Devise: Missing partial when accessing edit registration - ruby-on-rails

Im trying to render a collection of user inboxes:
<%= render current_user.my_inbox %>
It works fine with different views/controller except when i attempt to access the devise edit registration.
Missing partial devise/inboxes/_inbox
I notice that Devise is not looking at the right path. how do i tell devise that my inbox partial is located at inboxes/_inbox not devise/inboxes/_inbox
any suggestions will be greatly appreciated.

Assign the partial's name manually and pass along the data.
<%= render partial: "inboxes/inbox", collection: current_user.my_inbox %>
More info in the Rails Partial Docs (specifically passing variables to a given partial)


Missing partial comments/_comment in rails

I'm using a tutorial to get a feel for ruby, I am very much a beginner. Before posting this I have spent a couple of hours trying to resolve this myself with no luck. Sorry in advance if my explanation isn't great:
So I am getting this error screen:
error message
I am following a tutorial to make a basic reddit style app and I am trying to add the comments functionality.
When you render a collection like render #comments, Rails will check the type name of the items in #comments (i.e. 'comment') then look for a partial under app/views/comments/_comment.html.erb by default (note the plural singular distinction between the partial name and the folder/collection name).
The following steps should resolve your issue:
Create a comments partial under:
Now, when you call render #comments, each item of your collection is passed to the partial as a local variable as the same name without the underscore:
In _comment.html.erb
<%# comment is defined because it matches the name of the partial %>
<%= comment.<some_attribute_on_comment> %>

Render polymorphic form in partial

I want to render a form for a comment in a partial called _feed_item.html.erb. This partial is used to display both Products and Requests, both of which have comments. The rendered comments form needs to be specific to which feed_item is being displayed (Product or Request).
I've created a gist to show what i've got so far. Please do let me know if anything is missing.
Currently i'm able to create a link which takes me to the appropriate url to create a comment. This works well.
<%= link_to "Make Comment", new_polymorphic_path([#commentable,]) %>
Instead of having to go to a different url, I would like to be able to render a form in the feed_item partial.

rails rendering partial with collection / other class is in charge?

Somewhat new to rails, longtime programmer. I've got a question about views, controllers and partials really - wondering if I have this setup well.
I've got a pages controller, and on the index page (really the pages index method) I've got a partial in layouts called featured (ie app/views/layouts/_featured.html.erb) -- I've also got a Featured class. I would like basically the index of the featured class to be drawn here. But of course it's not working. SO the question is:
In the page itself I've got the <%= render 'features/index' %> which I'm beginning to think is the wrong way to go..
Do I axe this partial method and just call <%= render 'features/index' %> and let everything progress natively or
What would be the proper way of routing the featured collection to the partial? Since the controller is actually Pages it seems like I'm fighting against the tide.
<%= render 'features/index' %>
Doing this is wrong given your description. This will try to render a partial from app/views/features/_index.html.erb which you haven't mentioned.
To render the partial at app/views/layouts/_featured.html.erb you would do (perhaps a bit more verbose that is necessary)
<%= render partial: "layouts/featured" %>
The best suggestion I can offer is to pass a collection to this partial
<%= render partial: "layouts/featured", locals: { features: #features } %>
Since it seems your intention is for this partial to appear as a piece of a layout I will assume you wish for this partial to appear on multiple pages. This means on multiple actions you will need to have assigned the set of Feature instances this #features instance variable. One way to do this is a before_action.
before_action :setup_features
# ...
def setup_features
#features = Feature.all
A good place to start learning more about filters is in the Rails Guide
The partial at "app/view/layouts/_featured.html.erb" can only be rendered with
render 'featured'
and not 'featured/index'
render 'featured/index' will render "app/views/layouts/featured/_index.html.erb
Since the pages controller is really rendering the main index page in it's def index, all I had to do was #features = Feature.all and the variable is available for the partial pulled into the index page.
I need to get used to how simple rails is coming from other languages / frameworks.

Render html.erb (not partial) in other html.erb

I'm quite new to Rails and trying to make app with Foundation framework. The problem is with modal window.
I have an index.html.erb file in views/users folder, generated by scaffold.
Also there is a new.html.erb file in the same folder.
I want to open ../users/new link in modal window on index page.
I used examples in Reveal (Foundation Documentation), put new.html.erb file content in:
<div id="myModal" class="reveal-modal">
Also, add to New User link "href" attribute.
<%= link_to 'New User', new_user_path, 'data-reveal-id' => 'myModal' %>
as was described here.
Now I need to render new.html.erb in index.html.erb, cause I need this code just before /body tag, as described in Foundation Docs.
I've tried to render it as partial, but it doesn't work.
Is there any way to do it, without double new.html.erb as _new.html.erb and inserting it as partial in index.html.erb?
I don't think, that RoR with all there's "Write less code!" stuff, doesn't have the way for do it without code duplicating.
You cannot use the new action as it is, though you can put your form in one partial, use across new and your action to generate form in modal.
On Page load you can use _form partial.
You can use ajax to generate the form for the model if you want on fly, this can be use for edit as well as new.
Step1 :link_to "your action path", remote: true, id: "abc"
Step2: your action path should return html of the form using render to string
Step3: now using jquery ajax success of $("#abc") replace your model inner content with the form.
And use the create action for both ajax and postback.
Code is DRY.
Let me know if you need the code.

New to Rails: How to pass arguments from a textbox to another controller?

I am new to Rails and don't quite understand what I'm supposed to do. Let's say, for example, I want a textbox containing a string to be passed into another controller (another page?) when the user clicks a button. How would I go about doing that?
Functions of controllers are pages, correct? Can a function take parameters just like a normal method? (E.g. sum(x,y))
For complete information, check out Rails Form helpers. Basically, you give the form_tag method a path which points to the controller and the action that you want to handle the form submission. For example,
<%= form_tag(search_path, :method => "get") do %>
<%= label_tag(:q, "Search for:") %>
<%= text_field_tag(:q) %>
<%= submit_tag("Search") %>
<% end %>
Here, the action and controller that search_path points to (defined in your routes) will receive the form submission and the value from the text field.
Your action in the controller IS a function, but it will not receive the value from the form submission as a parameter to the function. Instead, you will access it through the params hash. In the example above, you can access the value from the text field as
What are you doing with the string? Storing it? Using it as a parameter on another page?
I suggest you take a look at the Getting Started Guide, go through it, and pay particular attention to the What is Rails? section, where it explains MVC architecture and REST (Representational State Transfer.)
There are dozens of other Rails tutuorials out there, I'm sure if you searched this site you'd find many questions like this one:
Functions of controllers are pages, correct? Can a function take parameters just like a normal method?
Functions of controllers are pages if that's the route you've set up in your routes.rb configuration file. I suggest you run through some tutorials to understand what Rails is for and how it works.
