How to transfer file using XMPP with openfire server in ios? - ios

I need help to implement file transfer using openfire and xmpp.

You need to implement XMPP-0096. See documentation here


How to add custom fields to Roster in XMPPFramework in iOS and Openfire?

We are using XMPPFramework in iOS and using Openfire on the server side. So far we are able to connect to server and implement one to one chat.
Now we want to add new properties to Roster in iOS as well as on server.
For example,
Is that possible? If possible how?
I tried checking but nothing came out regarding this on the internet.
Thanks in advance.

How to integrate xmpp with Openfire server in iOS app ?

I want to make an chat app for iOS using xmpp and Openfire server. I have set up the server and currently running well, but I am not getting how to integrate the xmpp using Openfire?
I have also gone through some tutorial but in that tutorials they used a jabbered client.
Appreciate any help..
I found some thing like what that I need here

How to achieve file sharing through xmpp in ios

I am working on a chat application through xmpp i have done one to one and MultiUser Chat. So please tell me how to do file sharing in XMPP.

messageUI.framework useful in sending pictures?

Can one use messageUI.framework in swift to send photos to someone the way snapchat does? I've done it using parse, but looking for a different way.
You can not use messageUI.framework for sending the photos.
if you want snapchat functionality you should use XMPP.
This is iOS framework for XMPP also, you should require XMPP server
For XMPP server please, check openfire and ejabberd

Image Sharing using XMPP framework in iOS

I was looking for image sharing using XMPP framework. The little research I have done, describes that first I need to upload that image to the server and the corresponding link for that image will be received which can be later used to sent the image in the form of link to the XMPP server. Any other way out other than this in which I can directly sent the image to the XMPP server will be helpful.
You can use XEP-0096 (XMPPSIFileTransfer) and XEP-0065(TURNSocket) together to achieve the file transfer.
