang with our version
cd /usr/bin
sudo mv clang clang-apple
sudo mv clang++ clang++-apple
sudo ln -s /usr/local/bin/clang ./clang
sudo ln -s /usr/local/bin/clang++ ./clang++
cd /Applications/Xcode.app/Contents/Developer/Toolchains/XcodeDefault.xctoolchain/usr/bin
sudo mv clang clang-apple
sudo mv clang++ clang++-apple
sudo ln -s /usr/local/bin/clang ./clang
sudo ln -s /usr/local/bin/clang++ ./clang++
cd /Applications/Xcode.app/Contents/Developer/Toolchains/XcodeDefault.xctoolchain/usr/include/c++/v1
sudo mv -f * ../../
Create a project in Xcode, using the Hello World code on clang-openmp website for test. After created, add "-fopenmp" to Custom Compiler Flags -> Other C Flags in project settings; add /usr/lib/libiomp5.dylib to the build phases of project (project settings -> Build Phases -> Drag /usr/lib/libiomp5.dylib into Link Binary with Libraries)
It should work. Yosemite + Xcode 6 is tested.
Note: the custom clang is NOT as stable as Apple's. Switch back if you meet strange instruction error after compiled.

Errors due to vowpal wabbit's dependencies on boost library

I'm trying real hard to install vowpal wobbit and it fails when i run the make file, throwing:
cd library; make; cd ..
g++ -g -o ezexample temp2.cc -L ../vowpalwabbit -l vw -l allreduce -l boost_program_options -l z -l pthread
ld: library not found for -lboost_program_options collect2: ld returned 1 exit status make[1]: *** [ezexample] Error 1'
I then added the links to the boost library here by specifying -L/usr/local/lib
Now I get the following error:
g++ -g -o ezexample temp2.cc -L/usr/local/lib ../vowpalwabbit -l vw -l allreduce -l boost_program_options -l z -l pthread
ld: library not found for -lvw
collect2: ld returned 1 exit status
make: *** [ezexample] Error 1
I happened to get everything working on OS X 10.7 as follows:
Make sure you have a working Boost installation. As indicated on the Getting started page, usually we only need header files, but some Boost libraries must be built separately, including the program_options library which is used to process options from command line or config file. Go into your boost folder, and then at your shell prompt:
$ ./bootstrap.sh
$ ./bjam
This will compile and build everything. You should now have a bin.v2/ directory in your boost directory, with all built libraries for your system (static and threaded libs).
$ ls bin.v2/libs/
date_time iostreams python serialization test
filesystem math random signals thread
graph program_options regex system wave
More importantly, extra Boost libraries are made available in the stage/lib/ directory. For me, these are Mach-O 64-bit dynamically linked shared library x86_64.
The include path should be your_install_dir/boost_x_xx_x, where boost_x_xx_x is the basename of your working Boost. (I personally have boost_1_46_1 in /usr/local/share/ and I symlinked it to /usr/local/share/boost to avoid having to remember version number.) The library path (for linking) should read your_install_dir/boost_x_xx_x/stage/lib. However, it might be best to symlink or copy (which is what I did) everything in usual place, i.e. /usr/local/include/boost for header files, and /usr/local/lib for libraries.
Edit the Makefile from the vowpal_wabbit directory, and change the include/library paths to reflect your current installation. The Makefile should look like this (first 12 lines):
UNAME := $(shell uname)
ifeq ($(UNAME), FreeBSD)
LIBS = -l boost_program_options -l pthread -l z -l compat
BOOST_INCLUDE = /usr/local/include
BOOST_LIBRARY = /usr/local/lib
LIBS = -l boost_program_options -l pthread -l z
BOOST_INCLUDE = /usr/local/share/boost # change path to reflect yours
BOOST_LIBRARY = /usr/local/share/boost/stage/lib # idem
Then, you are ready to compile vowpal_wabbit (make clean in case you already compiled it):
$ make
$ ./vw --version
$ make test
You can also install vowpal wabbit on OS X using brew:
brew install vowpal-wabbit
Or you can just install boost, and then install vw from the github repo.
brew install boost
For installation on CentOS 7 (6.5 perl version is too old for latest vw source code), I've found the instructions at http://wkoplitz.blogspot.be/2012/12/vowpal-wabbit-on-centos.html to work fine:
yum install zlib-devel boost-devel
yum groupinstall "Development Tools"
git clone git://github.com/JohnLangford/vowpal_wabbit.git
cd vowpal_wabbit
make test
Good news:
As of the latest release VowpalWabbit version 9.1.0, vw no longer relies on Boost program_options
From the release highlights:
Removal of Boost Program Options dependency
For a long time we have depended on Boost Program Options
for command line options parsing. In this release, we have > replaced this dependency with our own implementation of
command line parsing. Apart from one place where we depend > on Boost Math in standalone mode, this means that VW core
and the command line tool are free of Boost dependencies
hopefully making the code a bit easier to build and package.
Vowpal Wabbit 9.1.0 release notes
