Bundling and minifying in a non SPA ASP.NET MVC application - asp.net-mvc

I am about to start work on a non SPA ASP.NET MVC application and I was wondering what the best practices are for bundling and minifying.
I've been using webpack for react but this does not seem to fit in with a non SPA website or would this be a good fit?
I've used requirejs in the past where I used the data-main attribute to specify a file for the current view but I'm not sure how this would work with minified code where we would potentially only have 1 file.
I know .NET has its own ScriptBundler but is this still supported and should I perhaps use gulp instead?

If you're using ASP.NET MVC 5 or lower, then you can use both gulp and the script/style bundlers.
For instance, you could use gulp to do the minifying and use the script/style bundling to do the rest. This way you can use the non-minified scripts and styles during development (debug mode) whereas you only use the minified and bundled scripts in release mode.
Depending on your requirements, you can make multiple bundles and add those to your views. Performance wise, I'd suggest you use 2 bundles per page: 1 script bundle (near the closing body tag) and 1 style bundle (in the head section). Don't forget about common scripts and styles: those can be located the _Layout partial view. So you end up with 2 bundles per type per page.
I use this approach for my own projects. However, for ASP.NET Core applications, you should consider only using gulp. As far as I know, there isn't a real replacement for the bundling as we know it in ASP.NET MVC 5 applications, it just works a bit differently. But if you use gulp already, then you won't have big problems migrating to asp.net core (which you will at some point I guess).


Best way to use Vue 3 components built elsewhere in an ASP.NET project's views?

I'm rewriting some templates and functionality previously developed using AngularJS 1.x which are currently managed and developed as static assets in an ASP.NET MVC application and are used alongside razor syntax (.cshtml). There are no components either. Imagine the AngularJS modules as a huge bunch of jQuery code linked and coupled with views.
This time, I'm implementing everything we need in a Vue 3 app in a separate git repository and I'm also using Vuex 4.
I'm hoping to be able to do the following:
Build the Vue app
Load the assets in BundleConfig.cs
Link the assets to my _layout.cshtml to have them on all my pages.
Use the components wherever I need them.
I'm going well on developing the components and functionalities within its standalone project, yet I'm facing several problems and/or ambiguities.
I have pages that are mostly if not entirely rendered by the client-side. These pages may or may not be handled by a client-side router such as vue-router.
I also have pages that are mostly rendered by the server and then stuff is added or dynamic contents are loaded by the client-side. These pages can't use a client-side router.
I'm not using a router and I'm having a hard time developing and testing those pages that are mostly rendered by Vue.
if I use a router I think I won't be able to do what I'm planning to do about those pages that are mostly rendered by the server. I really need all pages (whichever kind they are) to have access to my Vuex store.
What do you recommend I do to make it easier for myself both in development and production?
Should I create several static HTML files for each of my pages in Vue's public directory tweak Webpack's configuration in order to simulate what will happen in production (use within the ASP.NET project)?
Should I start having a router, put all pages that are mostly CSR under its control, and somehow configure it to have nothing to do with my other pages that are mostly SSR?
I need to be able to debug and test stuff when I run npm run serve and then do what I'm tasked to do. Unless the whole plan is a bad/wrong idea somehow.
I might also be able to build my Vue app as a library and then, in the ASP.NET project, init a small Vue app that imports that library and that itself is bundled with the back-end project. The whole reason I'm doing this is to make the client-side stuff reusable and easy to maintain. I don't want to take a GET SHIT DONE approach.

Vue and .NET Core integration (+authentication) choice

As far as I understand that, there are two major options for Vue and .NET Core integration within single MVC/Razor project.
Option 1.
MVC/Razor-rendered non-reactive page is used for authentication with built-in ASP.NET Identity. Vue is not involved for authentication/authorization at all. As soon as users are authenticated, they are redirected to another MVC/Razor page that is used as a HTML template for Vue. It’s possible to combine MVC/Razor rendering and Vue. For example, user name on the top of the page can be rendered by MVC but button actions and data tables will be further processed by Vue. It’s possible to use many pages (so it will be MPA, not SPA), it comes naturally. Using *.vue files is not possible. MVC routing seems to be primary routing option (not sure, would be possible to combine with Vue routing and whether any needs for that). Vue JS files can reside anywhere in the project, for example, can be bound to the HTML pages similarly as CS files in Razor pages do (and it’s nice). Then, all these JS files along with Vue itself can be bundled to the wwwroot by Webpack. Vue CLI is not available but seems there is no need for that.
Option 2.
MVC/Razor is not used for rendering user pages at all. Authentication occurs by third-party solutions like IdentityServer and with Vue-managed pages. .NET Core is used exclusively as a WebAPI for Vue and to hold a project. Vue part is totally independent from the MVC/Razor part, they even render pages to the different HTTP ports so proxy is needed to convert Vue HTTP port to the MVC/Razor HTTP port to make Vue works in the single project. We can use either Microsoft.AspNetCore.SpaServices.Extensions or NuGet third-party VueCliMiddleware for that. All Vue files typically reside within a ClientApp folder and then are building to the wwwroot folder. Using *.vue files is possible. Vue CLI is available and recommended to scaffold new application to the ClientApp folder (but further CLI seems is not needed). Vue router seems to be the only option for routing. SPA seems to be the primary choice as a structure (not sure, whether MPA is readily available option). Webpack is still used for building Vue app from the ClientApp to the wwwroot.
I started mu Vue journey with Option 1 even without webpack and npm, just with CDN tag on the one of the Razor pages and it works very well. For me Option 1 seems less complex while more flexible. My primary concern is that Microsoft uses Option 2 as a built-in templates for Angular and React in Visual Studio, so I probably is missing something and soon I will be pushed to rewrite my app to the Option 2.
What you guys think which option is better and whether my understanding explained above, is correct?

sharing views, css, javascript between multiple asp.net mvc 3 projects

It seems to be impossible/hard to share views between several asp.net mvc 3 projects. At least, that's what Google tells me. Please correct me if I am wrong ...
What's about css and js files? Did someone do this already? If so, what is the best practice to achieve this (within a vs studio 2010 solution with several asp.net mvc 3 projects)?
Just curious, is it possible to share css and js between mvc3 areas?
Since you mention svn - it has "svn:externals" property that lets you map a folder (even from a different repository) to a location under the web site root folder. We used it with success to reuse multiple library tools with external resources (scripts, css files, images and views) in a number of MVC applications.
There is a cool way to share js, cshtml, css etc. files using "Add as Link" feature of VS. There is a great answer here describing the whole process. Also dont forget to add a build task to copy the files on build so you'd be able to debug them.

ASP.NET Web Optimization - Minification without bundling

Is it possible to use ASP.NET Web Optimization for minification without bundling?
Lets say I have a page Example.cshtml and corresponding javaScript file for that page Example.js. I would like to be able to do something like #Scripts.Render("~/Scripts/Views/Example.js") which will product minified file when not in debug mode. I could of course maintain many single JavaScript file bundles to do this but it seams like unnecessary chore.
Of course there are other solutions for javaScript compression but I think that single approach with run-time compression is the best way to go.
You would have to create a bundle with just one file to accomplish this currently.

Looking for an advise on bundling of JS

I have an MVC 4.5 project that has most of the UI logic organized in jQuery plugins. I want to protect my code by minification and bundling (While I understand that minification will only do so much as far as protection, it's better than leaving formatted and documented source files on the server.)
Ideally, I want my dev server to work as is -- files are non-minified and separated. But, when I deploy to the production server, I want the source files to be removed and only minified bundles to be available. Also note, on many occasions my jQuery plugins load other plugins from JavaScript code (I use head.js), so I cannot use #Script.Render for that.
What technologies do I use -- built-in MVC bundling, SquishIt, Bundler or do I need to resort to MSBuild and Microsoft Axaj Minifier? To recap, I want to remove source JS files and just be left with minified bundles in production, and, preferably, find a way to not change head.js references based on whether files are minified or not.
Thanks for your advice.
Just thought I respond with what I ended up doing here:
To recap: I wanted to obfuscate my source files with minification while not exposing the source JS files in production. I also wanted for head.js to resolve source file URLs to bundle URLs:
Put all non-minified javascript files in a folder viewable only to Admin role
Used bundling built-in to ASP.NET MVC 4.5 to generate bundles
Pointed my head.js tag to an MVC controller that returned head.js code + a javascript array with an x-ref between raw URLs and bundle URLs (available from BundleTable static object)
Bundling occurs outside of ASP.NET membership, so bundles are generated and available to anonymous users even though the source files are in the folder only accessible by Admin. Then, the trick of dynamically augmenting head.js code with server-side generated bundle URLs takes care of calling bundles from JS files.
