I have a mix of ruby rails code
I have a form with a selection option that i want to be a required, and i want to validate. If user do not select anything i want to validade with a error message.
However, I try to copy past code from internet, I'm new at ruby rails and I still not have a error message.
I also check that i use 'required' , or if i use 'validates_presence_of' doesn't make difference because it's a submit form (i think)
class TestFilterForm < ApplicationForm
attribute :model, String
validates_presence_of :model
<%= f.input :fill_form_error_message,:as => :hidden, :input_html => { :value =>I18n.t('test.fill_form_error') } %>
<%= f.input :model, label: I18n.t('test.filters.model'), autofocus: true, input_html: {class: 'input-xlarge chosen-select' }, collection: TestType.options_for_select, include_blank: true %>
def paginate
#test_form = TestForm.new(params)
unless #test_form.valid?
#model = params[:test_filter_form][:model]
#h_model = #model.pluralize + 'H'
#history, _query, #test_fields = TestQueryService.search!(params)
session[:test_query] = _query
session[:test_klass] = #model
format.json { render :json => { :error => #test_form.errors.full_messages }, :status => 422 }
$contentDiv.on 'ajax:error', 'form[data-value]', (event, xhr, status, error) ->
data = $.parseJSON(xhr.responseText)
$result = $(#).parents('tr').find('[data-result]')
controller.resultUpdateError xhr.status, $result.data('result'), data, $(#)
# Hide row loading spinner
# Hide saved form
resultUpdated: (result, data, $form) ->
if data.flash != undefined
# Sets a sucess message on page top
flash data.flash.type, data.flash.message
# Sets a success message on row
$fieldForm = $form.parents('tr').find(".messages")
$fieldForm.find('.control-group .controls').css('color', 'green').append #_inlineMessage("Gravado com sucesso")
# Hide success message after some time
setTimeout ((self) ->
$fieldForm.find('.control-group .controls').empty()
)(this), 4000
Since you are dynamically created the selection box then there must be a default value selected which is not nil so there is no change seen you can manually create selection like this:
<div class="form-group">
<%= f.label :select_user_country %><br/>
<select class="form-control select2" name="user[country_id]">
<option value="" selected disabled>Select a Country</option>
<%#countries.each do |country|%>
<option value="<%=country.id%>"><%=country.name%></option>
In Rails 5 app with devise, I need to use a new.js.erb file to update select tag in my registrations view and controller. I cant seem to figure out why my new.js.erb file isn't working.
I've tried to use respond_to in controller as below,
def new
#cities = CS.get(:us,params[:state])
respond_to do |format|
format.js { render '/new.js.erb' }# layout: false }
<%= form_for(resource, as: resource_name, url: registration_path(resource_name), :remote => true) do |f| %>
<div class="signup-input-container">
<div class="field">
<%= f.text_field :firstname, autofocus: true, autocomplete: "firstname", placeholder: "First name", class: "signup-input-container--input" %>
<div class="field">
<%= f.select :state, options_for_select(CS.states(:us).map { |code, name| [name, code] }),{:prompt => "State"}, {:class => "signup-input-container--input", :id => "state-picker"} %>
<div class="field">
<%= f.select :city, options_for_select([]),{}, {:class => "signup-input-container--input", :id => "city-picker"} %>
<% end %>
var city = document.getElementById("city-picker");
while (city.firstChild) city.removeChild(city.firstChild);
var placeholder = document.createElement("option");
placeholder.text = "Choose a city";
placeholder.value = "";
<% #cities.each do |c| %>
city.options[city.options.length] = new Option('<%= c %>');
<% end %>
var state = document.getElementById("state-picker");
state.addEventListener("change", function() {
url: "/states?state=" + state.value,
type: "GET"
I'm expecting this to create select tag options with my array of cities in my controller. Does anyone know how to get this to work?
To solve this you should just setup a separate controller where you can fetch the data from asynchronously and alternatively there are also several free API's which can be used for geographical lookup such as Googles Geocoding API and Geonames.
To setup a separate controller you can do it by:
# /config/routes.rb
get '/states/:state_id/cities', to: 'cities#index'
# /app/controllers/cities_controller.rb
class CitiesController < ApplicationController
def index
#cities = CS.get(:us, params[:state_id])
respond_to do |f|
f.json { render json: #cities }
I would skip using a .js.erb template altogether and just return JSON data which you can use directly in your JS or with one of the many existing autocomplete solutions. .js.erb only makes sense for extensive HTML templating (like for example rendering an entire form) where you want to reuse your server side templates - it greatly increases the complexity and generally makes a mess of your javascript which is not worth it just to output a list of option tags.
// If you are using jQuery you might as well setup a delegated
// handler that works with turbolinks,
$(document).on('change', '#state-picker', function(){
$.getJSON("/states/" + $(this).value() + "/cities", function(data){
// using a fragment avoids updating the DOM for every iteration.
var $frag = $('<select>');
$.each(data, function(city){
$frag.append$('<option>' + data + '</option>');
= form_tag questions_path, :method=>:post do
= label :question, :type, 'Type: '
= select :question, :type, %w(Text Picture Audio Video), :id=> :question_type_combo
**- if :question_type_combo.selected != 'Text'**
= label :question,:url, 'URL: '
= text_field :question,:url, :id=> :question_url_text
= submit_tag 'Add Question',:id=>:add_question_button
Is something of this sort possible in HAML? I wish to render the textfield only for certain options if selected in the SELECT BOX above.
Yes and no. You can write a conditional based on the values of the record that you bind to the form:
= form_for #question do |f|
= f.label :type
= f.select, :type, %w(Text Picture Audio Video), id: 'question_type_combo'
- unless f.object.question_type_combo === 'Text'
= f.label :url
= text_field :url, id: 'question_url_text'
But this would only change the visibility after the user submits the form and not be very useful.
Instead you can just use jQuery to create an event handler for the ´change´ event.
$(document).on('change','#question_type_combo', function(){
var type = $(this).first(':selected').val();
var $other_input = $('#other_input');
if (type == 'Text') {
} else {
// sets the initial state
// if you are using turbolinks
$(document).on('page:load', function(){
// if you are not using turbolinks
<script src="https://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/2.1.1/jquery.min.js"></script>
<div class="field">
<select name="question[question_type_combo]" id="question_type_combo">
<option>Something else</option>
<div class="field" id="other_input">
<input type="text" name="question[url]">
- if :question_type_combo.selected != 'Text' This is not possible in the haml view, If you want to do something based on selected option you have to use js.
Or you may set the selected option using similar code if you have controller objects:
= select_tag("fee_discount", options_for_select(Fee.discounts.keys.map {|k| [k.titleize, k]}, selected: "#{"rewards" if #vendor.present? && #vendor.approved?}"), include_blank: true)
You may keep the label and text_field inside a div with hide class.
And then using javascript you may hide unhide the div.
I'm using Rails 4.0.2 with jquery-rails (3.1.0) and jquery-ui-rails (4.1.1) gems. I'm added autocomplete in order to do a specific search based on what user typed and other fields at form.
The form:
<%= text_field_tag :field , some_value, data: { autocomplete_source: select_path( { :id => #order.Id , :type => #order.type } ) } %>
minLength: 0
source: $('#field').attr('data-autocomplete-source')
select: ( event, ui ) ->
The controller:
def select
# retrieve parameters
id_cliente = params[:id]
retira_entrega = params[:type]
term = params[:term]
# do the query, etc...
When I run the code, everything is OK. The controller receives all parameters and run the query flawlessly.
The parameter type, however, is based on a SELECT control and, in order to change it, I put the following code in the SELECT control.
<%= f.select :type, options_for_select( [['RETIRA','R'],['ENTREGA','E']] , #pedido.RetiraEntrega ) ,{}, { :onchange => "change_type();" } %>
JS Code function:
function change_type()
var e = document.getElementById("type");
var option = e.options[ e.selectedIndex ].value;
var field = document.getElementById("field");
var origem = "type=";
source = field.attributes["data-autocomplete-source"].value;
// pesquisa a string retira_entrega=
index = source.search(origem);
field.setAttribute("data-autocomplete-source", source.substring(0,index+origem.length) + String(option));
The JS function is called, the last line is run, the attribute is set (I put an alert at the end retrieving the attribute).
The problem is that the controller never receives the changed value (it always receives the value when the form is created).
So, the question is: how can I change a parameter passed on to autocomplete in order to use it in rails controller?
Not sure if this is what your looking for but I was struggling with the same issue because I had two input fields that I wanted different lists loaded to in the autocomplete widget. So what I did was pass an extra param to the auto complete source like this:
<!-- /_form.html.erb -->
<%= f.text_field :auto1, :size => "100", class: "form-control", data: { autocomplete_source: root_path(:fieldType => "numerouno")} %>
<%= f.text_field :auto2, :size => "100", class: "form-control", data: { autocomplete_source: root_path(:fieldType => "numerodos")} %>
Then in my controller I used that extra param to determine which list I needed to show:
if param[:fieldType] == "numerouno"
format.json { render :json => #unoList}
elsif param[:fieldType] == "numerodos"
format.json { render :json => #dosList }
flash[:danger] = "Error loading list for autocomplete!"
param[:term] still goes through too!
How can I use simple_form to filter a field, based on a previous fields value?
For instance, I have an Opportunities form, with two fields, Company and Contact.
Company Field:
<div class="form-group">
<%= f.association :company, collection: Company.all.order(:account), prompt: "", :label_method => :account, :value_method => :id %>
Contact Field:
<div class="form-group">
<%= f.association :contact, collection: Contact.all.order(:first_name), prompt: "", :label_method => lambda { |contact| "#{contact.first_name} #{contact.last_name}" }, :value_method => :id %>
Here is what I want to do: If I select a company called "Deviant" from the Company field above, I want the Contact field to only display those contacts associated with the company called "Deviant".
I am trying something like this, but can't get it to work:
<div class="form-group">
<%= f.association :contact, collection: Contact.where("company_id = ?", params[:id]), prompt: "", :label_method => lambda { |contact| "#{contact.first_name} #{contact.last_name}" }, :value_method => :id %>
I don't know how to reference the value in the Company field.
How can I do this?
Anyone? Surely this must be possible. This is a key functionality in any form. I would hope I don't need jQuery or something.
I think the best approach is to use ajax requests to update your contacts collection dinamically whenever the company's selected value is changed.
First you'll need an action in your contacts controller:
class ContactsController < ApplicationController
def contacts_list
if params[:company_id]
#contacts = Contact.where(company_id: params[:company_id])
#contacts = Contact.all
respond_with(#contacts) do |format|
format.json { render :json => #contacts.to_json(:only => [:id, :first_name, :last_name]) }
Add this to your routes:
post 'contacts_list' => "contacts#contacts_list", as: :contacts_list
Then use the coffeescript code bellow to populate your contacts' collection:
$(document).ready ->
if $("#opportunity_company_id")
$("#opportunity_company_id").change ->
populate_contacts = ->
$contacts_select = $("select#opportunity_contact_id")
$contacts_select.attr "disabled", "disabled"
company_id = $("select#opportunity_company_id").val()
if company_id is ""
$contacts_select.html "<option value=\"\">(select the company first)</option>"
$contacts_select.html "<option value=\"\">(loading contacts...)</option>"
data = {company_id: company_id}
data[window._auth_token_name] = window._auth_token
$.ajax "/contacts_list",
type: "post"
dataType: "json"
data: data
success: (contacts) ->
_html = '<option value="">Select the contact:</option>'
_html += '<option value="'+contact.id+'">'+contact.first_name + ' ' + contact.last_name + '</option>' for contact in contacts
$contacts_select.html _html
$contacts_select.removeAttr "disabled"
error: ->
alert 'Error trying to load contacts.'
Finally, inside your html's head tag:
<% if protect_against_forgery? %>
window._auth_token_name = "<%= request_forgery_protection_token %>";
window._auth_token = "<%= form_authenticity_token %>";
<% end %>
Hope it helps...
Add the following line to your ApplicationController (app/controllers/application_controller.rb):
respond_to :html, :xml, :json, :js
I have this in my model:
LOCATION_IN_UK = {'England' => [['Berkshire', 1],['Cambridgeshire',2],['Cheshire',3]], 'Scotland' => [['Dumfries and Galloway',4],['Fife',5],['Lothian',6]], 'Others' => [['Outside UK',7]]}
And this is in the view:
<%= select_tag :location, grouped_options_for_select(Location::LOCATION_IN_UK), :id => 'location-dropdown' %>
This code generate following html:
<select id="location-dropdown" name="location">
<optgroup label="England">
<option value="1">Berkshire</option>
<option value="2">Cambridgeshire</option>
<option value="3">Cheshire</option></optgroup>
<optgroup label="Others">
<option value="7">Outside UK</option></optgroup>
<optgroup label="Scotland">
<option value="4">Dumfries and Galloway</option>
<option value="5">Fife</option>
<option value="6">Lothian</option></optgroup>
1. How to skip alphabetical sort order. I want elements locate exactly as in the hash LOCATION_IN_UK.
2. How to insert prompt into this? :prompt => 'Please select' Doesn't work
To answer your prompt question, prompt is not a hash, it is the third parameter of the method call. So you would do:
<%= select_tag :location, grouped_options_for_select(LOCATIONS_IN_UK, nil, "Please Select"), :id => 'location-dropdown' %>
And looking at the source code, it seems there is no way to skip the sorting. You could write your own helper method though. Here is the source
# File actionpack/lib/action_view/helpers/form_options_helper.rb, line 449
def grouped_options_for_select(grouped_options, selected_key = nil, prompt = nil)
body = ''
body << content_tag(:option, prompt, { :value => "" }, true) if prompt
grouped_options = grouped_options.sort if grouped_options.is_a?(Hash)
grouped_options.each do |group|
body << content_tag(:optgroup, options_for_select(group[1], selected_key), :label => group[0])
You could modify/override that method, but that may break if you are using this function elsewhere, which is why I would suggest you put the following in your application_helper.
def unsorted_grouped_options_for_select(grouped_options, selected_key = nil, prompt = nil)
body = ''
body << content_tag(:option, prompt, { :value => "" }, true) if prompt
##Remove sort
#grouped_options = grouped_options.sort if grouped_options.is_a?(Hash)
grouped_options.each do |group|
body << content_tag(:optgroup, options_for_select(group[1], selected_key), :label => group[0])
You can then call unsorted_grouped_options_for_select and it should work.
<%= select_tag :location, unsorted_grouped_options_for_select(LOCATION::LOCATION_IN_UK, nil, "Please Select"), :id => 'location-dropdown' %>
I had the same problem. You can solve this by using the array version instead of hashes since it only orders it if it is_a?(Hash).
See the docs for the format: http://apidock.com/rails/ActionView/Helpers/FormOptionsHelper/grouped_options_for_select