I have an RCP product with a view. In the view, i want to show all the jenkins builds configured and should be able to download builds, view logs, trigger builds. is there any API available?
A quick search yielded the following result Jenkins Remote API. The sample code section has some details. Hope this helps
We have TFS 2017 installed on our server and JMeter performance tests which i want to run through non-gui mode on TFS build agent.
I can't find way how to publish jmeter results to TFS?
There is no approved plugin for JMeter (at least none I could find) that incorporate your results into VSTS test results. You would need to dump your JMeter results locally, add a task that captures the output and puts it with the $(build.artifactstagingdirectory) path. You will then need to make sure that your final task is a Publish Build Artifacts. This will ensure that your JMeter results will get published as artifacts as part of the build.
Now the fun part, you obviously want to view the results so you are left with two options. The first is to create a web app that contacts VSTS via the API, pulls the JMeter artifact and displays the results as desired. There may actually be
Last option is to create a hub page for VSTS. This could query the build, get the JMeter artifacts and render them as desired.
These are the best options I could find for you at present. You can always request such a feature in the VSTS User Voice Forum.
There is not any build-in tool to integrate the JMeter with TFS for now.
You can have a try for Cloud-based Apache JMeter Load Test task. However it's cloud based, and need Visual Studio Team Services account.
There are detailed reports and analysis tool when using could based jmeter test such as this tutorial.
Please reference this article for detail steps : Running Apache JMeter based load tests in the cloud – how to
In your case, the simplest way is as virusstorm suggested using custom extensions to catch your test results and publish test results. If you are not familiar with this area, there are detail tutorials here. Moreover you could also ask help of some ALM company and team.
I am using Jenkins as CI for github project build. When a developer commit a changes that job will be triggered. I am using Pipeline view for viewing the build status. How can I put the developer github account name on the job view?
Use Delivery Pipeline View Plugin to get the nice view and also various details like triggered cause, commit messages and etc.
I need to get the results of my jenkins builds on my website. I already set up jenkins that when someone pushes on my repository the project will be build. Now I need the information if the build failed on my homepage, to enable/disable the download button. Theres the next question is it possible to get the latest build through jenkins?
I already found HTML Publisher Plugin but I dont think that this would solve my problem?
Best regards
The way this is traditionally done is with a build passing or failing icon, that lets users know that a build failed
I've set up a multi-branch pipeline in Jenkins which performs a SonarQube analysis using the withSonarQubeEnv() step and the sonar:sonar Maven goal.
This works fine, and the analysis results do show up in SonarQube.
What I'm missing (compared to the traditional non-pipeline Jenkins integration) is a clickable link on the Jenkins build page which will open the analysis results in SonarQube.
There is a small SonarQube icon next to every build in the left panel, but this icon is not clickable.
Is there any configuration switch that will produce a clickable link, or is this simply a missing feature?
As far as I know Once the job is complete, the plugin will detect that a SonarQube analysis was made during the build and display a badge and a widget on the job page with a link to the SonarQube dashboard as well as quality gate status.
Please refer this and verify your configurations.
If this is happening to you, verify that the test is actually running if not, verify your configuration.
You are probably looking for the SonarQube link on the build job page (for example job/foo/1/). However the link is on the project pate (that is job/foo). There you will find one link on the menu to the left and a SonarQube Quality Gate widget in the bottom center.
In TFS while we fire a build. the build log is generated with all the details. like testcases result, code analysis etc...
How do I add some more details in build log? Which API need to be used to edit build log from custom activity?
Please provide me some article links if possible.