Custom "Create Issue" form per role - jira

Is it possible to customize the "Create Issue" from per role?
In fact, I simply want to show a reduced set of fields for reporters/users to not overwhelm them and prevent incorrect filling out of unnecessary fields.
Developers should see all fields so that they can provide all necessary/internal details.

In JIRA you can install the plugin "Script Runner" which contains a module called "Behaviours". This module allows you to define fields which should be visible for a specific gruoup or not.

In JIRA we don't have ability to customise this without install plug-ins and edit templates on server-side. Maybe most easy way this is create two different screens in issue screen scheme. First screen(simply) for issue create and second screen(full view) for edit&view.


Create JIRA issue from SharePoint using Logic apps

I want to create a JIRA issue using Logic Apps when a row is inserted into a SharePoint online list. I've authenticated myself, but am getting this error. The main part of the message reads as follows:
Field ‘reporter’ of type ‘user’ is not supported. More diagnostic information: x-ms-client-request-id is ’71…’
The Logic App action is "create a new issue V2". The previous version seems to work OK, but has been deprecated.
The SharePoint list also has some rich text fields. Will I be able to upload them? Looking at the JIRA connector documentation I suspect not, but would like to check.
To resolve this, you need to remove the 'reporter' field from the JIRA Issue Type you are using in the Create a new issue task in Logic Apps.

Where can I find the default templates for all the Grails fields plugin types?

I was hopping to have an easy way to customize the display behavior of the Grails fields plugin after reading its docs, but I just realized that it demands an enormous effort as there is no available templates to start from.
I can see the display functionality is hard-coded in FormFieldsTagLib (from methods like renderDefaultInput() ) but I think it is imperative to have the templates themselves (or a way to generate them, somewhat like generating static scaffolding in Grails).
I can see no consistent (and reasonable) way to customize display behaviors for the Grails fields plugin without that. Am I missing something?
Imagine the use case where someone wants to change the boolean default rendering just to display the field label after (and not before) the checkbox, and keep it available to all the boolean fields within its application. Which concerns will he need to handle regarding if the field is required, has errors, prefix and so on? When all he needed was just moving two divs around.
Grails version: 2.5.4, fields-plugin version: 1.5.1
You aren't missing something. You'd have to re-create the existing implementation of each field type rendering in a template for use with the plugin. There isn't a way to generate a file to start with (like scaffolding).
I won't bore you with the historical reason as to why this is the case, but if you do create a set of base templates it would be a good idea to contribute back to the plugin.
I had an issue with the <f:table> tag, and found this post, which led me to find the base or default template inside the plugin repo.
Take a look at
That may help you finding some default templates, along with the official doc and this answer on where to put the override.
Hope it helps you.

TFS - WIT Customization - Define a custom action

I'm working with TFS 2013 and VS2013 to modify a work item template but there are some issues I cannot resolve.
I want only the person who is assigned to a work item to be able to modify this. Is there any opportunity to set a general rule for this? I already tried to set each field readonly if the authorized user is not equal to the assigned user. But that didn't work for me, I suspect this is because of the difference between display name and system user (domain).
I also want to create a custom action, which automaticly changes the "assignedTo"-User. Unfortunatly I didn't find any proper guide how to define a custom action. Most guides explanes where an action is refered in a transition, but not where it is defined. Do you have any suggestions where to find such kind of guide?

Jira - attempting to make a field NOT REQUIRED

We have an existing text field 'Defect Found Version' (DFV) and a new Field I have created 'Defect Found Version Picker'
I have made the Picker mandatory & that works fine, listing all the cersions on the project.
The DFV field is set to 'Optional' on the right hand side of the Configure Field layout page, however next to the name on the left there is the text REQUIRED & I can not see how to disable this.
Even if I remove this field from all screens I get an error when I create a bug saying that DFV is required.
Any thoughts please ?
Look at the Field Configuration Scheme used by the JIRA project. Then look at the field configuration used for that issue type. That's where it is being made required. Unless it's because of the JIRA Behaviour plugin, so check if that is active
Do you have take a look on your Workflow validator ?
Sometimes, it's required on your workflow, and not on your screen.

Cannot update custom field description

I'm using JIRA 4.1.2. I have a page layout created using Jelly, but now that the app is in production I need to manually change a field description (can't run the script again).
The documentation says to go to Field Configurations -> Configure -> Edit, enter the text and hit update. I do that but nothing changes. HOWEVER, for a field that was created outside of Jelly, using the standard JIRA UI, an update works.
What gives? None of my jelly-created fields will update.
Thanks for any help!
Check which field configuration is being used for a specific issue.
