How to integrate xmpp with Openfire server in iOS app ? - ios

I want to make an chat app for iOS using xmpp and Openfire server. I have set up the server and currently running well, but I am not getting how to integrate the xmpp using Openfire?
I have also gone through some tutorial but in that tutorials they used a jabbered client.
Appreciate any help..

I found some thing like what that I need here


Apple Push Notification with XMPP Openfire

I have developed a ios chat application in Objective C, which communicates to Openfire as XMPP server. I would like to implement push notification in my app so that if the user closed/killed my application, still he could get the messages from other users (like whatsapp). By analyzing several tutorials from google, I have managed to implement push notification codes in my app and using some application like smart push, I could able to send the push notification. But still, this functionality should be implemented in the Openfire server. I have installed the below plugins in the Openfire server. But I have no idea how to access those plugins. Can someone guide me with this?
Plugin 1
Plugin 2
I was facing this problem too. But with callBackOnOffline plugin I solved this problem.
You can use this or this to solve this problem.
good luck.

Openfire Meeting iOS Implementation

I have set up openfire on my EC2 ubuntu server with openfire meetings installed.
Focus user, test users, group chat and ofmeet are configured using admin console http://myserver:9090/.
Multi users video conference is working properly on chrome browser using https://myserver:7443/ofmeet/?r=testroom.
Now i want to implement this in an iOS app and i have no idea where to start.I did look into some demo projects but still unable to figure it out.
Can someone please help with this? If anyone has worked with something like this please let me know. Thanks
Try the following jitsi projects
The Openfire Meetings plugin is an implementation that wraps various Jitsi projects (such as VideoBridge and Meet). To create a native client that works with Openfire Meetings, it is advisable to use the native client implementations as provided by the Jitsi project.
A good place to start are the React-Native based SDKs that are part of Jitsi Meet:

Enable BOSH services in XMPP IOS framework (XMPPFramework) to create chat based app

I have implemented Chat based application. I can able to do many functionality with library. It is very good library. But after some days my server side guys included bash services in server. My server side guys implementing xmpp using Strophe.js. And they are using following code to enable BOSH service while connecting.
new Strophe.Connection(BOSH_SERVICE);
Now they told me enable BASH service in IOS side also. Now I can not connect to that server.
How to include BOSH service in robbiehanson xmpp IOS library (
The iOS xmppFramework does not currently offer support for BOSH. Here's a confirmation:
But, your iOS client can still login to the server via the socket connection and your web client can use BOSH. That's your alternative and it should work well.
If you really want to create your own iOS BOSH implementation, look into XMPPTransports as a starting point.
Happy coding :)

How to transfer file using XMPP with openfire server in ios?

I need help to implement file transfer using openfire and xmpp.
You need to implement XMPP-0096. See documentation here

Realtime communication app backend

I am developing a desktop application which will communicate with an iOS app and transfer/receive data in realtime. What is the best way to do this? Should I use something like OpenFire as the backend server?
What about using Bonjour? This project on GitHub will help you a lot.
I am going with OpenFire. OpenFire has a lot of options starting from private messaging to conferencing to email notifications using plugins. Overall, it is more flexible than any of the other solutions out there.
