Best way to store a single instance of RLMObject - ios

I'm currently developing an iOS app with Realm as the backend data storage. I have a class that is an RLMObject for the user profile. It stores their name, profile picture, stats, etc.
There should only always be one of these objects, however I know implementing a singleton pattern is usually a bad idea. Currently I have it implemented as
//AppDelegate.swift, applicationDidFinishLaunching
//If there's no user profiles yet (first time launch), create one
if UserProfile.allObjects().count == 0 {
let realm = RLMRealm.defaultRealm()
try! realm.transactionWithBlock() {
//Get the first UserProfile
var userProfile: UserProfile? {
get {
return UserProfile.allObjects().objectAtIndex(0) as? UserProfile
Is there a better way to keep track of a single instance of this class?

Your code sample uses a computed property, which will fetch the object from the Realm each time you access it.
Instead, try using a lazy var property:
lazy var userProfile: UserProfile? = {
return UserProfile.allObjects().objectAtIndex(0) as? UserProfile
This type of property will load the object from the Realm only the first time it is accessed. All subsequent accesses will be directly to the object.
Note that, since UserProfile is a Realm object, its fields will automatically update in response to changes made to the underlying object in the Realm. Likewise, any changes you wish to make will need to be wrapped within a Realm write transaction.
In terms of your overall architecture, there is nothing wrong with storing a single instance of an object type in a Realm similar to what you are doing. You may want to give your UserProfile object a hardcoded constant primary key, then use the 'add or update' version of the update API (see This will allow you to avoid having to explicitly create a new object.


Is there a way to access properties of an x-coredata:// object returned from an NSFetchRequest?

TL;DR: Is there a way to programmatically read/recall (NOT write!) an instance of a Core Data entity using the p-numbered "serial number" that's tacked on to the instance's x-coredata:// identifier? Is this a good/bad idea?
I'm using a method similar to the following to retrieve the instances of an Entity called from a Core Data data store:
var managedContext: NSManagedObjectContext!
let fetchRequest : NSFetchRequest<TrackInfo> = TrackInfo.fetchRequest()
fetchResults = try! managedContext.fetch(fetchRequest)
for (i, _) in Global.Vars.numberOfTrackButtons! {
let workingTrackInfo = fetchResults.randomElement()!
print("current track is: \(workingTrackInfo)")
The list of tracks comes back in fetchResults as an array, and I can select one of them at random (fetchResults.randomElement()). From there, I can examine the details of that one item by coercing it to a string and displaying it in the console (the print statement). I don't list the code below, but using workingTrackInfo I am able to see that instance, read its properties into other variables, etc.
In the console, iOS/Xcode lists the selected item as follows:
current track is: <MyProjectName.TrackInfo: 0x60000374c2d0> (entity:
TrackInfo; id: 0xa7dc809ab862d89d
data: <fault>)
The line beginning with x-coredata: got my attention. It's formatted like a URL, consisting of what I assume is a UUID for the specific Core Data store associated with the current build of the app (i.e. not a stable address that you could hardcode; you'd need to programmatically look up the Core Data store, similar to the functions we use for programmatically locating the Documents Folder, App Bundle, etc.) The third item is the name of the Entity in my Core Data model -- easy enough.
But that last number is what I'm curious about. From examining the SQLite database associated with this data store, it appears to be a sort of "instance serial number" associated with the Z_PK field in the data model.
I AM NOT interested in trying to circumvent Core Data's normal mechanisms to modify the contents of a managed object. Apple is very clear about that being a bad idea.
What I AM interested in is whether it's possible to address a particular Core Data instance using this "serial number".**
In my application, where I'm randomly selecting one track out of what might be hundreds or even thousands of tracks, I'd be interested in, among other things, the ability to select a single track on the basis of that p-number serial, where I simply ask for an individual instance by generating a random p-number, tack it on to a x-coredata:// statement formatted like the one listed above, and loading the result (on a read-only basis!) into a variable for further use elsewhere in the app.
For testing purposes, I've tried simply hardcoding x-coredata://2B5DDCDB-0F2C-4CDF-A7B9-D4C43785FDE7/TrackInfo/p22 as a URL, but XCode doesn't seem to like it. Is there some other data Type (e.g. an NSManagedObject?) that allows you to set an x-coredata:// "URL" as its contents?
QUESTIONS: Has anyone done anything like this; are there any memory/threading considerations why grabbing instance names in this manner is a bad idea (I'm an iOS/Core Data noob, so I don't know what I don't know; please humor me!); what would the syntax/method for these types of statements be?
You are quite close.
is the uriRepresentation() of the NSManagedObjectID of the record.
You get this URL from an NSManagedObject with
let workingTrackInfo = fetchResults.randomElement()!
let objectIDURL = workingTrackInfo.objectID.uriRepresentation()
With this URL you can get the managed Object ID from the NSPersistentStoreCoordinator and the coordinator from the managed object context.
Then call object(with: on the context to get the object.
let persistentStoreCoordinator = managedContext.persistentStoreCoordinator!
if let objectID = persistentStoreCoordinator.managedObjectID(forURIRepresentation: objectIDURL) {
let object = managedContext.object(with: objectID) as! TrackInfo

Realm doesn't always return an object for its primary key from the cloud, although it does exist there

I am quite new to Realm and now I'm facing the issue, mentioned in the title. Basically, one of my Realms is a User class (this is different from Users that is created when new users log in) in Realm Cloud. The class has a userId property, which is set as its primary key. Now, I try to fetch users for a particular primary key with the following line:
let user = realm?.object(ofType: User.self, forPrimaryKey: "f677ca48b17bc7b90a886dd5d50148c1")
I do see that there is a user in the cloud with this primary key, but he is not always returned. I mean, say, if I run the same code 10 times, I will get the user only 4 times out of 10 (roughly). The above code is run from a method, which is always called when the controller is on screen. Also, there is no condition checking in the method for that part of code, so it is always called when the method is called.
I've also checked the realm property and it is not nil, so I don't quite understand why this happens.
The same happens when I try to get the current user by the line:
currentUser = realm?.object(ofType: User.self, forPrimaryKey: SyncUser.current?.identity)
The identity value is not nil (I print it before calling the code).
Here is how the User looks like:
class User: Object {
#objc dynamic var userId: String = ""
#objc dynamic var name: String = ""
override static func primaryKey() -> String? {
return "userId"
Maybe, I am missing something or that is a problem/bug on the cloud side, I don't know. If you've encountered such an issue and/or know what could cause it, I would greatly appreciate your help. Thanks in advance.
This is caused because of the race condition that could pops up when you try to access a reference that is not on the main thread & being worked on by other thread .
therefore it will return nil each most of the time when you try to call it from the main thread because Realm had no chance to write or read from yet as you are accessing it directly .
What to do:
Make sure that your properties in the User object are marked with dynamic .
properties of your Object subclasses need to be declared with the dynamic modifier to allow Realm to override the getter and setter of the property.
Without this the Swift compiler will access the object's instance
variable directly, which doesn't provide any opportunity for Realm to
read or write data from the Realm file.
Also please read this answer .

Accessing all class property values dynamically

So basically what I'm trying to do is list all properties of an object in a tableview in a key = value format.
But I want this to be independent of future changes to the object, so that if a new property is added later, no changes will be needed to my code.
So far I can access the properties via Mirror, but I run into problems when I'm trying to access the properties via value(forKey:), even though the class is inheriting NSObject it crashes with:
this class is not key value coding-compliant for the key
Some properties work while others don't, which I'm guessing is down to some of them being private and others #objc variables?
So is there any way to pre-validate that a key (property) can be accessed via value(forKey:) - so it doesn't end in a crash, so I if nothing else can show the values of the accessable properties?
Better yet, is there another way of accessing all properties and values of a given object in a dynamic way? (handling later additions of properties)
Code snippet:
let properties = Mirror(reflecting: currentUser).children.compactMap { $0.label }
if properties.count > 0 {
for property in properties {
if let test = currentUser[property] {
newData.append( (name: property, value: currentUser.value( forKey: property ).debugDescription) )
What you might be able to do is make your object conform to Encodable. That way, you could simply convert it into JSON (or some other format), then make your table view dynamically pull out all the keys and values from the JSON.
As long as any future changes to the object don’t break Encodable compliance, the table view will still be able to parse whatever JSON it receives.

What happens to local variables storing references to deleted NSManagedObjects

When I delete an NSMangedObject from the database, what happens to local variables who were assigned to it?
For example, I have a simple NSManagedObject:
class MyManagedObject: NSManagedObject {
#NSManaged var name: String
And then in my ViewController, I pull it out of the database, and assign it locally:
class ViewController: UIViewController {
var myManagedObject: MyManagedObject!
Then I delete it from the database.
If print the object name I get the following in the console
print(" = \(")
//prints: " = "
As if the object isn't there? But if I turn the variable into an optional and check it for nil, I am told it's not nil.
I'm not quite sure how to reconcile this in my mind. There seems to be something pointing to the local variable, but its properties are gone.
If I have many disparate UI objects that rely on that object for its properties, I can't assume that there is some local deep copy of it in memory?
Here is more complete code:
In viewDidLoad I create the new object, save the context, fetch the object, then assign it locally.
class ViewController: UIViewController {
var myManagedObject: MyManagedObject!
override func viewDidLoad() {
//1 Create the new object
let newObject = NSEntityDescription.insertNewObject(forEntityName: "MyManagedObject", into: coreDataManager.mainContext) as! MyManagedObject = "My First Managed Object"
//2 Save it into the context
do {
} catch {
//handle error
//3 Fetch it from the database
let request = NSFetchRequest<MyManagedObject>(entityName: "MyManagedObject")
do {
let saved = try coreDataManager.mainContext.fetch(request)
//4 Store it in a local variable
self.myManagedObject = saved.first
} catch {
//handle errors
At this point if I print the local variable's name property, I get the correct response:
print("The object's name is: \(")
//prints: The object's name is: My First Managed Object
So, now I delete it from the database:
if let storedObject = myManagedObject {
do {
} catch {
//handle error
But now, when I print I get the strangest output:
print(" = \(")
//prints: " = "
This is totally not the way I'm expecting memory to work. If I create a instance of a class Foo, and then pass that instance around to different objects, it's the same instance. It only goes away once no one is pointing to it.
In this case--- what is the variable, myManagedObject? It's not nil. And what is the string, name? Is it an empty string? Or is it some other weird meta-type?
The main thing what you are probably looking here for is the core data context. The context is a connection between your memory and the actual database.
Whenever you fetch the data you fetch it through context. These are managed objects which can be modified or even deleted. Still none of these really happen on the database until you save the context.
When you delete an object it is marked for deletion but it is not deleted from the memory, it must not be since if nothing else it will still be used by the context to actually delete the object from the database itself.
What happens to the managed object once you call to delete it is pretty much irrelevant, even if documented it may change as it is a part of the framework. So it is your responsibility to check these cases and to refetch the objects once needed. So you must ensure your application has a proper architecture and uses core data responsibly.
There are very many ways on how you use your database and more or less any of them has a unique way of using it optimally. You need to be more specific on what you are doing and where do you see potential issues so we can get you on the right track.
To give you an example consider data synchronization from remote server. Here you expect that data can be synchronized at any time no matter what user is doing or what part of the application he is.
For this I suggest you have a single context which operates on a separate thread. All the managed objects should be wrapped and its properties copied once retrieved from database. On most entities you would have something like:
MyEntity.findAll { items in
...the fetch happens on context thread and returns to main, items are wrappers
MyEntity.find(id: idString, { item in
...the fetch happens on context thread and returns to main, items are wrappers
Then since you do not have any access to the managed object directly you need some kind of method to copy the data to the managed object like:
myEntityInstance.commit() // Copies all the data to core data object. The operation is done on a context thread. A callback is usually not needed
And then to save the database
MyEntity.saveDatabse {
... save happens on the context thread and callback is called on main thread
Now the smart part is that saveDatabse method will report to a delegate that changes have been made. A delegate is usually the current view controller so it makes sense to have a superclass like DataBaseViewController which on view did appear assigns itself as a delegate MyEntity.delegate = self, on view did load calls some method reloadData and in the databaseDidChange delegate method calls reloadData and same in viewWillAppear.
Now each of your view controllers that are subclass of DataBaseViewController will override the reloadData and in that method you will fetch the data from the database again. Either you are fetching all items or a single one. So for those singe ones you need to save the id of the object and fetch it again by that id. If the returned object is nil then item was deleted so you catch the issue you seem to be mentioning.
All of these things are oversimplified but I hope you get a basic idea about core data and how to use it. It is not easy, it never was and it most likely never will be. It is designed for speed to be able to access the data even from a very large database in shortest time possible. The result is that it might not be very safe.

Persists One RLMObject

In my app I have a CustomUser which inherits from RLMObject.
I am wondering how do I store 1 object only for this CustomUser object?
func saveUser() {
let realm = RLMRealm.defaultRealm()
This code will write an additional object to the database everytime it runs. Resulting in many objects in database after the code is run multiple times.
Any thoughts please?
The simplest way would be to query Realm to check if there are any previously saved objects before going ahead and adding a new one.
func saveUser() {
let realm = RLMRealm.defaultRealm()
if CustomUser.allObjects().count > 0 {
On a more advanced note, if you want to reference your single CustomUser object explicitly, you can use Realm's primary key feature to directly query for that specific object. There's more information on Realm's website on how to set up classes to use primary keys (In the Objective-C section, since it looks like you're using the Objective-C bridged version).
Good luck!
