Docker container stops without any errors while runnning sbt/play application - docker

I'm running into an issue where my docker container will exit with exit code 137 after ~a day of running. The logs for the container contains no information indicating that an error code has occurred. Additionally, attempts to restart the container returns an error that the PID already exists for the application.
The container is built using the sbt docker plugin, sbt docker:publishLocal and is then run using
docker run --name=the_app --net=the_app_nw -d the_app:1.0-SNAPSHOT.
I'm also running 3 other docker containers which all together do use 90% of the available memory, but its only ever that particular container which exits.
Looking for any advice on to where to look next.

The error code 137 (128+9) means that it was killed (like kill -9 yourApp) by something. That something can be a lot of things (maybe it was killed because was using too much resources by docker or something else, maybe it got out of memory, etc)
Regarding the pid problem, you can add to your build.sbt this
javaOptions in Universal ++= Seq(
Basically this should instruct Play to not create a RUNNING_PID file. If it does not work you can try to pass that option directly in Docker using the JAVA_OPTS env variable.


Logging from multiple processes in a single docker container

I have an application (let's call it Master) which runs on linux and starts several processes (let's call them Workers) using fork/exec. Therefore each Worker has its own PID and writes its own logs.
When running directly on a host machine (without docker) each process uses syslog for logging, and rsyslog puts ouptut from each Worker to a separate file, using a config like this:
$template workerfile,"/var/log/%programname%.log"
:programname, startswith, "worker" ?workerfile
:programname, isequal, "master" "/var/log/master"
Now, I want to run my application inside a docker container. Docker starts Master process as the main process (in CMD section of the Dockerfile), and then it forks the Workers at runtime (not sure if it's a canonical way to use docker, but that's what I have). Of course I'm getting only the stdout for the Master process from docker, and logs of Workers get lost.
So my question is, any way I could get the logs from the forked processes?
To be precise, I want the logs from different processes to appear in individual files on the host machine eventually.
I tried to run rsyslog daemon inside docker container (just like I do when running without docker), writing logs to a mounted volume, but it doesn't seem to work. I guess it requires a workaround like supervisord to run the Master process and rsyslogd at the same time, which looks like an overkill to me.
I couldn't find any simple solution for that, though my problem seems to be trivial.
Any help is appreciated, thanks

Docker logs from go container (log and fmt) stop after init

I'm working on an application which consists of a number of go containers. I manage them with docker compose. Recently I've been having trouble getting logs out of them. When I run "docker logs [container-name]", I only see logs that were created during init for packages in my application, and during main before the service starts listening. Subsequent calls to log.Println or fmt.Println do not appear in the output of "docker logs".
Do you know what could be going on?
You may want to write your logs into the /dev/stdout
or simply use
From log package

Accessing Files on a Windows Docker Container Easily

So I'm trying to figure out a way to use docker to be able to spin up testing environments for customers rather easily. Basically, I've got a customized piece of software that want to install to a Windows docker container (microsoft/windowsservercore), and I need to be able to access the program folder for that software (C:\Program Files\SOFTWARE_NAME) as it has some logs, imports/exports, and other miscellaneous configuration files. The installation part was easy, and I figured that after a few hours of messing around with docker and learning how it works, but transferring files in a simple manner is proving far more difficult than I would expect. I'm well aware of the docker cp command, but I'd like something that allows for the files to be viewed in a file browser to allow testers to quickly/easily view log/configuration files from the container.
Background (what I've tried):
I've spent 20+ hours monkeying around with running an SSH server on the docker container, so I could just ssh in and move files back and forth, but I've had no luck. I've spent most of my time trying to configure OpenSSH, and I can get it installed, but there appears to be something wrong with the default configuration file provided with my installation, as I can't get it up and running unless I start it manually via command line by running sshd -d. Strangely, this runs just fine, but it isn't really a viable solution as it is running in debug mode and shuts down as soon as the connection is closed. I can provide more detail on what I've tested with this, but it seems like it might be a dead end (even though I feel like this should be extremely simple). I've followed every guide I can find (though half are specific to linux containers), and haven't gotten any of them to work, and half the posts I've found just say "why would you want to use ssh when you can just use the built in docker commands". I want to use ssh because it's simpler from an end user's perspective, and I'd rather tell a tester to ssh to a particular IP than make them interact with docker via the command line.
EDIT: Using OpenSSH
Starting server using net start sshd, which reports it starting successfully, however, the service stops immediately if I haven't generated at least an RSA or DSA key using:
ssh-keygen.exe -f "C:\\Program Files\\OpenSSH-Win64/./ssh_host_rsa_key" -t rsa
And modifying the permissions using:
icacls "C:\Program Files\OpenSSH-Win64/" /grant sshd:(OI)(CI)F /T
icacls "C:\Program Files\OpenSSH-Win64/" /grant ContainerAdministrator:(OI)(CI)F /T
Again, I'm using the default supplied sshd_config file, but I've tried just about every adjustment of those settings I can find and none of them help.
I also attempted to setup Volumes to do this, but because the installation of our software is done at compile time in docker, the folder that I want to map as a volume is already populated with files, which seems to make docker fail when I try to start the container with the volume attached. This section of documentation seems to say this should be possible, but I can't get it to work. Keep getting errors when I try to start the container saying "the directory is not empty".
EDIT: Command used:
docker run -it -d -p 9999:9092 --mount source=my_volume,destination=C:/temp my_container
Running this on a ProxMox VM.
At this point, I'm running out of ideas, and something that I feel like should be incredibly simple is taking me far too many hours to figure out. It particularly frustrates me that I see so many blog posts saying "Just use the built in docker cp command!" when that is honestly a pretty bad solution when you're going to be browsing lots of files and viewing/editing them. I really need a method that allows the files to be viewed in a file browser/notepad++.
Is there something obvious here that I'm missing? How is this so difficult? Any help is appreciated.
So after a fair bit more troubleshooting, I was unable to get the docker volume to initialize on an already populated folder, even though the documentation suggests it should be possible.
So, I instead decided to try to start the container with the volume linked to an empty folder, and then start the installation script for the program after the container is running, so the folder populates after the volume is already linked. This worked perfectly! There's a bit of weirdness if you leave the files in the volume and then try to restart the container, as it will overwrite most of the files, but things like logs and files not created by the installer will remain, so we'll have to figure out some process for managing that, but it works just like I need it to, and then I can use windows sharing to access that volume folder from anywhere on the network.
Here's how I got it working, it's actually very simple.
So in my dockerfile, I added a batch script that unzips the installation DVD that is copied to the container, and runs the installer after extracting. I then used the CMD option to run this on container start:
FROM microsoft/windowsservercore
ADD C:\\resources\\
ADD config.bat C:\\resources\\config.bat
CMD "C:\resources\config.bat" && cmd
Then I build the container without anything special:
docker build -t my_container:latest .
And run it with the attachment to the volume:
docker run -it -d -p 9999:9092 --mount source=my_volume,destination="C:/Program Files (x86)/{PROGRAM NAME}" my_container
And that's it. Unfortunately, the container takes a little longer to start (it does build faster though, for what that's worth, as it isn't running the installer in the build), and the program isn't installed/running for another 5 minutes or so after the container does start, but it works!
I can provide more details if anyone needs them, but most of the rest is implementation specific and fairly straightforward.
Try this with Docker composer. Unfortunately, I cannot test it as I'm using a Mac it's not a "supported platform" (way to go Windows). See if that works, if not try volume line like this instead - ./my_volume:C:/tmp/
FROM microsoft/windowsservercore
# need to ecape \
WORKDIR C:\\tmp\\
# Add the program from host machine to container
ADD ["<source>", "C:\tmp"]
# Normally used with web servers
# Running the program
CMD ["C:\tmp\program.exe", "any-parameter"]
Docker Composer
Should ideally be in the parent folder.
version: "3"
build: ./folder-of-Dockerfile
- type: bind
source: ./my_volume
target: C:/tmp/
- 9999:9092
Folder structure
Just run docker-composer up to build and start the container. Use -d for detach mode, should only use once you know its working properly.
Useful link Manage Windows Dockerfile

Docker: Run command while another command is running

I need to configure a program running in a docker container. To achieve that the program must be running (and provide an open port) so that the administration program can connect to the running process. Unfortunately there is no simple editable config file so this is the only way. The RUN command is obviously not the right one because it does not provide a running instance after docker went to the next command. The best way would be doing this while building the docker image but if it has to be done during container start it would be OK as well. But there is (as far as I know) also no easy way to run multiple commands on startup. Does anyone has an idea how to do that?
To make it a bit more clear, here is a simple example from my Dockerfile:
# this command should start the application which has to be configured
RUN /usr/local/server/
# I tried this command alternatively because the shell script is blocking
RUN nohup /usr/local/server/ &
# this is the command which starts an administration program which connects to the running instance started above
RUN /usr/local/administration/adm [some configuration parameters...]
# afterwards the server process can be stopped
Downloading the complete program directory containing the correct state could be a solution, too. But then the configuration cannot changed easily in the Dockerfile, what would be great.
A Dockerfile is supposed to be a sequential list of instructions to produce an image. The image should contain your application's code, and all of its installable dependencies.
Each RUN instruction gets executed as its own container. Once the command that you run completes, any changed files get committed as a new image layer.
Trying to run a process in the background, will cause the command you are running to return immediately. Once that happens, the container is considered stopped, and the Dockerfile's next instruction will be executed in a new separate container.
If you really need two processes running, you will need to produce a command that you can pass to a single RUN instruction.

Services in CentOS 7 Docker image without systemd

I'm trying to create a Docker container based on CentOS 7 that will host R, shiny-server, and rstudio-server, but to I need to have systemd in order for the services to start. I can use the systemd enabled centos image as a basis, but then I need to run the container in privileged mode and allow access to /sys/fs/cgroup on the host. I might be able to tolerate the less secure situation, but then I'm not able to share the container with users running Docker on Windows or Mac.
I found this question but it is 2 years old and doesn't seem to have any resolution.
Any tips or alternatives are appreciated.
Here's what I found: For shiny-server, I only needed to execute shiny-server with the appropriate parameters from the command line. I captured the appropriate call into a script file and call that using the final CMD line in my Dockerfile.
rstudio-server was more tricky. First, I needed to install initscripts to get the dependencies in place so that some of the rstudio scripts would work. After this, executing rstudio-server start would essentially do nothing and provide no error. I traced the call through the various links and found myself in /usr/lib/rstudio-server/bin/rstudio-server. The daemonCmd() function tests cat /proc/1/comm to determine how to start the server. For some reason it was failing, but looking at the script, it seems clear that it needs to execute /etc/init.d/rstudio-server start. If I do that manually or in a Docker CMD line, it seems to work.
I've taken those two CMD line requirements and put them into an sh script that gets called from a CMD line in the Dockerfile.
A bit of a hack, but not bad. I'm happy to hear any other suggestions.
You don't necessarily need to use an init system like systemd.
Essentially, you need to start multiple services, there are existing patterns for this. Check out this page about how to use supervisord to achieve the same thing:
